The Celestial Word – Sri Paul Twitchell

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

          The Celestial Word – Sri Paul Twitchell

   All was well this night with the seeker until the wind began to blow. He had finished his contemplation and talked with the Master. His life was in order as always, until the wind blew this night.

   Yes, all was well, until this night when he stood by the dark, flowing river in a world where a burning star made a strange light over the hills and valleys and gleamed beautifully on the water. It was then in the darkness from beyond the far shores he heard, for the first time, the sound of the wind. It was a low sound, deep and humming, and seemingly part of the darkness.

   He raised his head and listened. He left off everything and stood there listening, and soon everything else was gone; his thoughts, his life, the starlit world; all gone and lost — and that was all there was, the darkness and the sound.

   He turned to Rebazar Tarzs under the tree. “What is that strange sound like the wind, O Master? What might it be?”

   “What you hear is thine own true self, my son,” the Sat Guru replied pointing.

   “There is no wind. Look you yonder at the river and see there is no disturbance of the water!”

   The seeker shook his head. “Strange, I believe that it is the wind. But it is a haunting melody which comes from the worlds beyond, a formless sound which cannot be fitted into any pattern. It makes me desire God.”

   “Tell me more of thine own feelings,” the Master smiled. “What do you hear?”

   “I am not sure what I hear. I listen and a wind hums, and the humming seems a thing of my own body and brain. But then it changes. It is outside me. It flows into me from the night over the city, the night over the land. It comes from some far off distance, across the sea, a continent…”

   The Tibetan laughed. “Yea, and from the worlds beyond. What you hear is the Voice of God — the celestial Word which is that mighty spiritual current flowing forever out of the Throne of God to sustain the worlds of Cosmic creation.

   “All men can hear It if they stop and listen. Only some more clearly than others. That is why you hear tonight — because thy spiritual ears are open. That is why you stand there listening to the Voice of God speaking from His great Throne in the far beyond. He is calling for thy Soul to return to Its true Home. And thy Soul has heard and is yearning to go.

   “The Voice of God is that sound current within the cosmic body of the Lord, and within thy own body. Sometimes It is known as the five melodies, or by many names by various religions. St. John spoke of It in the Holy Bible.

   “The Voice of God is man’s divine link with the Almighty Sugmad. Until you understand that the unceasing internal melody within thyself is the path over which you travel to reach the Eternal Home, then you will struggle in vain.

   “It is the true spiritual current and is like the great river yonder; for if you try to divert it one way, then it flows another. Stop it and its wastes will overflow the banks. So it is better to open the spiritual ears and listen to the Music of the Seven Spheres as It flows through thee. Open thyself, they heart and Soul to It, unafraid and gladly.

   “So I tell you, that it is necessary to have both the Light and Sound in the spiritual life. The Light is for the traveling Soul to see the pitfalls and obstructions on Its journey to God, and the Sound is for the Soul to follow the path back to the Throne of the King of Kings. So you must make contact with both aspects of the Word within thyself, and this is provided by God, and unfolded by the true Godman, for the Soul to travel along with the Sound step by step into the land of pure, eternal bliss.

   “Once you have gained contact through ECK with the divine link, the Word of God, thy Soul is literally pulled out of Its clay temple toward the Heaven of Heavens from which It came, with such force that the world in which you now live is unreal and uninteresting.”

   The seeker’s eyes strained into the dark sky, staring at the brilliant star, at the darkness beyond the star. The star was white, pure and eternal, a bright beacon burning into the night.

   He leaned across the river’s edge. The haunting Sound beat at him, pulled at him. He seemed no longer to be standing on the earth, but suspended in space. He stretched out his hand across the water — across the hills toward the burning star.

   “If you have faith, ” said the Traveler’s voice, “If thy heart is ready, then you can follow the Voice of God back to the true Home! You can travel back again via the path of Eckankar!”

   The seeker’s brain reeled; the night, the star and the world reeled around him. He started falling into a deep, dark gulf where darkness was blacker and deeper. He was falling, reaching out, groping for a hand, grasping at the Guru. The burning star was before him…the roaring Sound in his head, and he knew this was the Voice of God! This was Eckankar!

From the book Stranger By The River – Paul Twitchell © 2011 Eckankar