Coronavirus – The Numerology Behind It

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By ET Pendulum

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Professional Numerologist Ann Perry tackles the numerological breakdown of the coronvirus and how it affects us collectivley and individually. REMEMBER: No decisions or actions made under acute stress or fear ever have positive results. Corona phobia is more dangerous than the virus itself. Excessively thinking about Corona Virus is not good for you, as you may acquire it according to the law of attraction. You should focus on your immunity and health instead of focusing on the virus.Trade in your panic for some insight.

Further Opinion from

The name coronavirus totals 56 (56 = 5+6 = 11 = 1+1 = 2; 11//2) which links it with the master number 11, the number intuition, vision, enlightenment and illumination. Why enlightenment and illumination? Because the 11 shines light into the darkness, the shadows if you will, of our lives. In so doing it reveals to us everything that’s wrong in your lives and therefore presents us with the opportunity to make new decisions and powerful choices around what needs to be healed. Moreover, the expression number 56//11//2 exists in order to waken us up, because all is not as it seems, nor has it been forever, we’re literally being kept in the dark and treated like mushrooms by the people and governments who viciously control and cynically manipulate this world of ours, every day!

Numerology of Coronavirus COVID-19 continued…

Its soul urge (its internal expression) links with the numerology number sequence 25//7 which indicates secrecy, intelligence, unpredictability and that it is clinical of nature. Its personality (its outward expression) links with the numerology number sequence 31//4 which aligns with hard work, feelings of limitation and confinement, focus, discipline, systems, order and importantly, justice. Isn’t it supremely ironic that coronavirus should express itself (Number 4 Energy) in a Number 4 Universal Year (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4)? Definite mathematical synchronicity… Given these number sequences we are of the firm belief that coronavirus is man-made / man-manipulated (hence all the 9’s in the above table) for maximum effect and that as much as everyone would love to believe it’s “the Universe striking back” it isn’t, it’s in fact all about money, power and control, bringing everyone in this world back to earth (number 4 = earth) with a bump. It’s most interesting to note that CHINA [C=3;H=8;I=9;N=5;A=1; 3+8+9+5+1 = 26 = 2+6 = 8; China = 26//8; 8 like 4 is an earth energy number] is associated with Number 8 Energy (money, business, power, authority, organising, control etc.).

Is SARS-Cov-2 delivering a powerful message?

It’s interesting to note that the personality (i.e. external expression) of COVID-19 links with Number 3 Energy which is characterised by being highly social, communicative etc. What’s happening right now with and through COVID-19 is exactly the opposite. We are being forced into isolation. The Number 7 Energy which presents itself as 25//7 in coronavirus and COVID-19 links with the mind, thinking, intelligence, assessing, staying calm and if you will, observing and being clinical. Amazing to see how people have stopped thinking and gone to into complete panic mode. Lastly, the virus SARS-CoV-2 personality (20//2) links with cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, diplomacy etc, talking to the need for us to work together globally and not in isolation from each other. Is there a bigger lesson within this right now for humanity, especially given how we love to build walls and isolate? Its also interesting, from a numerology perspective, to make the karmic number 19 connection within COVID-19, that if you actively set about enriching yourself (1) at the expense of others (9) you will meet with much conflict and disaster.

The bigger blessing?

Our take on all this: whether by design or not, whether consciously intentioned or not, coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 is asking us to look beyond the obvious, to slow down and think about this world of ours, how we are living and what impact we are all having. Even before 2020 steamed in, we published a research article warning people that 2020, being a hugely emotionally coded Number 4 Universal Year, would bring people back down to earth with a very nasty bump. All the Number 9’s are calling for us to embrace an elevated level of consciousness and to shift from ME (masculine, number 1 energy; having to win at all costs; typically Trump and USA; The Age of Aries) to WE (feminine, number 2 energy; working together toward a greater collective good; the Sanna Marin’s of this world; The Age of Aquarius). Despite the fact that we believe the coronavirus is manmade and released around a larger control-and-dominate masterplan, we nevertheless put out a Tweet (@365pincode) yesterday which reminds us that in numerology, the number 2 is female, feminine, mother; that 2020 has 2×2’s in it and 2×0’s which accentuate the 2’s; that number 4 is earth and that 2020 links or synchronises with Mother Earth; that all this is asking us to embrace feminine energy around how we are handling Mother Earth. This, we believe, is the deeper message within the current coronavirus pandemic.

We all live in a world of information overload –

Investigating the Numerology of Coronavirus COVID-19 reminds us that: “Today, we all live in a world of information overload, the online world is crammed full of the stuff. Thing is, only a very small percentage of it is accurate and that stuff’s totally boring; the rest is inaccurate and utterly useless; fake news, hysteria-creating news. Within the small percentage of accurate information, 1% has great value, and 1% of that 1% is priceless. Did you know that exactly the same cascading principle applies to you and your life? Every day you are being incessantly bombarded by worthless junk (junk info from friends, junk info from family, junk info from social media etc.) which leads to tremendous personal confusion around “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” and “What should I be doing?” and “How on earth do I find my real myself?” You’ve got all this “incessant noise and input” around you telling you who you are, what you think you should be, why you here, and how you should be living your life. If you are really serious about finding meaningful answers to these questions then you need to bullet all the junk that’s stuck to you over the years, and, access your bespoke 1% of the 1% (which can only be found inside you, not outside of you). That’s what we do at 365 Pin Code – we rid you of confusion and replace it with clarity – and we do this by dialling you at tremendous speed straight into your priceless 1%.” – Chris and Suzanne Styles, Founders, 365 Pin Code.