The Case Of The Teacher Who Wouldn’t Retire

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By Skywriter

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THIS CASE INVOLVES WHAT IS KNOWN IN PARANORMAL CIRCLES AS A “RESTORED SCENE.” it IS KNOWN IN LAYMAN’S TERMS AS A TIME WARP INCIDENT. The chart data for this case file is October 3, 1963, 8:50 am cst, 40n48 96w40, GEOCENTRIC tropical koch true node. all identiites have been witheld for reasons of privacy.


On a brisk October morning in 1963, a young woman who was secretary to the Dean of a local college, walked into the front office connected to one of the professor’s suites to deliver a message.  After taking a few steps into the room, she was stopped dead in her tracks by an intensely musty foul odor.  She became immediately aware that the room was unnervingly “silent.” Seemingly out of nowhere, a tall dark-haired woman in a long dress stood before her and raised her arm towards an old music cabinet. She then “faded” away as the young secretary stood in awe. If this wasn’t enough of a fright, when the secretary looked out of the office window, it appeared that the campus had reverted to a scene from the early 1900’s! Quite shaken, the secretary ran from the room and confronted the Dean with her experience.


With the help of the Social Sciences Chairman who had been on the faculty since the early 1900’s, and through perusal of old yearbooks, the apparition was identified as a music teacher whose tenure at the college lasted from 1912-1936. Apparently, she was a very dedicated woman because she died in the very office where her apparition was seen, shortly before 9:00 am in 1936. What cosmic energies might have been at “re-play” in this haunting scenario? 


In the 1963 Event Chart, the first item to note is that the “restored scene” took place on the day of a Full Moon a time when the energies are opened up for the paranormal. Of the three occult/inter-dimensional houses the 4th, 8th and 12th, there was activity being generated from the 4th (the end of the matter/death) and the 12th (spirits and psychic experiences and disturbances). The Ascendant was at 7º Scorpio 22’ and the angles of the chart were all in Fixed signs. This indicates that the matter was connected to the dead (Scorpio) and would resist any external forces “showing” itself exactly the way it wanted to be seen. Uranus in Virgo in the 10th house exactly sextiles the Ascendant and trines the 7th house cusp indicating an opportunity for an opening up of psychic communication.


The Fixed Star Erakis is conjunct the Moon indicating energy whereby one would be “exposed to a severe trial” and this certainly describes the experience of the secretary. The Moon is seated in the 6th house (the workplace) and is exactly conjunct a retrograde Jupiter both in the sign of Aries (quick paced spiritual endeavors). In Esoteric forensics, the Moon rules ghosts and apparitions along with the planet Neptune. The Moon, the “ruler of the past”, makes an applying opposition (awareness) to Venus (females) in the 12th house so it is established that the “entity” is a “woman.” The Moon also makes an applying sextile (opportunity) to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius in the 4th house and a quincunx (off timing) to a Mars/Neptune conjunction in Scorpio in the 1st house. In addition, Saturn, the “ruler of time”, is in a separating square to the Mars/Neptune conjunction (difficulties connected to dissipating boundaries) and in an applying trine to Venus (ease in the opening of the structure of time and space). These aspects indicate that the secretary was “prey” to psychic influences (Moon/Saturn to Mars/Neptune), the viewing of the materialization (Moon/Saturn to Venus), and the inter-dimensional time warp (Saturn/Venus; 4th and 12th houses; Saturn to Neptune). The 4th house also rules private offices. As the Moon makes the sextile from the 6th house to Saturn in the 4th house a “private office in the workplace” is indicated and as stated previously, the secretary’s experience took place in the front office of the professor’s suite. Saturn rules “foul” odors and from its position in the 4th house, the “deathly silence.”


On a lighter note, it is interesting that the Sabian Symbol for Saturn at 17º Aquarius is “A watchdog standing guard.” It is indicative of one who stands and protects the inviolability of his/her experience.  It would seem that the music teacher certainly had that in mind when she “appeared” to the secretary! 


Rehash of the background of the secretary’s ghostly experience was extracted from Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places by Brad Steiger. Astrological analysis courtesy of STAR LOGIC ASTRODYNAMIICS.