Off the cuff

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Havent written anything overly deep and insightful for awhile and then this morning inspiration hit! Well I never saved my work and then the unthinkable happened, BAM! My computer crashes. Soooo instead of trying to convey my previous thoughts in what I deemed the 'perfect manner' I'm now just gonna to fly by the seat of my pants and hopefully something will happen.

My earlier post was about how to maintain balance between being a empowered, confident individual while retaining a soft, compassionate side receptive to co creation with another who's enmeshed energies may not always be conducive to yours and their greater good if not properly understood.

Did I include enough variables in that for you?

I guess my point is that we are all responsible for our own actions, what we choose to take on or not and ultimately our own happiness. 

If you have a deeper understanding of yourself and what makes you tick and are all about growth and self work then you may very well draw certain individuals into your life that are on the other end of the spectrum in the self work area. Even though like attracts like so too do opposites attract. 

These people that are in our lives, be they friends or family can test us to our limits and us them. What we need to recognize in order to further learn and potentially help those close to us to learn is what is actually going on and to make a conscious decision to deal with potential problems another way.

Call it conditioning. First we condition ourselves to react differently or rather not react.

How do we do this? Understanding is key. Pinpoint the issue and where its coming from. Then ask yourself is the behaviour or situation truly defunct or rather has it gone too far? Have you seen any growth at all? Determine if this person or situation is worth it to you. Next if you are not sacrificing yourself and happiness then understand why you are upset with particular behaviours. Remind yourself where or why this other person acts a particular way. NOW and this is crucial, dont respond to the upsetting behaviour or rather respond differently BUT stay neutral. If this person understands how a particular action upsets you and continues then they are trying to push your buttons. However they might actually think you are the one with a problem due to some of your reactions!

Focus on the good.

Go about life with a smile on your face and your head held high. Go forth and conquer. Be you and remeber the good in the people closest to you.

One of two things are bound to happen here:

a) they will start to realize how ridiculous they've been and slowly the behaviour will fade away


b) they will continue to be in the dark and the behaviour will persist.

Now this will only work if there is some understanding from the other party regarding how their behaviour is not acceptable to you.

Yet if you suddenly switch it up and dont react won't this enable them in a sense? Yes it very well could at first. :/  However if the issue or issues persist then you will most likely have your answer. The behaviour is either inconsequential or will lead to a dissolution of the relationship.

Dont let fear hold you back and dont expect the worst (remeber the law of attraction), yet DO make yourself and your happiness a priority.


**Warning: This message does not apply to physical or sadistic abuse situations or truly psychotic individuals. If you find yourself in danger or with a wacko then just leave. **

**Also does not apply to those who can not keep their clothes on when not around you, best to just cut them loose-them not their clothes or other parts of their anatomy no matter how tempting the thought may be**
