excerpt from Letters To Gail III by Paul Twitchell :
126. The Dangers Of The Awakened Kundalini
March 15, 1964
My Dearest One,
In this letter, i am taking up the study of the kundalini, that great power that lies coiled in the coccyx, that part of the spinal column in which the nerve centers are gathered that feed the sexual organs and lower body functions.
This great power is brought into the brain through a series of exercises which brings it up the spine and into the mind;and once there,the individual, is the enlightened man, the man of great power, a holy being. He actually shines like a great light bulb; e.g., the pctures of the ayras of the Saints – this is the reflection of the kundalini. Control of the prana one of the primary forces of the universe from which all other things are derived,is the secret of controlling all forces and materials in nature.
Pranayama is the exercise of learning to control prana, the vital force. The old yogis did it mostly by controlling the breath, together with the exercise of the will. The result of the perfect practice of pranayama is udghata, the awakening of the kundalini. Today, it is considered a deep secret among the old yogis to talk or write about kundalini.
Kundalini is a dangerous force to play around with. I remember the story of a man who was trying to arouse the kundalini so it would be released and reach his brain, and he fell into a heavy, burning fever,which baffled the medicos. It took an old yogi to reduce the kundalini and restore the man to health again. The aspirant didn't know how to handle this force!
Under the pranayama exercises, the kundalini is released or awakened from it's dormant state in the indri or swadhistana, center. It lies near the sacral plexus and is associated with the function of reproduction. It is the creative center in man. When awakened by the proper exercises, this force rises through the central canal of the spinal cord, known to occultists as the sushumna path, with two smaller canals, one called ida, on the left, and the pingala, on the right. When the kundalini rises to the brain, fully aflame, a series of important changes takes place in the consciousness, especially in the feelings and emotions. The individual is on fire, so to speak. He has a very great increase of powers – power over the forces of nature and power over other people. If a rigorous process of training in self-control and mind purification hasn't been made and the individual is not prepared,the results may be disasterous. Even insanity or death could follow.
No Eck Master will allow the awakening of the kundalini until the disciple has gained self-control and mental purity. The Master will be certain the disciple is first purified before arousing the kundalini – and then it comes about in a natural way, like the opening of a flower. Now what i'm saying here is that the kundalini is the basic force of the imagination. Prana is that basic vital force, upon which the mold or image is impressed and aroused, so that it will be formed in this material world. But unless the kundalini is behind the will or image to impress the pranic force, nothing is going to happen.
These two elements are the basic factors in the fulfillment of one's desires. The Spiritual Eye is the only channel through which these elements work in order to fulfill the destiny set by the individual . Some persons have used the kundalini and the prana forces sucessfully without having any knowledge of what they were doing. I rather think that Napolean was one those who did, and of course, Socrates. Many of the Saints have used the force. Eck Master Sudar Singh was one; the light in his face showed that he was inwardly seething with kundalini and prana.
Now i point this out because these are, as Blake said in so many words, those great forces which are used in the imagining picture to make the world and worlds. When one goes inside to begin the upward journey, he starts at the Tisra Til ( the Spiritual Eye) and goes outward, from the inside out. Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven, which he said was within man. All prophets and saints have said the same thing. Buddha became famous for his concentration, rather, his meditation, upon the navel, during his early life. This meant he was concentrating uponthe center in which this fiery force lies coiled, until he could bring it up to his brain..
Now this fiery kundalini is represented as a serpent coiled in the sex center of the body. The sex, or reproduction center is responsible for creativity. Therefore, it is the force which makes the individual drive fir sime achievement in art, writing, sculpture, or some other creative form. Most creative people are highly sexed. And many who are unable to release their sex drives in sexual activities will turn to creative professions and do well at them. Strangely, sex , art, and writing are greatest when under repression – not when they have plenty of freedom.
When the disciple uses the Spiritual Eye to release his spiritual body or to impress the prana, using the kundalini to form something, or rather find it in the universe, he is going about it in the right way. Since all images are passed through the channel of the Spiritual Eye from the human mind or the spiritual self into the prana force by the power of the kundalini,whose fiery nature impresses the pranic force, then whatever desire is in motion is apt to be fulfilled.
This is why the Eck system of using the Spiritual Eye is greater and why it is better to let go of the ancient system by the yogi by which he brought the forces upward through the spinal column to the brain. You will find the whole system lies in the fact that nothing is greater than the movement of the spiritual body, helped by the kundalini and the pranic force. When one finds the power of the kundalini under his control, then the world changes for him.
Most people need a lot of side trips or detours in order to get to their goal. But the shortest distance between two points is the straight line, and this is the teaching of Eckankar that i'm trying to give you, so you can cut through all barriers and reach the goal without having to make any side trips. You'll find it much easier. More later. Paul.
From the book, Letters to Gail Vol.3 © 1990 Eckankar – Sri Paul Twitchell
I found this fascinating friend. I do not know very much about Paul Twitchell but it does seem he was a fine thinker and processor. I will enjoy contemplating what has been written here. A man who walks upon a straight line can never get lost.