The Curse

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By Ghost Gal

The Curse

Psychic attacks do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative energies and psychic attacks don't exist and cannot happen if you don't believe in them or give them energy by paying attention to them. Don’t be fooled.

The following is a share about a bad experience and life changing situation that happened to a friend of mine. She has never been the same since it happened. The worst part is it all happened because of an innocent act. Some people don’t believe what happened to her but I do. She is a straight up type of person. So, I will tell it and you can decide for yourself. I think most people here will understand it and maybe relate.  I wrote it up thinking maybe it can help someone if they decide to handle or buy old things.

A few years ago my friend took a group trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. During their time there she set off on her own to take in some of the more obscure shops that specialized in antiques including magic items. In one of the shops she found a table of old books. One of the books looked like an old diary and she picked it up for a few minutes and examined the outside but never opened because she felt a strong urge to leave. By the time she got to the door she felt as though something was pressing on her making it hard to breathe. Once outside she felt well enough so she set out to catch up with her group but for some reason turned around to look back as she left the narrow side street that opened to the main street.  At the end of the row she noticed a small woman all dressed in black. The woman had on a long black dress down to her ankles and had on a black veil that extended down to her knees. Since people dress in all sorts of ways during Mardi Gras she didn’t think a thing of it – until she kept seeing the woman at a distance everywhere she went. She saw her next across the street on the main road, standing at a corner close to where she caught up to her group, outside the restaurant where they all went to eat and across the road from the hotel where they were staying. Each time the woman seemed to be getting closer. Several times she asked the others if they saw the woman in the black veil and everyone said, “no,” as she seemed to vanish when anyone else looked in the direction that was pointed out.

After that day she never saw the woman in the black veil again. Worse things started happening. These things only happened to her and never her roommate although the roommate witnessed them.

  • Personal objects moving of their own volition.
  • Personal objects disappearing and found in odd places.
  • Waking up with scratches and bruises on her arms legs and chest.
  • Waking up with a bite mark on her hand.
  • Waking up to the sound of a loud crack and shattered glass which turned out to be a crack in the dresser mirror in the hotel room. There was no logical reason this happened.

Long story short, after she did some of her own investigation, she went back to the shop to talk to the shop who was clearly uncomfortable but at least listened. The book was no longer there and he could not account for it but did recognize the description and said it was an old grimoire from an unknown source (old  grimoires were a common item in some of the shops). Further investigation revealed that the woman in the black veil had been seen by others after handling a strange book in other locations around the city.

Long story even shorter, she ended up needing emergency attachment removal. This was done by a Dr. “B.” a voodoo high priest of the local vicinity. He explained to her that the grimoire she had handled had a Dark Ioa (spirit) guarding it and that it was fortunate that she had not read anything in the book. The ritual involved her bringing a new hand mirror. I don’t know all of what happened as it is not something she talks about in detail but she said she sat with her back to a large free standing mirror while she held up the hand mirror so she could see the reflection in the mirror behind her. The room was totally dark except for a single candle although she could make out faint symbols on the floor and walls as well as shells and what looked like bones and feathers. A ritual was performed. When it was done the priest kept the hand mirror. She refuses to talk about what she saw in the reflection and has not been the same since.

Negative energies can be absorbed or can attach themselves to objects during the process of being made or by resting somewhere where negative energies exist. If you have the opportunity, ask an experienced antique dealer or shop collector to tell you some of their stories about negative energies in antique objects and furniture.


5 thoughts on “The Curse”

  1. Creepy and fascinating …

    I was wondering if this was investigated and if anything further was learned about it.

  2. Background research –

    I did conduct a background investigation which revealed that there were some other people who had similar experiences that were connected the immediate area and that shop in particular. The shop has since closed and with it the sightings of the woman in the black veil diminshed and ceased.

  3. Perhaps

    Your friend had to deal with a few things she had not intended to, based on her curiosity and her touching that book in question. That is how she had been brought into that circumstance. The priest did the job she needed him to do effectively, and what he told her was accurate. She is now aware of some of the uglier things that exist in life, and understandably does not want to speak of it. I have had a number of dealings with entities of this sort over the years, and those are generally speaking, not the sort of thing that most would want to have happen to them. These things can be quite a challenge.

  4. lesson learned

    Yes, this was a life altering event for her. I actually had to wait several years before I could write about this even in this cloaked fashion. I'm still in the midst of sorting out the various "theories" connected to it.

  5. ??

    What theories are those? I know more than I mentioned about it but I had to leave a few things out so as to protect innocent persons from anything that might arise if the public were aware of all that had gone on.

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