Conversation between Soul and God

Soul: I am in the world, God, and I feel lost.
God: But you are in My world!
Soul: How come I do not see you then?
God: You cannot see me because you are looking outside. I am in you.

Soul: How am I to find you? My senses can perceive outside only.
God: To find me you do not need your senses.
Soul: Then tell me what I need to do to find you.
God: Put all your senses to rest and go into deep silence.
Soul: How can silence help me to find you?
God: Silence is my language, and Spirit is my being.

Soul: How will I know that I have found you?
God: You are Spirit and I am Spirit. You will know me when you experience that you are Spirit. Then you will see that we are one.

Soul: Will that take away the feeling that I am lost in the world?
God: Certainly! You see, I am not lost. I am everywhere. You feel lost when you are busy in worldly pursuits only. Know me and we will always be together! (J. Das, Kabir Association)

Loved it Shabdaji!
This actually put me in a good mood today!
~ Thanks buddy!
well shucks
that must be why i posted it then i guess lol