Chakras And Botanicals

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By Morgana

Using Flowers to Enhance Chakra Energy Flow …

“…I feel very strongly there is an intelligence at work in every flower, in every blade of grass, in every cell of my body.” ~ Eckart Tolle

As you walk through a garden or floral shop, which flowers usually catch your eye? The red roses? The white lilies? The soft lavender? With their simple presence, flowers have a mystical way of raising our spirits as well as the vibrational energy of any room. Subconsciously, we tend to draw toward the flowers that most closely match our desired state of being.

Each flower has a unique color and essence that vibrationally corresponds with one or more of the seven chakras in our body. Meditating upon a particular flower, therefore, can help us open and align any chakras that may need healing.

According to the philosophy of yoga, there are seven main chakras, or vortexes, that move life force energy (prana) through our bodies. They are the meeting points of consciousness and matter. Each chakra is vibrating at a different frequency and responds to similar vibrations of light (color). In fact, chakras are often visualized as lotuses or flowers.

If you are feeling a block in your emotions, plant or buy some beautiful flowers that match the vibration of the corresponding chakra. Place the flowers in a pot or vase where you can see them often. You can also use a photo or painting of that flower. As you gaze upon the flower, ponder the qualities you’d like to develop. For example, if you’re lacking in willpower, you may have solar plexus (yellow) chakra blockages. Bring in beautiful black-eyed Susans and focus on the quality of mental strength.

Root Chakra

Also known as muladhara, the root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It includes the first three vertebrae, the bladder and the colon. Essentially, it is the ‘survival’ chakra that carries the energies of stability, security, groundedness and your deepest emotions regarding your physical body. It is represented by the color red, the slowest of all wavelengths in the visible spectrum, but also the most physically stimulating. If your root chakra is feeling blocked —  if you are feeling unstable, insecure or fearful — you may want to plant or buy some bold red roses, hibiscus or poinsettias.

Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, or svadhisthana, is located between the pubic bone and navel and encompasses the genital and urinary systems. It is responsible for creative expression, manifestation, and issues of control and sex. It matches the vibrational frequency of orange and is represented by the tiger lily, hibiscus, marigold and bird of paradise. Writer’s block? Having control issues? Meditate on one of these flowers and dwell on the qualities of creativity or ‘letting go.’

Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra, or manipura, is located between the navel and the breastbone. It is associated with intellect, self-esteem, self-confidence and willpower. It is linked to the color yellow and is symbolized by black-eyed Susan, dandelions, daffodils, honeysuckle and chamomile. When you are lacking in willpower or confidence, meditate on one of these flowers and focus on the qualities of assertiveness and confidence.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, or anahata, is the fourth and central chakra; it is the bridge between the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit —  the meeting point of body and spirit. It includes the entire circulatory and immune systems. As its name suggests, it is the chakra of love, compassion and generosity. This includes love for others, ourselves and God. This chakra is associated with the deep green that is found in grass and stems and leaves of all types. As love is also linked to the color red, many flowers associated with the heart chakra display red, or pink, as well. Flowers associated with the heart chakra of love include roses, carnations, azaleas, hibiscus and orchids.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, or vishuddha, includes the neck, thyroid, jaw, mouth and tongue. It carries the energies of verbal expression and speaking our highest truth. It vibrates at the color blue and is represented by hyacinths, bluebells and morning glories.If you are feeling a block in communication with a partner or feel that you are not being heard, bring one of these beautiful blue flowers into your home and meditate on the value of expressing your highest truth.

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is the third eye chakra, or ajna. The center of intuition, the third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with a deep indigo. Do you need to open your intuition? Plant or bring in some hydrangea, lilac, lavender, sweet pea, violets or petunias.

Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, or sahasrara, represents enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, others and God. It is located at the crown of the head and expresses itself in the color violet or white. As you work on your higher spiritual connections, surround yourself with white lilies, jasmine, periwinkle or geraniums.

Traci Pedersen

Traci Pedersen is a professional freelance writer who specializes in psychology, science, health, and spiritual themes.  Some of her most recent work includes covering the latest research news in science and psychology, writing science chapter books for elementary students, and developing teacher resource books.  When she is not researching and writing, she is spending time with her family, reading anything and everything, and going to the beach as often as possible.