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By LOGOS - Overseer



The following is true account of an incident of ‘attachment removal’ during one of my healing sessions. It was unexpected and quite harrowing. You can draw your own conclusions about what happened.

DAIMON:  A type of spirit that may be good or evil or have a dual nature and that allegedly has the ability to intervene in the affairs of human kind. The term DEMON which means “replete with wisdom” is derived from the Greek word DAIMON which means “divine power.”  In Christianity, demons are evil legions of Satan whose sole purpose is to tempt and torment people and lead them into sin.

A few years ago I was the in-house astrologer and Stellar Healer at one of the local metaphysical healing centers. The owner was a very fine herbalist and experienced Reiki practitioner. I was called on my day off and asked if I could come in and perform an “emergency healing” for a gentleman who was in what was described as dire need of help.  I was told very little except that he kept insisting he was under a curse and more would be explained when I got there.  So, I packed up all my gear and began the 30 minute ride over to the shop.

As I was driving to the shop it seemed that the closer I got to it the more trepidation began to set in. I had never met the gentleman before yet I got the intuitive feeling that he was rather portly and that the shop’s cheap Reiki table might not hold him. I dismissed it as silly since I had never met the man. By the time I actually arrived at the shop, I had the distinct unshakeable feeling that the whole session was to say the least going to be a challenge. And I was right on all intuitive counts.

The gentleman was indeed portly. His skin was pastey white and he was sweating profusely. I introduced myself and shook his hand and asked him to wait in the main shop with the owner while I prepared the room and did my protection ritual. I called the shop owner aside, (who we shall call “Sandy” in this post) and told her that at one point during the session I would ask her to assist by “holding the energy” and she agreed. I prepared the room and called the gentleman in.

Whenever I am working on someone I do not know, I like to build a rapport with that person and get an intuitive “hit” about their etheric condition by doing the following – I place two chairs facing one another in which we both sit facing each other with knees touching I place a Herkimer Diamond crystal in the person’s right palm. I place my left hand under the person’s right hand and my right hand over the top of both. Then I gently talk to the person about their problems and concerns and why they think they need healing. I also remind them that even though as a conduit I will be conducting the healing, they will also be participating in healing themselves.

As we sat knee to knee the gentleman began his story. He said he had been dating a woman who was a hedge witch. There was no doubt about this and she was heavy into her practice. Now, there are plenty of witches in the world and I even have a very dear friend who is a witch so I am not defaming anyone who practices witchcraft. To me it’s all in the intention. This particular woman was into the dark side of things and black magic and had become very angry with the man when he had broken off their affair. He claimed she had cursed him and had used some of his possessions and clothing that he had left at her apartment to do so. He began to feel very nervous and then quite ill shortly after the break up. So now with this information I must make a two-fold assessment of the situation. As a behavioral therapist I must recognize that I am dealing with this man’s psychological behavior and his “belief” system. As a metaphysician and a healer I also have to respect the occult possibilities. I asked the man if he had any particular religious leanings since I heal through the DIVINE –  Universal Christ Consciousness (unconditional love) with the assistance of the Archangels. I always accommodate the client’s religious or spiritual beliefs in this regard by simply changing the wording I use during the session if necessary but the energy remains the same. He said he had none and to just do whatever I needed to do.

So it began.

He lay down on the table which was draped with purple linens and sheets (personal choice as purple represents transformational healing and rejuvenation) and as he was engaging the breathing exercises I gave him, I began to ground him with crystals at his head and feet. In those days I always used my own CD player with healing music. All my equipment was in excellent shape and I always ran a quality control check before each session. He was quit nervous and very chatty and it took about 10 minutes to get him to quiet down, close his eyes and just relax. About midway through a session the work becomes more and more intense energetically.

The first thing that happened was the CD player which NEVER gave me a problem began to “skip.” I stopped working for just a quick minute to adjust it and when I turned back around the man is laying there with a big grin on his face.

OK so no big deal.

Everyone has a different sense of humor and maybe the seriousness of the session struck him as funny. I go ahead and begin again working back up to intensity. Occasionally I will call upon celestial Divine assistance for assistance for intervention in healing with the crystals and every time I did so, the man lying on the table would begin to laugh and sweat even more profusely. Eventually the laughter actually became rather maniacal and that’s when I got the hint that he had an attachment … and not a nice one.

He kept on laughing at intervals and in particular when anything relevant to the Divine became part of the conversation so I decided to address this thing – whatever it was.

“So, you are finding this a bit amusing and funny?” I asked.

The man said nothing as if he hadn’t even heard me (this would be confirmed later).

“Well, we shall see.” I said as I pumped up the energy to the max.

To digress for a moment – many people who have heard this story and even the shop owner herself who participated in this session have asked me if I was afraid. I would have to say no ONLY because as a conduit who must remain detached, you must remember that I am under Divine Will when I heal. I do not “channel” any words or directions or instructions but there is a celestial energetic flow that takes place between myself and the posited crystals and the client. That is the best way I can explain it. I am also protected and therefore have nothing to fear in these situations YET, if this was a different situation other than a healing venue  the whole thing probably would have scared the bejesus out of me as it did the shop owner. Other than that, it is all between me and the Great Creator.

Continuing – Eventually the laughter died down and I noticed that the man’s breathing was steady and rhythmic and more relaxed. I told him to lie still while I went to get the shop owner and ask her to assist. His calm demeanor wasn’t fooling me for a second. This was going to be a challenge. When we entered the room I asked her to stand on the opposite side of the table. I looked at her very seriously and told her …

“No matter what happens hold the energy – don’t you move –just hold the energy.”

I look at the man and tell him to open his eyes and look at me.

“I am going to put a psychic shield of protection around you now… to do that I am going to ask for verbal aid from the Archangeloi.”

OK – everyone and every ‘thing’ was fair warned.

Sandy braced herself in Reiki mode and I began to put up the shield. The man became fidgety. Crystals began to tumble from his body (not unusual). Some shot across the room (very unusual). I held my ground and Sandy held hers. Just as I finished calling in the ‘big guns’ this portly man pulled his body into a stiff arch and howled which could only be described as an ‘ungodly howl’. Sandy was thrown backwards several steps and was looking at me wide eyed shocked. I was for a few seconds stunned. Again I warned her-

“Hold the energy –hold your ground!”

Then it was all over. The man collapsed his body back down on the table. He had stopped sweating and his color had returned. Sandy was quite shook up but composed herself and I signaled her that she could leave. (By reference, I have had several instances of ‘arching’ during traumatic sessions. The back arches to such an extent that only the head, shoulders, heels of the feet and part of the arms remain in contact with the table. This often occurs if there is dramatic past life recall during a session. The situation here was a deviation from the norm.)

I removed any remaining crystals from the man’s body and retrieved  the rest from the room , meditated for a moment and closed the session. I helped the man up into a sitting position and gave him some water to drink. When he was stable he looked at me and said:

“Lady, I don’t know what you did to me but at one point such a god awful horrible pressure came off the back of my neck … I don’t know how else to describe it.”

*~In many healing modalities the back of the neck is considered an entry point for attachments.~*

When the session was over, we had a short talk about “behavioral patterns” and choosing “partners” more wisely. I told him to relinquish his belongings as that was key to his belief that the witch had used them to project an attachment to him. He agreed. Before he left he asked me if I knew anything about the Rosicrucians and I told him what I knew. His intention was to start study with that organization. After the man left the shop, shop owner Sandy (still a bit shook) took me aside.

“What the hell was that in there?” she asked still wide-eyed.

“What the ‘hell’ do you think it was?” I answered her.

I saw the man a few days later and he was sporting a fabulous tiger eye pendant around his neck. His problems had  ‘ceased’ and he was feeling much better.

A year later I met the man in the shop again. He did not remember me or the session and shop owner Sandy was in total disbelief of that. I wasn’t. It was typical of a demonic attachment.

There you have it. Believe it or not it actually happened.


9 thoughts on “Daimon”

    • Certainly …

      The angels connected to the Seven Rays which you would recognize as the seven Archangels.

    • Not exactly –

      I clean them off and if we were working as a team, he would destroy them. Darael HIghborn on this site can also vanquish them.

    • I’ll Say…

      Yes, I can, however I use a wholly different methodology than LOGOS, and one that has never failed yet.

  1. Archangels must wear spiritual steel toed boots!

    Good job Logos. Do the archangels also back you up when you argue?

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