Chart Patterns

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By Skywriter

Image by Gordon Johnson from

Dr. Marc Edmund Jones was a famous American astrologer who was a breakthrough pioneer and reformer in the field. His works and books are invaluable to today’s contemporary astrologers and students. His work was dedicated to finding competent rather than superficial answers to the problems of life. An interesting personality guide was devised by Jones who formulated seven distinct personality “types” based entirely on the overall pattern formed by the planets in a natal chart.

These patterns have unusual and perhaps to some, even comical names. They are SPLASH, SPLAY, BUNDLE, LOCOMOTIVE, BOWL, BUCKET, and SEESAW. These are actually fun to figure out and discern. Not everyone has an overall pattern in his or her chart but if they do, more color seems to be added to the personality. Plus these patterns are active throughout an entire lifetime. This makes them subject to effects from Transits, Progressions and Directions as the Apex or main planet of the pattern can be affected by the aspects produced by these movements. Astrologer Robert Carl Jansky did further in depth research into Dr. Jones’ original material and later added an eighth personality type known as the FAN. He and astrologer Marion March discussed a ninth pattern known as the WHEELBARROW and, after Jansky’s death in 1980, Ms. March and her students concluded that the pattern was indeed valid after further research and study. These Patterns can only be produced by the planets and no other points or heavenly bodies. Bear in mind that the planets can appear in other houses than what is shown as long as long as the rules fit.

In the BOWL all planets lie to one side of the zodiac and occupy one half of (180°) of the entire chart. The pattern is even more pronounced when the angles are involved (1- 7; 4-10). Ideally, the two planets that form the rim of the bowl are in opposition to each other. An individual with a BOWL pattern is usually very self contained, quite subjective, and often self satisfied. There is often a feeling that there is a cause or mission that needs to be fulfilled. The unoccupied portion of the chart becomes the challenge or the unknown quantity that needs to be understood in order for the individual to function properly. Some astrologers believe the BOWL has one planet that is the Lead Planet (shown in red). This would be the first planet in a clockwise position on the rim of the BOWL.

The BUCKET – This pattern looks like a bowl with a handle on it. It is the second most common pattern. All of the planets lie opposite a single planet on the other side of the char (shown in red)t. This planet forms the handle and is known as the “singleton.” The singleton planet become all important in this pattern because it represents the outlet for all of the stored energy in the opposite or Bowl section. The position of the singleton is important as well. If it stands straight up in relationship to the Bowl the individual knows what he or she wants and goes after it. If it leans to the left, the individual knows what he or she wants but loses steam halfway in the process and therefore must try harder. If Page | 4 it leans to the right, the individual might overdo and put in more effort than is necessary. The positive manifestation of the BUCKET is one who can inspire and teach others while the negative manifestation indicates one who is an agitator.

The SEESAW pattern is sometimes also called the HOURGLASS. It is the most common of all the patterns. In this pattern, there are two groups of planets opposing one another. Technically, this pattern should have a square of open space (90°) on one side and more than a sextile (60°) on the other side. The individual needs to learn how to weigh and balance in life because they are often pulled in one direction then the other. Unique achievement is possible if the individual understands and employs the polarity of this pattern positively. Negatively employed, the individual will constantly be in a state of conflict.

SPLASH: This pattern is often called the “Universal Citizen.” All ten planets are well divided around the Zodiac wheel. The pattern is indicative of an individual who can do many things well and as one door closes another one opens. Positively used, the pattern indicates one who can create order out of confusion and negatively used the individual will scatter his or her energies in all directions with little accomplishment.

BUNDLE: Some astrologers call this pattern the WEDGE. All ten planets are concentrated within the narrow confines of a trine (120°) therefore, the focus is very one-sided. Much can be made of very little with this pattern with unanticipated results. The energy can be used positively to build upon small beginnings or negatively by trying to force limited views on others because of personal inhibition. Some astrologers feel that when “focus” energy of the BUNDLE is positively used the indi vidual can be a specialist in his/her chosen field.

The FAN is a result of the research done by astrologer Carl Jansky. It is similar to the BUCKET pattern except that instead of a BOWL and a singleton (handle) there is a BUNDLE and a singleton (handle). In the FAN pattern the singleton acts as “input” to the BUNDLE as if it were in the driver’s seat of the chart. In essence, the singleton of the BUNDLE is the “cause” whereas in the BUCKET the singleton is the “effect.” The interpretation is opposite that of the BUCKET and the momentum generated is even greater.

In the LOCOMOTIVE pattern, all ten planets are placed within two-thirds of the chart leaving an empty trine (120°) space. There should also be no open space within the pattern that exceeds 65°. It is important to determine the “engine” (shown in red) or the planet leading the others in a clockwise direction of this pattern because it is the planet that will push the locomotive into action by leading or pulling the other planets along … AND the “caboose” (shown in orange) as these planets will reveal motivation. With this pattern, the individual can be self motivated and bring much power to bear to achieve. Often he or she is ”moved” more by external factors that personal tendencies and have much practical capacity and can go far in life if abilities are used positively.

The SPLAY pattern is also known as the TRIPOD. This pattern has three distinct portions in a chart and if perfect, some of the planets within these portions form a Grand Trine. This pattern has great momentum and can rarely be limited to one point of application. The individual is provided with a strong platform from which to work while drawing on the harmonious energies created by the Grand Trine or three portions. Some astrologers believe this pattern can reveal genius.

WHEELBARROW – Astrologer Marion March continued the research on this pattern. This pattern consists of a BUNDLE with two equi-distant handles or singletons on the opposite side. They can be as close as a sextile (60°) on one side and as far apart as a quincunx (150°) on the other side. The even or uneven placement of the handles makes a difference in how the energies are used because their job is to balance the barrow energies. You must consider the relationship between each handle and the rim planet it is closet to – the closer handle reveals emphasis of the individual’s nature while the furthest reveals what is repressed.