Contemporary Angel Artist K. Martin-Kuri

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 Contemporary Angel Artist K. Martin-Kuri

Excerpt from A Message for Humanity

                                                            by K. Martin-Kuri

All my life I have been blessed with visionary gifts.  This means that I have higher sight and can view the spiritual realms.  My first recollection of life takes me back to my cradle when I saw my guardian angel, and recognized that my parents did not understand that I was an experienced soul in a baby’s body that could not speak but just gurgle.  The frustration was great.  It was only with the help of my guardian angel that I was able to remember to use my intuitive ability to communicate, such as asking my father to come into the room and cover me up from a draft.  Years later I asked him about these incidents and he said that he heard a voice in his mind tell him about the draft and he knew I wanted that area behind my neck covered.

I would say that this is not unusual. What I believe happens is that most babies forget the early years, and the memories of working with angels.  I remained awake and took a very special interest in the difference between humans and angels.  I saw the angels around people trying to comfort and guide them while the adults seemed to ignore the angels.  I wondered why this was so.  It became clear to me there was a great deal of unnecessary suffering.

One day I had an experience that led to the main motivation for my career in artwork, spiritual research, writing, counseling and healing.  It filled me with the faithful perseverance that has led me through many trials and tribulations and through miracle after miracle. The event coloured everything I do in the name of God.

 What happened on that day was both natural for me and yet overwhelming.  It began as I walked across our beautiful lawn on my way to school as a first-grader.  I heard lovely music behind me, up in the air. Without turning around, I was able to see with my soul and spirit the veils of heaven open behind me, with millions and millions of angels gathered between earth and the Godhead.  I fell to my knees and began to weep with the extraordinary beauty of what I experienced.  Tears came also because I realized how much I loved that realm.  I understood the meaning of what was being shown to me, and I knew there was a lifetime before me when I would often agonize between the ecstasy of God and the difficulties of day-to-day living.

 I knew at that moment it was possible for human suffering on earth to be transformed if humanity remembered the love and the help of God available through the angelic hierarchies.  And so began my life’s work.

I knew that there was a comfort, and a special healing available to me, and perhaps to others through colour and shapes, or forms. My fascination led to extensive research on the effects of colour and consciousness. By the time I reached the threshold of my twenties, I had examined the works of eastern philosophers, various religious streams, and many western sources as well, including the works of an initiate known as Rudolf Steiner.

I took my natural ability to enter into the spiritual realms, and disciplined the ability to perceive so that I could have access with control, and so that I might become a finer instrument for translating the messages from the higher worlds to humanity. I learned quite early that colours and sounds could not only heal the body, mind and soul because of the effects but because they were directly connected to angelic beings of high rank.

Over the next twenty-five or so years I learned to produce painting that could heal as well as expand consciousness to greater alignment with Divinity. People’s lives were changed. I began to speak on the workings of the angelic hierarchies, and with the combination of my paintings and spiritual guiding work I became known as the Angel Lady. I am sure that there are many who share this name all over the world.  And there are some angel gentlemen as well!

One thing that I have been noticing for a long time is that people are often amazed at the level of faith I seem to have. Yes, it has led me to do near impossible things over and over, sometimes with incredible opposition. My faith in God stays strong. I hope my writing will increase your faith in God and the angelic helpers who do the bidding of the Divine.

There are many books about angelic appearances and incidents of wonder. This was not the mission given to me when delivering this Message to you. My mission has required courage to state the strong message to all peoples of the world: that it is time to change our way of thinking and our lifestyles. We are close to annihilation on many levels if we continue to travel the path that we are now on globally. The angels of God want to help us, but first we must ask God for their assistance. In our civilization, deterioration of individual responsibility has reached the proportions of a major plague. Lethargy and apathy are rampant except in areas of financial or political concern. We must face our crucial role in saving life from the opposing forces of darkness that are operative in our third and fourth dimensions at this time.

It is also time for us to lift the obstacles of false thinking so that we can receive true heavenly nourishment, whether through wisdom, freedom, or energy to transform through the right use of money. Our attitude and practices with money around the world have caused a major hindrance to the angels of God in providing nourishment and support to workers of light and goodness everywhere. Yes, there are positive happenings, but they are minuscule in comparison to the extreme level of greed which is on the earth at the moment.

It was my own personal faith in God that enabled me to withstand some of the blows of human existence which ranged from the loss of children to the loss of most sight in one eye. Yet there was always a blessing to follow. When I came out of surgery in extreme pain I was blessed with presence of a Holy Being in my room who said that I was not losing something, but receiving a great gift. I did not understand until a while later when my paintings began to change and become radiant in a very special way. I was given the ability to see inwardly even more that I had before and my physical sight was reduced to receive the higher vibrations I was to translate for humanity through the colours of my paintings. I felt very close to Beethoven who had received a dimming of his external ears to translate the heavenly spheres for his Ode to Joy. Many years later I actually produced a very special painting called the Ode to Joy by visiting and portraying the realms from where he created the music for that piece. It is impossible to count the numbers of angels in that painting.

The uniqueness of Karyn Martin-Kuri’s artwork arises from a lifetime of conscious experience working with angels combined with thirteen years lecturing and researching the subject. Her technique of painting creates an extraordinary radiance that shines through soft veils of color, forming heavenly images that are a distinctly new style of artwork. She has been called a visionary similar to William Blake with the colors and radiance of her paintings similar to Monet and Turner. Her works in oil and watercolor with chalk pastel are collected around the world and recognized for their remarkable heavenly quality.



2 thoughts on “Contemporary Angel Artist K. Martin-Kuri”

  1. Very nice!

    Thank you Pallas Athena! I enjoyed your other "angel artist" blog as well! Seems you have a penchant for the angelics!

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