Upon joining this community, every one of you agrees to follow Site Policies & Guidelines
I would like to bring the following to your attention:
"We are all adults here. Treat others with respect and do not personally condemn others. Personal attacks, harassment and bullying will not be tolerated. Debate is welcomed. Challenge the topic, not the person. Commentary in blog posts that is deliberately directed at others members will be deleted and perpetrators will be suspended or expelled.
“Trolling” and acts deemed predatory in nature are simply not acceptable under any circumstances within any function of the site and will result in permanent expulsion. "
Quoted from Site Policies & Guidelines
I will not tolerate disrespect towards members of Light Force Network, particularly when disrespect is directed at me.
Let me be clear – continually discrediting someone whenever they post anything in the blogs on here goes far beyond the realm of constructive criticism. We are a community – we DO NOT single people out to be harassed for their views, where ever and how ever they choose to share them.
Always posting negative comments on someone's works will discourage them regarding sharing and is abusive in nature. I will not tolerate the type of harassment that has been directed at me. If this were to happen to other members it would effectively be silencing them. That is not acceptable in an open and supportive community. There is nothing wrong with being critical, but singeling out someone and always harping on them crosses the line from constructive to excessive and abusive.
Any further breaking of the site policies & guidelines will be met with swift disciplinary action.
~Green Moon~
drama DETRACTS from sacred
drama DETRACTS from sacred work
Thank you Green for posting this. We all need to remember to consider each point of view presented and respect that individual's point even though we have questions or different opinions. There is a human being behind each blog. Debate is great and it is how we learn but sometimes the line becomes a bit crossed. So let's all be mindful and keep moving forward.
Such a young site and already
Such a young site and already such hickups? Sorry to hear that, but I must compliment you on your swift actions, because thus far I didn't notice any misbehavior. Good job!
Its kind of hard to make a
Its kind of hard to make a comment without knowing who the attacker is or the statements made that were disparaging. Although, being so new here myself, I'm still trying to get a handle on what's acceptable from one member to another. However, after a recent debate with another member here, I'm somewhat hopeful that a compromise between you and your attacker will be reached, with respect on both sides.
I would like to thank
I would like to thank everyone with the high level of maturity these comments reflect.
I have not deleted anything because I believe in protecting every member's right to freedom of speech. I also have not singled out anyone specifically because I want to use this as a stepping stone from which we can grow as a community.
Posting a critical comment (so long as it is constructive) is welcomed, as we all have something to learn from each other as we strive for alethea.
Posting critical comment after critical comment is not welcomed; while there is nothing wrong in criticizing the content a member posts, it is not acceptable to make this the ONLY pattern of interaction with a member.
If all you were getting in response to your content was negative, you would feel hurt – wouldn't you? If we are stuck on a negative polarity, that is not balanced. Please balance the negative with the positive.
If a member only hears what they got wrong, they will never know what they got right. More importantly, constant negative feedback WILL silence people as it intimidates people and makes them feel like their contributions are not welcome because they are afraid of being "incorrect".
I ask everyone to please be considerate regarding the tone and frequency of your posts as we begin to gather a group concensus on community standards.
Thank you again for your level of maturity in this manner.
~Green Moon~