Cleansing the Body

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By Adonis

If you are anything like me, a person who does their fair share of drinking and partying and likes to binge on unhealthy foods from time to time you need to make sure you cleanse the body. 

Cleansing the body is not only good for our physical health it is good for our mental and spiritual health. Showing our body love is not the easiest thing to do because for alot of us it is not used to being loved. Sure, a few slices of pizza make us feel better but the entire pie…not so much.


Cleansing the Body


There is one important rule.

Don't torture yourself : If you are used to drinking have a night cap there is nothing wrong with having a glass of wine or 2 MAX before going to bed same goes for hard liqour. 2-4 OUNCES before bed is actually good for you. Also don't starve yourself. Don't eat crap but snacking on fruits and veggies all day with help curb the nerve rack of not being able to eat your normal crap-tastic foods.

Here are some proven methods that cleanse the body of toxins as well as give our bodies the boost they need to get back to their equalibrium.

Drink your LB weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 drink 150 Oz of water a day.

Apple cider vinegar is your friend. Put a few teaspoons in your juice and you wont be able to taste it. Personally I just put a teaspoon in a full cup of water and sip it throughout the day.

Don't sit around all day. Move when you can. Keeping the body moving is like plugging in an appliance. it keeps us charged and working. 

I know people don't want to talk about this part but Enemas are imperative to doing a cleanse right. We build up so many toxins and we put most of them in our mouth and what we put in our mouths comes out the other end but not as fast as it should. The real reason we want to have these toxins come out of our bowels is because we honestly don't want to sweat all of them out. which brings me to the next important part of cleansing.

Excersise! We do need to sweat some of this stuff out, It is one of the bodies natural ways of getting rid of toxins. Here is a tip for people who hate excersise. Its super common to not want to put your body through pain, hence why we do not like the strain of excersise. GIVE INTO THE HATE. haha I get mad when I lift weights and do crunches and it is a great outlet for day to day frustrations.

Here are some foods to help get rid of toxins and build you up.

Apples- Yummy apples have pectin and vitamin C. They are great for cleansing the blood!

Oats help the body get rid of toxins. 

Our not so favorite greens are amazing during a cleanse like: Artichokes, garlic, citrus peels, pomegranate, and even cocoa; broccoli, kale, collards, brocollini, broccoli rabe, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bok choy, Chinese cabbage, Chinese broccoli, watercress, and cilantro.

And last but not least we have the more woogie (magical part) Meditation is important for cleansing it keeps you on track and focused. BUT the real fun stuff is herbs.

I'll give you a list of herbs that are great for cleansing. BUT I also reccomend you "spell" or "enchant" your tea.

It does not need to taste great and in fact it will taste like a concoction if you mix all of these herbs as I suggest.

Lavender is an amazing calmative and an astrigent.

Chamomile another calmative is also good for digestion.

Clary sage is an amazing cleansing herb

Basil is great as well

Burdock is good for good cell growth and stops bad cell growth in its tracks

Cayenne pepper is amazing for you. it boost the metabolism and is an amazing thermogenic.

If you incorparate 10 of these things into a 3-7 day cleanse I can guarantee that you will feel like a million bucks.