Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
Evil is a construct based on individual morality. There is no such thing as good or evil, it is ALL based on intent and purpose.1 – James Lee Jeansonne
In today’s world you can be good or you can be evil.
It is a choice.
The term evil is a relative word. From your own perspective, you may feel you are good but you might also recognize evil.
A newborn child has –
- No morality
- No ethics
- No sense of Society
A child builds up basic moral values and ethics from his family environment. If basics are devoid, a desire for evil may be more prominent OR exactly the opposite. The individual my opt to better their situation in life compared to early environment.
Some people may be more likely to make evil choices than others, but it is the choice to do evil that truly makes one evil. Evil is what you do.
You can be altruistic by nature doing good deeds and helping others thus good. Conversely if you hurt people even with the best of intentions that’s bad. Past a certain point no amount of good intentions stops you from being evil.
Scientifically speaking –
There is a wealth of scientific evidence that shows that people can be born lacking sufficient levels of certain chemicals produced by the brain to properly process empathy. There are also people who are born lacking basic brain functions. This lack of either chemicals or damage can cause behaviors that many could call “evil”.
There are also a whole host of individuals whose brains work differently than average. This is not a flaw, it is just different. They may look at the world from a very different perspective, such as sociopaths, or people with Asperger Syndrome. As we know, “different” is often mistaken for “bad”.
Behaviors are taught and reinforced throughout a person’s life. If the person experiences more positive reinforcement of negative behavior, those behaviors can become predominate.
In other words, there is no single cause for bad behavior, but there are reasons for why people behave badly, or may appear to be behaving badly, in comparison with the bulk of humanity and evil is sadly just a matter of perspective.2 – Nina Walker
Even Darth Vader was innocent Anakin Skywalker once. It’s circumstances and your reaction to them that defines your nature. And nothing is pure evil, that’s how we humans have sustained despite ourselves.3 – Ritu Bisht
“Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.” – Jerry Garcia
The lesser of two evils principle, also referred to as the lesser evil principle and lesser-evilism, is the principle that when faced with selecting from two immoral options, the least immoral one should be chosen. The principle is sometimes recalled in reference to binary political choices in democratic voting under a two party system. 4
Remember – One of the most successful and seductive strategies of evil is to convince us our only choice is evil—that we must choose between the lesser of two evils.
No. We don’t.
But you might justify doing so…
The moral dilemma behind these scenarios is the subject of a well-known argument in moral philosophy. Bernard Williams argued that you should care about maintaining integrity in your personal ideals – not necessarily at all costs, but at least a bit. That’s because you have a special proprietary responsibility for acts you perform. Those choices and acts are, in some special sense, yours, distinct from outcomes that result from combining your choices and acts with everyone else’s. 5
It’s all you – your choice – your consequences.