The Carpenter As A Symbol

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By The Carpenter

Metaphorically, and Symbolically, The Architect is a reference to The Grand Architect…the Designer of all that is…Divinity. And just as Divinity is the Grand Architect of all that is, it is also the Designer of all that is encompassed within all that is. This includes The Temple, our Temple, within which we do the Inner Work which elevates us to the highest planes of Truth and Wisdom, and ultimately prepares us for Ascension to a much higher spiritual realm.

And although the Grand Plan, or blueprint, for our Temple has been designed for us in the spiritual plane by the Grand Architect Himself, it still requires a special craftsman to help us with its construction here on the physical plane. This special craftsman is the Carpenter.

When we study ancient lore we find at least two references to this special craftsman called a Carpenter. The first, and most familiar one, is that of the Gnostic, and Biblical, Christ. The second reference to a Carpenter comes to us from Ancient Egypt and is much less known.

During antiquity, a tomb was erected to an individual who carried the title of Carpenter. As a carpenter was a menial tradesman in ancient times, there is confusion as to why a royal tomb would be constructed to honor a person with the designation of "carpenter"; as tombs were only erected to honor, and memorialize, those who occupied the highest level of society.

This reference, in particular, begs us to question the true meaning of the word, or Symbol, which scholars have translated as "carpenter" from ancient texts.

It is very probable that the Symbol, or Word, which scholars refer to as "carpenter" is either mis-translated, mis-interpreted, or mis- understood as to its original meaning and intent. If this is so, then the Symbol which has been translated as "carpenter" must have a much higher, and noble, meaning.

Spiritual texts refer to our bodies as Temples. More specifically, our bodies are the Temple where the Holy Spirit, the Spark of Divinity, resides.

All Temple work, such as referred to in the Temple of Solomon, is Inner Work. And as this Inner Work is of the highest and most noble purpose, the construction of the Temple in which this Inner Work occurs must be carried out with the utmost care, patience and intent. This requires the skill, attention, and Insight of a Master Craftsman…a Master Carpenter.

The Master Carpenter, therefore, is a Spiritual Mentor who helps us meticulously build, reconstruct and alter the Thoughts, Lessons and philosophies which are the building materials of our Inner Temple.

These additions and alterations which are constantly "under construction" within our Inner Temple must all be done in Harmony with the Master Blueprint provided by the Grand Architect.

Should a metaphorical block, stone, window, altar, portico, or piece of woodwork not conform with the Grand Design, the Master Carpenter has the ability, and authority, to either change or replace them.

Throughout Time, the Master Carpenter has been called by many different names: Master Mason, Master Builder, High Priest or Priestess, Master Teacher and Shaman. But regardless of their titles, these Master Craftsmen have always made their knowledge and Wisdom available to their apprentice Carpenters; to those of us who
have the sole responsibility for constructing our own Inner Temple in accordance with our Divine Nature and Cosmic Harmony.

When we look at the design and construction of our Inner Temple in this light we come to realize that we are the ultimate creators of our personal Inner Temple. We alone choose our building blocks and materials – the Thoughts, Words, and Actions – which go into it.

Through patience and Self-Initiation we methodically construct our Inner Temple. And as we are the sole builders of our Inner Temple, this makes us not only the Carpenter, but also eventually, the Master Carpenter of our Current Incarnation.

Joe Panek