Conversation Between God and Soul

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By SHABDA - Preceptor


Conversation between Soul and God
Conversation Between God and Soul
Soul: I am in the world, God, and I feel lost.
God: But you are in My world!
Soul: How come I do not see you then?
God: You cannot see me because you are looking outside. I am in you.
Soul: How am I to find you? My senses can perceive outside only.
God: To find me you do not need your senses.
Soul: Then tell me what I need to do to find you.
God: Put all your senses to rest and go into deep silence.
Soul: How can silence help me to find you?
God: Silence is my language, and Spirit is my being.
Soul: How will I know that I have found you?
God: You are Spirit and I am Spirit. You will know me when you experience that you are Spirit. Then you will see that we are one.
Soul: Will that take away the feeling that I am lost in the world?
God: Certainly! You see, I am not lost. I am everywhere. You feel lost when you are busy in worldly pursuits only. Know me and we will always be together!  (J. Das, Kabir Association)

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