Creative Destruction

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By Julia

Creative Destruction

"Please get out of the new world if you can't lend a hand, for the times they are a-changin' " – Bob Dylan, poet and songwriter

"When a Cycle has run its course, change is imminent." – Joseph Panek

Every Divine Principle within the realm of Nature has a specific purpose. One of the most basic principles, and perhaps the one that is most universally ignored, is that of Creative Destruction.

Simply put, Creative Destruction is the razing, or tearing down, of the old in order to create the new. Individuals, organizations andcivilizations who choose to ignore this eternally repeating process of Nature are destined to suffer the tragedies which accompany the destructive end of a cycle. Those who recognize, and understand, this Divine Principle are the ones who prosper from the creative changes to which a new cycle gives birth.

The ancient teachings of civilizations and cultures throughout the world speak of the Principle of Creative Destruction in both their mythology and symbolism. From the Vedic and Hindu we have the deities of Shiva and Kali. From ancient Egypt we have the eternal
battles between Seth and Horus. Numerous cultures speak of the Phoenix which destroys its old self so that it can renew itself from its own ashes. The Tarot teaches us the Principle of Creative Destruction in the card of The Tower. And the Cycle of Creative
Destruction is also represented by the symbolism of the serpent which sheds, and leaves behind, its old skin (old age) in order for it to rejuvenate itself with the new skin of youthfulness.

Beginning and end…death and rebirth…destruction followed by creation. When one cycle ends a new cycle begins. This is the way of the universe. It is Divinity in Action. The old must be torn downin order for the new to grow and blossom. The death of the old is the foundation for the new. New civilizations are built upon the ruins of old ones. This is the never-ending Cycle of Eternity. When time is up, change is imminent. We ignore this Eternal Truth at our own peril.

It is interesting to note that the word "ignore" is the basis of the word "ignorance". The fact that we may be Ignorant of a DivineTruth does not absolve us from any Karmic burden or unexpected consequence which may result from our ignorance.

The concept, or principle, behind the Law of Creative Destruction teaches us that new ideas cannot be generated from old thoughts; a problem, or dilemma, cannot be solved by the same mind which created it; society cannot evolve by relying on outdated laws, habits, policies and bureaucracies; civilization cannot move forward while looking backward. These facts are true regardless of whether we are referring to individuals, organizations or civilizations.

Most of us are familiar with such sayings as, "what goes up must come down" and "all good things must come to an end". Yet the vast majority of us tend to think that these eternal principles apply to everyone except ourselves.

Wisdom requires that we recognize the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. For it is when we become complacent, lazy and careless – when we choose to live in denial of the Law of Change – that the Cycle of Creative Destruction has most likely run its courseand is about to rain havoc, misery and suffering down upon those of us who have been caught unawares of the changes that are about to begin.

Change is the mantle of Nature and of Deity. And for every person, organization and civilization that destroys itself through Ignorance, laziness and complacency there stand other persons, organizations and civilizations ready, willing and eager to build upon the rubble of the old in order to create something new. These are the visionaries
and trailblazers who recognize and understand that once a cycle has run its course a new cycle, along with exciting change, is at hand.

Author Joseph Panek – "If you found value in this article please feel free to forward
it to other like-minded individuals, organizations and sites."