A consistent flooding of noise in the ears mutes out thoughts and places us into a deeper, introspective state.
Sift through the colored noise below, find a comfortable place, close your eyes, and listen to the static din for an introspective boost.
How Colored Noise Works
Though noise is defined as a random signal, it is often classified into areas: environmental noise, industrial noise, occupational noise, etc. It is also further classified into colors.
Engineers originally developed colored noises to use as guides for electric, acoustic, and audio equipment experiments. Each noise was named after the color it most closely resembled in frequency. Different colors vibrate at a different frequencies, which is how the human eye distinguishes them. Interestingly. in the early 1970s, colored noises were used to test for extrasensory perception.
Dr. Charles Honorton, among other parapsychologists, believed white and pink noise played through headphones could mute out the senses and make a person more amenable to subconscious thought. In Ganzfeld Anomalous Information Transfer experiments, extended exposure to white or pink noise was often successful in inducing in subjects hypnagogic and other altered states of consciousness. At a minimum, a few minutes of white or pink noise placed people into a deep state of meditation.
Brown Noise
Pink Noise
Violet Noise
Blue Noise
Data: http://thirdmonk.net/lifehacks/colored-noise-audio-high.html
Videos : Youtube