Terms Defined
Angel- A cosmically divine entity that is meant to serve humans under the authority of god.
Demon- An angel that has fallen from god’s grace.
God- The Universe as a whole separated into different personalities and emanations. Supreme essence
Human- A spark of the divine or supreme essence inside a physical body
With darwanism and material science it is hard for us to comprehend that we are in fact gods. But when we look at science with a speculative eye we realize that there is something missing. That thing that is missing is the soul aka god,
Over and over again sacred texts say the same thing. They are simply translations of the same story whether it be a great flood or how we were "created". We can not discount this.
In the book of genesis creation is explained by MAN (the Hermaphrodite) being created out of the dust of the earth. This means our bodies are created out of earth, our bodies belong here. No question about that, if we lived on mars not only would our perspective of time change but our circadian rhythms and psychological function’s. Funnily enough the energies from these planets being part of the universe is what allows the soul to operate as well as predict things that happen in our day to day lives. This is why astrology is such an important factor in our lives.
In the book of enoch, angels mated with humans and conceived the Nephilim. The Nephilim having mixed "DNA" had mystical powers and their angelic fathers taught the Nephilim magic, astrology etc. God saw what was happening and saw this to be wrong and that they needed to be destroyed, he also saw humans worshipping these new "creatures". So Enoch was called by god to tell Noah to build an Arch and save his family and create a new earth.
If Angels are divine beings then why did god see them mating with woman as an abomination? Was it gods ego? No because god doesn’t have an ego, only humans have an ego. And furthermore why were the angels who committed such acts cast out of heaven? The answer is right in front of us. But it is human nature for us to victimize ourselves. Our ego that traps us here not only helps us meet our material needs it also says that we are entitled to have these spiritual powers through whatever means.
If we are gods, which we are. Why would we want a lower aspect of god running through our veins? It would in fact be an impurity. We are divine beings that have control under the will of cosmic law to affect change and possess powers beyond belief. Having these Angels as our parents is not only an insult to the universe it’s an insult to ourselves.
I am not going to even scrape the surface of why the masses do not realize this. The Important thing at this time is that YOU recognize this.
Concerning Angels and Demons
It is important to note that we all belong to god, Angels and Demons included.
Angels are a part of the cosmic scheme of things, They work under the authority of god and are meant to be a messenger to god for us as well as to do our bidding god willing. Ofcourse when an angel is summoned respect is due, not only because they came before us but because they are on a higher plane of existence that is eternal and we are trapped in our human bodies forced to reincarnate until we eventually ascend. Angels do things for us when our higher selves gives us the OK aka god giving ourselves the OK.
Demons on the other hand have fallen from grace and don’t think for a second that god doesn’t have dominion over them as well. None the less they are free agents, Some more than others. A demons purpose is to provide information. Please note that any time you conjure a demon you MUST do it in the name of god and test the spirit. An oath should never be made with a demon. The reason a Demon holds so much knowledge and will provide it, is because it is a free agent and has been an angel before therefore they hold immense amounts of divine knowledge. It must provide it because the high magician is aware that he is one with the supreme being and therefore has an obligation to.
This information for most is meant for the masses but should not be practiced by the masses. ONLY A HIGH MAGICIAN SHOULD PRACTICE HIGH MAGICK!
In conclusion you are god and have the Supreme essence on your side. Humans have the same dominion as God. Angels and Demons are meant to help us in specific ways. Why is this again? Because we are divine beings that hold power over demons (in the name of god) and angels are meant to help us in our lifetimes on this watery planet we call earth.
This blog is intended to be a simple rant on just a small part of HIGH MAGICK
High Magic
" … god doesnt have an ego, only humans have an ego"
My friend Carol used to say, "EGO = Easing – God – Out."
Also too many "dabblers" out there and that is chaotic to say the least if not down right harmful.
Thanks For Commenting
To say the least to say the most, def lol. And hence the warning!
well done! one thing i see here is a bit of a distinction, so ill present that, and you may or may not agree, but what the heck, may as well throw it out there and see what happens…..what you have described here, is found in many other paths as well, generally described as self realization, which is to say, the realization that you ARE soul, and what soul actually IS, without any misunderstanding, and also that you, as soul, and every other soul that exists, are made of the same thing as the God one sees at the soul level, in India IT is referred to as Sat Nam by many groups, a name that means True Name, as in, BEYOND duality and illusion……now the point i want to make here is this, that while that IS a good spiritual realization, it is not even the 1st drop in the barrel. The God here IS God, but is NOT The Absolute, It is a MANIFESTATION of Ultimate Truth at a less extreme level than the Godhead ITSELF.
In many of the Indian paths, one grows until self realization, and then further into spiritual realization, before finally entering God realization, and becoming a literal God man (Sanskrit HU = God, mana = mind Human = God man), so, for example, in Sant Mat, as well as Sikhism and even Hinduism, the Holy Spirit is both Light AND Sound…this is also absolutely true of kabbalistic teachings, there being an entire chapter about Spirit as Sound. So, the spiritual realization is the realization that soul, literally IS that holy Sound, and that Sound is the Voice of, or Word of God, IT'S will in action throughout all of the planes. Beyond that the soul reaches the literal Godhead and communes with IT, and is then sent back to earth to serve God. That would be what could be considered a finish in training, and becoming a true Master.