Insight is eidetic.
Meaning insight comes from shapes and images and experience and comes to fruition in the form of ideas. Hence ones quickest path to idea formation is one's quickest method of divination.
I offer a scrying possibility using multiple types of crystal: a potential method that utilizes one's mind and insight in conjunction with the beauty and meaning of any particular crystal or stone with an established (or yet unestablished) spiritual meaning or aspect. When using crystals for any purpose, it is commonplace to use them for specific purposes related to a chakra, an emotional problem, a physical trauma, etc. Below I'll use the example of moss agate.
I propose a gazing at the crystal. A visualization within one's mind that reflects and amplifies the vibration and imagery and spiritual theme embodied in the crystal upon which one gazes. I offer two steps.
1: Gaze at the crystal, e.g. a moss agate.
2: find the imagery of the crystal within ones mind's eye, i.e. visualize forms and colors similar to those you see in the crystal within your mind's eye.
3: Begin phenomenological free variation of concepts related to the eidetic theme of the crystal. e.g., the salvation of the ecosphere, the spirit of ibogaine or ayahuasca or some other plant consciousness (whatever archetype related to the moss agate is your spiritual inclination)
4: Clear ones mind of ideas.
5: Visualize within ones minds eye, shifts and changes in the patterns of color while maintaining a rough semblance, or a precise reproduction of, or a creative variation of, the patterns within the moss agate. In this way prepare for yourself a platform upon which to receive visual guidance with regard to the issues or problems whose answer is sought by this scrying method.
6: Be open to receive guidance.
Make that 6 steps.
Speaking of Moss Agate …
Moss agates are considered the most powerful of the agates. It was the agate of warriors.Throughout history and all cultures, Moss Agate has been known as the crystal of gardeners and agriculture. It was considered a miraculous healing stone for tribal priests of the past, giving them power to interact with our human organic system, and was used as a talisman to make warriors strong and victorious. The Native American Indians used Moss Agate as a power stone, and it has been successfully used in cloud-busting and aiding the weather patterns to reach ultimate equilibrium.
Metaphysically, Agate has a lower intensity and vibrates to a slower frequency than other stones, but is highly regarded as a stabilizing and strengthening influence. Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing Yin and Yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe.
Moss Agate encourages the spiritualization of one's life in all aspects, helping to overcome negative behaviors which may be karmic attachments from past lives, and to find the will to replace these patterns with the Divine blueprint of one's Higher Self. Its steadfast energy holds these aspirations into view until manifestation can take place.
Agate raises awareness and links into the collective consciousness of the oneness of life. It encourages quiet contemplation of one's life experiences that lead to spiritual growth and inner stability.
Moss Agate opens the lines of communication with the devas and Nature Spirits, reminding us that the world itself is a living being, physically and spiritually.