Happy New Year and Age- if that's really the case already(?!) !
I've just had a thought curious enough to share and so I made this little illustration for you to maybe join into that contemplation.
As we are leaving the age of Pisces, we're entering the age (or state of) Aquarius. In my observations about Aquarius I have noticed, that the rational of aquarius is targeted at a clarity for his own sake. In many- if not all- regards it is selfish, even if the results don't have to be harmful. But it can also be necessary in order to heal certain disorders, a lack of self-awareness or simply to find a clearer, more reliable line forward.
However, at the height of the aquarian spirit, hubris and ignorance is to be expected and only the capricorn will bring us back to our senses and provides a target toward which we focus our attention again with courage and perseverance.
To give you a bit more background to where this idea of mine came from, I thought about the way we understand ourselves esoterically, or rather how we look at existence from a theological or rather spiritual point of view; God or some supernal force, however titled, defined or considered, created all or is the source and eventually beneficiary of all. We are subordinate to the higher planes, matter being the lowest state and so forth. Above us is the heavenly authority, we have to obey and yaddayadda… even in milder forms, we assume to be children.
The Age of Aquarius will wake us up to the revelation that we are NOT children. In fact, we are the manifestation of all that came before us. We are in fact that "crown of creation"," God in action" as one big flock of divine becoming. We begin to accept that we are truly One, but more so that we are the most One can be at this point and we have to work together, we CAN work together and nothing has to come between us. So we merge as a collective and remove money or any restrictive condition that would hold us back from celebrating our potential by acting truthfully, sharing, collaborating, prideful as "species" and prideful as life beyond categorization.
Analog to this observation, What once was viewed as "God" will be seen as Ore of existence, but the ore is nothing until it is extracted, brought into form and eventually used. Thus we view mankind- and life as a whole- as the tool and its user, merged in spirit and matter.
But as gradually as we begin to see life this way, we also forget the cyclic nature of everything in the universe, that everything rolls through its origin again and again. Even if it spirals, who ever is on the spiral itself will roll through the Null or Zero point again with every new revolution. And thus all that was formed from being formless will have to become formless again for each new cycle.
The Age of Aquarius leads us up from the low portion of our large cycle, but it will not take us to the top again. It only leads us out of the sea onto the land of reason and understanding. We take with us the water needed for ourselves/each other so that we can be, but not for the final becoming.
That's why after this age there will come the Age of Capricorn. It will regain perspective beyond the self and see that there's something beyond us in our current form. It will drive us forward again. If we have learned enough by then, we will see to it, that our dissolving will be more ideal for the coming cycle, will be a step forward from the last Null point so that the spiral keeps moving forward.
We are in our physical form finite as is the nature of all matter. Even if we are God manifested, even if we are both tool and user, with every death the user leaves the tool behind and over time this tool will dissolve again into nothing but ore, raw material. It will take the Capricorn to leave both tool and user in such a place and such a form that our future manifestations will have a much more ideal access to regain its own consciousness and the tools required to carry everything yet further.
I hope this made some sense, because it's merely a hunch, a feeling of mine that came over me, when I thought about the ore to sword analogy between the limitless light and mankind, how it will help us to realize this, while it may end up harming us, if we don't grow from this revelation to the next revelation. For now we have to become selfish as a whole, not individually, but collectively. However, this is to inform us about our true powers and set them into motion. But we have to let go of ourselves by the time we understand what we can truly do so that we use it to create more ideal progress in the coming rounds. WE ARE EVERYTHING in form of NAVIGATORS, THINKERS AND MAKERS. WE WILL NEVER DIE, but we can have a hard time surviving it. The dark ages behind us and the greedy, ignorant age we are struggling our way out of right now (Pisces) are but a taste of what expects us at every future cycle. It is on us to eventually make this more pleasant, more successful and quicker so that what ever we are will become what ever we should become with the growing strength we know we have.
Love and Light to all of us!
The Aquarian Age
Analog to this observation, What once was viewed as "God" will be seen as Ore of existence, but the ore is nothing until it is extracted, brought into form and eventually used. Thus we view mankind- and life as a whole- as the tool and its user, merged in spirit and matter.
As far as the Age of Aquarius goes – there is a multitude of opinion as to whether we are actually in it or not, but if I may, respectfully point out in addition to the Aquarian Age, we have merely started with dealing with the energies of Neptune in Pisces and it is very reflective in this blog! Incredible vision expressed here. So please allow this digression …
We take with us the water needed for ourselves/each other so that we can be, but not for the final becoming ... Neptune in Pisces all the way!
Neptune is our Soul teacher. When it operates at its highest vibrations it tells each of us to be responsible for ourselves first so we can serve the greater whole with responsibility. We are all caretakers for one another – there is no division. We all have negative feelings and along with that negative DNA. The energy of Neptune in Pisces affords us the capability to free ourselves from all negativity. It will also focus on social change which may for some inspire as long as we are capable of detachment to outcome and selfishness. This type of disconnection is not only key but necessary for continued enlightenment and soul growth.
I get it!
I love it!
More please …
That's a wonderful response with such a rich bit of information! I haven't explored all the details of the progressions, yet. I (believe to) understand that within each sign we go through three planets, (right?), therefore I'm already excited to learn more about all that. I love very much that your information confirms what I'm sensing and thus inspires me to embrace a new journey into astrology now with hopes that I may understand more than before.
I'm still sick with the urge to comprehend, see logic and pursue patterns. Astrology has always been this complex structure to me, which seems almost impenetrable at first and then difficult to connect to in the early investigations. But now, with the help of the ages and the character of humanity as a whole, there seems to emerge a pattern so connected, so understandable, that it's like a ladder into this system and the fascination is virtually set on fire.
Thank you with all my heart, LOGOS!