Image by Bessi from,
Grabbed you with that title didn’t I? It might sound silly but for years people have literally pondered whether a human could come back as a plant of animal. Let’s see what might be possible …
Can we as humans re-incarnate into a tree?
No. But trees have their own process and reality.
I’ve been filming people under deep hypnosis for a decade and have been examining people’s stories from other hypnosis sessions. (The thousands from Dr. Helen Wambach and Michael Newton). No one claims to be able to reincarnate as an animal, let alone a tree. I’d report it if it was the case, but they say (consistently) that we incarnate as humans because we can. We don’t cross pollinate into other species, because then we’d be taking the lifetime of someone who has already mapped that out in their own journey – in other words, if you wanted to incarnate as a cat, you’d have to get everyone’s permission to do that – the people who were depending upon you to come back as their friend/mother/father in the next lifetime, and then all the animals that would interact with that cat would have to agree – as well as the cat who had already planned to participate in that lifetime that you’re asking them to not participate in. The point is – that it’s technically possible,but there’s a lot of reasons why it’s not a good idea.
We tend to think of incarnation as an isolated incident. According to the research it is not.
In the research Michael Newton did, he observed that animals of the sea, earth and sky tend to choose lifetimes within those realms, so a guppy might be a whale, a hummingbird might be an eagle, etc. I’ve filmed interviews with people who claim that they’ve known their pets or animals across many lifetimes.
But I’ve also examined something to do with the consciousness of trees. I haven’t written about it extensively, there’s an interview with a fellow who accesses a form of sentience that can only be described as “the planet” in “Hacking the Afterlife.” In it he talks about everything that’s alive having its own form of sentience, and that we don’t consider many things “alive” that actually are sentient.
Based on those reports, I’ve done some interviews with “trees” while someone is “under deep hypnosis,” or “fully conscious but recalling a near death event.” When a person is either under hypnosis, or recalling some event where they were in “the afterlife” sometimes they speak of being “in a forest” or some place that is surrounded by trees. On a whim I asked them to go up and hug one of the trees they saw, and then asked about the tree itself.
Since we’re talking about an energy that is radiating at a frequency (one could argue that these images or “tree” is only in their mind, but having already established that “mind” is not related to “brain” but is related do “all of one’s lifetimes” – then accessing a “tree” or whatever energy that makes up the tree, would be something worth asking questions to) but in my research, I ask questions that come to mind, and then sort out why I did that later.
And by “asking questions” I mean I’ve done it dozens of times. You’d think that based on a person’s prejudices, or perspective on how things work, they would respond to my questions about the tree based on those concepts. “Can you go over and hug that tree?” “No! I can’t hug a tree that I’m imagining!” But instead I always get “Yes.” “What’s the tree feel like?” “Rough outside” (or smooth) but “I feel an energy within,” I ask if they can “put their hand through the tree” – because after all, it’s an energetic construct – no reason why in their mind’s eye they could not. And then… it gets interesting.
“Do you sense anyone or thing associated with this tree?” “Yes.” “Who are we speaking to, if we can ask?” And I begin to get answers. Again, the people I’m talking to are NOT under hypnosis – I’ve walked them into a memory (usually a healing place after the memory of a previous lifetime) and they are suddenly saying “Well, there’s a person here. It’s predominantly male (or female) and they do have something they want to tell you.” And then I ask questions – whatever comes to mind. “How can we help the planet? How can we help you? Describe the process whereby you incarnate in a tree? Can we access you while we are on the planet, or is it limited to back here?”
I’ve had some pretty unusual answers, and it will be a chapter or two in an upcoming book. (Look, I know how odd it sounds. But every response I get is odd – so why not ask?) If people were “making up the replies” (a logical assumption) then they would make up replies based on their own perspective of what or who the tree might be in their imagination. BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENS.
People can and do say things that are “new information” – they say things like “we trees are repositories of information.” “The history of the planet lives in our roots” or “we’ve seen humans from the perspective of an infestation, or bugs that crawl over us” “We create oxygen for you to breathe, it’s confusing as to why you’d want to kill what allows you to live” and “Humans used to interact more with trees. They just can’t any more.”
None of the people giving these responses were “tree huggers” “hippies” or “tree lovers” by any stretch of that concept. Just average folks who had an odd near death event, or some other experience that allowed me to use it to access the flipside.
So the answer to your question is – “Yes, it’s possible for us to move our consciousness into any living object, but as to trees, humans do not have the patience nor overview that would allow them to do that. And trees,likewise, wouldn’t be interested in moving into a human lifetime, because it’s so simple and object based.”
I filmed an interview with a fellow that I met in a redwood forest who had his hand on a tree and looked like he was praying. I whipped out my video camera and said “Can I ask what you’re doing?” He said “I’m listening.” I said “I’ve been talking to people who talk to trees – if you can hear this tree, what is the tree saying?” He went on to describe the tree’s point of view. Then I asked if he ’d ever encountered a tree that was angry, or upset?
He said he had once – in a grove in Long Island. He was walking around and found this grove, and got this strong angry feeling from the tree he was near, so he asked what the problem was. The tree told him to “go and look” and directed him a few dozen yards away, where humans had put their trash and chemicals in pile near their roots. As this fellow pointed out to me, he had never been there before, did not know there was a dump there, and had been directed to look at it by someone he had never seen or heard from before.
It doesn’t prove that trees are sentient, but the point is – why don’t we just act like they are? They do give us life, so why not treat them as if they do?
Richard Martini