Christ Light Sigil – For Reiki and Healing Magic

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Anyone who practices any kind of magic (including Reiki) for the purpose of healing will be interested in this symbol of the Christos. I have used it privately for some time, and I find it to be a powerful way of communicating one’s healing intention to the cosmos.

I have been a lightworker for a few years now. I use Reiki primarily, and while I find it an extremely useful and proven method of spiritual healing, I still dip into my own repertoire of symbols to augment my practice. Chiefly, I use the symbol pictured below, the "Christ Light Sigil", to call in the power of Christ. Now, in Reiki, the whole purpose is to channel the healing love of God, and for this purpose the Reiki symbols are effective, and of course Reiki itself originated from Mikao Usui's determination to learn Jesus's healing ability, so you might say that this symbol is redundant within the practice of Reiki. 

To that objection, I offer the following: In Western Reiki it's quite common to channel any number of angels for specific guidance using the traditional Reiki symbols. This symbol, however, I use to call upon the spirit of Jesus Christ in particular. To my mind, it brings me into resonance with a more powerful, miraculous healing energy that reflects the mythos of Jesus Christ. Miracles are possible. And I've experienced a few while strongly channelling this specific energy.

Christ Light Sigil – For Reiki and Healing Magic

The symbolism of this sigil is part of what makes it especially powerful to me. The shape is inspired, of course, by the Christian symbol of the fish. The rounded top brings it closer to an infinity symbol. That combined with the vertical orientation and the flat bottom of the fish's tail represents to me the infinite love of God descended to the Earth plane through Jesus Christ. The vesica piscis also informs this design.

The symbol is accompanied by a ritual visualization. I'll give it to you in four steps:

1) First, I draw it from the bottom right, and end at the bottom right. In other words, start with the bottom right corner of the tail, draw up and around down to the left corner of the tail, and then draw the horizontal line back toward the right side of the tail. Here, I visualize a ball of white light symbolizing the accumulation of energy.

2) Following Reiki convention, I speak the name of the symbol three times while drawing it. Since it is Christ whom I call upon in this ritual, I speak "Christos" thrice as I draw. (A Jewish practictioner – or anyone else who doubts the veracity of Jesus's messianic title – may simply repeat "Jesus Christ" thrice.)

3) With the drawing and the verbal invocation, I inhale and visualize the white light of God's healing love entering through my crown, pooling at my feet, and then rising to swell at my heart chakra. I manage to accomplish all three of the first steps simultaneously.

4) Finally, I channel this energy down my arms to the vortices in my hands for the purpose of healing. I feel especially guided to use it when I feel like there is physical trauma whose time has come to be healed. Of course, I close my Reiki session as I always do, with grounding and thanks.

I welcome any feedback. As with any Reiki or healing magic, the body may not have gone through the changes and healing that are necessary for any substantial, tangible result, but those of you experienced in Reiki will know this. Click here for a higher resolution version of the Christ Light Sigil

Use it wisely and with loving intention.

Love and Light,


2 thoughts on “Christ Light Sigil – For Reiki and Healing Magic”

  1. Healing…

    In some Esoteric thought, it is beleived that Christ and his disciples were Stellar Healers pulling in the Universal or Divine energy of the Absolute. Those healers who follow in Christ's footsteps emphasize "faith" in their healing work .. "Thy faith has made thee whole."

    Hands are the most common communicators of healing energies, either by holding hands close to what requires healing or putting hands on. What we know from Biblical accounts is that Jesus, with all his natural healing ability often found it expedient at times to to place fingers in contact with the part to be healed.

    Matthew 9:28-30, "And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea Lord. Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. And their eyes were opened."

    Historically, this method of healing was not confined to Jesus nor to his day. It was the common method practiced by initiates of various countries at that time. Jesus instructed his 12 disciples in the art and in turn the method was entrusted to those who followed in their footsteps.

    Akhenaten of Egypt taught and practiced the healing technique more than 1,300 years before Christ and the disciples were born … again, tuning into the vibratory, acting as a conduit and directing the energy through the hands via the fingers to the healee.

    I have a curiosity question – Do you ask your healees to participate in their own healing?

    Thank you for persenting and sharing your work!

    Many Blessings!

    • I do ask the healees to

      I do ask the healees to participate if they're inclined to. Ultimately one must take charge of ones own healing. But for sure there must be receptivity. Thank you very much for sharing those bible verses.

      In theory, of course, it's redundant to draw more focus on Jesus Christ… however, I've always felt like the human relationship to his spiritual archetype is twisted by the crucifixion fetish preponderant in most of Christianity. While this was undoubtedly an enormously important event, so was the rest of his life. This sigil kind of draws the focus off the traditional japanese lineage and back to HIM. And it gives me a bit more ownership of my practice. There's a lot of sigils I've dreamed up that have muddy meanings and intentions, but this is one that I use with complete confidence and it seems quite empowering for me. 

      He is a wonderful spirit, and I love the fact that I can, free from the fear-fraught confines of a Church, forge my own relationship with him. 


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