Here's a theory for you, I call it, "Defying the Law of Gravity." It is obvious that earlier in Earth's history the atmosphere allowed enormous growth. The proof is remnants of dinosaurs. I have heard that the skeletal remains of very large humans have been found also. And then even for further proof, there are architectural wonders of the World such as the Egyptian Pyramids, and many others. The Bible and other ancient text also mention Giants.
In case you don't know, everything physical in our world, and to the furthest extent of our Universe, is made of what are called atoms. An atom is the smallest particle of physical matter. There are a great few more than 100, and combined they create everything physical. The air we breathe, the blood in our veins, water, trees, food, everything. All atoms are very similar; they are all composed of the three same components. These three components are called, protons, neutrons and electrons. These are called sub atomic particles. Basically, they are positive, negative and neutral charges of energy. Science it appears has manufactured a way of numbering how many protons, neutrons and electrons are in an individual atom.
The core component of the atom is called the nucleus. The nucleus is composed of the positive and neutral charges. The electrons are the negative charge, in varying numbers, they ellipse around the nucleus and entrap the nucleus. It was proven in the 1960’s by a physicist that the nucleus of one and all atoms is actually particles of light. This is the energy that we power our cities with; it is also the energy that we blow them up with. It is the most powerful energy known to man.
It is scientifically proven that the Earth is being bombarded 24/7 by various forms of radiations. This would include solar and cosmic radiation. There are many forms of radiations; I would like to talk about the three basics. They are called, Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiations. As these radiations rain down on Earth they come in waves. When you break these waves down to their finest particle you will find that Alpha radiations are actually waves of protons. Beta radiations are waves of electrons. Gamma radiations are neutrinos, or neutrons. These are the exact same thing that our atomic nature is made of. It is my statement that as these various radiations passed through our biological anatomy, our atomic nature naturally magnetically absorbs the necessary elements to maintain the integrity of the individual atom.
There are studies that have been done that show that a particle of dust is continuously vibrating while being observed under an electron microscope, there is some invisible force having an effect on the observed particle of dust. I have heard it said that as alpha, beta and gamma radiations pass through our body and through the earth below us that the particles are so minute that they touch nothing. I think the vibrating particle of dust proves that these radiations, whether they're touching anything or not, do have an effect as they pass through.
There are many things that science has found that can be correlated to the Holy Bible. One is the Big Bang theory; it states that in the beginning of creation there was a massive explosion that caused a chain reaction that brought our physical Universe into manifestation. In the Holy Bible it is stated that on the first day of creation God created the light. Sure sounds like the same thing to me.
There is a new scientific theory out called, "Quantum Physics". Basically, the way that this theory breaks down is this, all nuclei, “Particles of light", within all atomic nature are interconnected. Some studies have been done where they will take bacteria culture and separate it. They can have one portion in California, the other portion in China, as they do experiments on the portion in China, it will have effects on the portion in California instantaneously… not one second before, not one second after, but at the very instant that the experiment was done.
This explains a lot of things. Like when you sense a song prior to its being played. Or having knowledge of a family member having a tragedy at the very instant that it happened, even though you were not in the vicinity, nor had any knowledge of the occurrence. There are also studies that have been done with plants. There is a book in particular called, "The Secret Life of Plants". What they did is this, they hooked a plant up to an EKG monitor, the plant can be anywhere on the globe, and it will react instantaneously to someone who is thinking about it anywhere on the globe. Once again, "Quantum Theory".
One other thing that I believe to be valuable to have knowledge of, as I state my theory is this, science is saying that gamma radiations, "neutrinos", are not passing through the Earth's surface they are being lost somewhere. It is very obvious that something is passing through us. This something is obviously the various radiations that I mentioned before. It is my statement that we have a black hole in the center of our earth. Of all of the trillions upon trillions of tons of subatomic matter that have bombarded the earth throughout history, it would have to go someplace, “Blackhole”. It is my statement that the neutrino element that is not reaching the Earth's mantle is actually adding density to our atomic nature. It is my statement that as the various radiations pass through our environment they create a drag. Depending on the density of the individual atom, it will have different drag factors.
It is my statement that in Earth's early history the individual atom was of a lesser density. It is my statement that the various radiations that bombard the earth 24/7 from all corners of the globe are the same as Manna from Heaven as mentioned in the Holy Bible. It is also my statement that as these radiations pass through us, they converge at the Earth's mantle and create nuclear fusion. I believe it is erroneous to believe that the nuclear fusion at the Earth's mantle is caused by the rotation of the earth. If you placed a baseball at the center of the earth, it would turn one time in 24 hours, there is no way that is enough activity to cause nuclear fusion. Beyond that, if the rotation of the earth caused enough chaos at the Earth's mantle to create nuclear fusion, I would only imagine that the Earth's oceans would be in total chaos.
In the Bible it is stated that God is the light of the World, God is the foundation of all creation and also, God gave us his breath of life. It is undeniable that we are talking about the nuclear element, which was once again scientifically proven to be a particle of light. The quantum body of nuclear energy is the body of Christ, who proclaimed to be the light of the World. It is my knowledge that Christ was directly connected to our solar sun. He was said to be the bright and morning star. What other star is out in the morning, only the Sun. I know some will want to argue this point, “Oh well!” In the Bible God is stated as being, the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end. Science has proven that light travels at 186,000 miles per second, some state that it is even going faster now days. There are many unexplainable anomalies with light. One is the fact that you can never go faster than light. Some say that if you were to go faster than light, you would actually be going back in time.
What I'm getting at is this, light is in the past, present and future at the same time. This is proven by the experiments I just mentioned that have been done. How could one part of the bacteria culture have an immediate reaction without my statement being true? This is the explanation for prophecy, if an individual was fasting and contemplating Godly thing's, he would naturally come into harmony with his inner light, and would be able to travel into the future, and perceive the futures most probable equation. This same thing happens when you have déjà vu. The light within you is cycling it has a beginning point, "The Big Bang". The light passes through us and goes into the future at its unbelievable rate of speed, and creates every equation of probability. Whether you go left, whether you go right, whether you meet John, or whether you meet Mary. Remember life is all interconnected at a foundational level. So sometimes, we pass up our most probable probability, and we think, "Man, I know I have been here before". That is because the light within us has created that equation before us.
There is an omnipresent consciousness, whether you want to call it God, or the Universal conscience, or the spirit that binds us. At one point in our history this intelligence of which I speak perceived a dead end to the future of mankind. The problem was that due to the coagulation of various radiations the earth was going to turn into a black hole, and collapse upon itself. The only answer to the equation was to introduce ultraviolet radiation, in coordination with masses of proton radiation. As you may know, for the last several years the sun has been having some very violent activity. This activity is called solar flares, the radiations that are emanating off the sun are proton radiation, and they are also called x-rays. I have seen in my mind’s eye that prior to the man they call Christ coming to earth we were entrapped by a global sphere that would not allow the entry of ultraviolet radiation.
When Christ was being baptized in the Jordan River, he was actually creating a circuit; he then compelled a wormhole to open up from our solar sun. This is symbolically stated in the Bible as, "The Dove of the Holy Spirit lit upon his Crown". This was also called opening the veil of the, "Holy of Holies.” The universe is actually the body of Christ. He had to transform himself to earth, to do spiritual or subatomic surgery on the earth. As he opened up this wormhole from the sun, the energy grounded through him into the Earth's mantle. The connection was made. When he died on the cross, it is stated that he earth shook. This was stated as, "The veil to the Holy of Holies was torn". When he died a rift was torn in the earlier mentioned wormhole. It is also stated, that when Christ died quite a large number of graves opened up and the spirits of the bodies that were in their graves came out. This happened because their spirits, "Sub Atomic Anatomy", were entrapped in the earth with no place to go.
So now when Christ allowed us to access to the full spectrum of light, "The Rainbow", these spirits now had a place to go, they were no longer entrapped. They were naturally and magnetically absorbed into that initial release of energy. The energy that was released at the initial moment of Christ's death made the earth shake. The core of that energy release went directly to the magnetic North Pole. To begin cycling. This is why we have the beautiful Northern lights, "Aurora Borealis". This event is what caused the hole in our ozone layer. As our polar caps melt, it allows the vibrant energy that is entrapped in the North Pole to be released and to begin cycling. The proton radiations, "Solar Flares", that have been bombarding the earth for the last several years are exciting the nuclei of all atomic nature. This has the effect of dispelling the density of the individual atom. Science is saying that we are losing our gravity.
You might be asking, "What does all of this mean?” Well for me it means that all of the many ‘end of times prophecies’ are coming true. I have learned how to communicate with the light that is within me. It is a sign of the times. As the polar caps breakdown and the energy begin to cycle we will all become more intuitive. In the Bible this is stated as, "We will have the word of God written upon our hearts and our minds". In listening to my inner light I have been compelled to become a vegetarian, in preparation for up and coming events. We are what we eat. When you eat dense animal nature, your spirit body bonds with me essence of the animal nature. It makes it really hard to interface with your inner light with all of that dense matter between your cognitive awareness and inner light. The nucleus of an atom is one quadrillionth the size of an atom, and an atom is the smallest particle of matter. What I'm saying is it takes some doing to come into harmony with your inner light. Throughout history people who are vegetarian and meditate seemed to have an edge on life.
Something else that is very important to know is this. Scientific studies have proven that people with emotional problems, this includes alcoholics, addicts, people with bipolar, schizophrenia and even murderers and rapists, any type of bad seed, have been found to have large increments of dark matter integrated into their DNA. In one of the codes that have been revealed to me, this dark matter is called, "Demon", which is the acronym for, "Developed Emotional Manifestation Of Negativity". Imagine this, if the light at your core level is interconnected throughout all creation, wouldn't it be logical to believe that this dark matter, "Demon", is interconnected throughout all creation also? I have found that this entity is like a cancer, it derives its life force from our core element. It is a reactive principle, with a survival instinct.
There are varying frequencies to this entity. If it develops in an individual, and that individual tries to change their internal frequency, the dark entity of which I speak goes into survival mode. I have witnessed this entity create total chaos in an individual's life for the purpose of maintaining a negative biological environment. Sounds a lot like the story of the vampire also. This manifestation of dark matter that has coagulated on any individuals DNA system is very much the root of all, "Evil", which is the acronym for, "Emotional Variable In Life". It is a global cancer. In the acronym code, the acronym for, "Emotion", is, "Evolved Manner Of Thinking In Our Nature". The acronym for, "Life", is, "Light In Focused Emanation.”
As you can see, there must be something to what I am saying. I have never been to school. All of the knowledge that I present to you has been given to me by the light that is within me, which is also in you. We have auras, why is it that no one is yelling, "Hey, at a core level I am a light being!” Because there is something inside of us that will allow us to encompass this reality. Have you ever noticed how some emotionally disturbed individual seemed to be communicating with something, or someone that isn't there? Since these individuals obviously have so much of the dark matter that I am talking about integrated into their spiritual system, they are actually picking up communications that go on between the various aspects of the dark entity that I am talking about.
This dark matter violates an individual’s core system, "The Light", to the extreme that the individual feels miserable. Depression is very typical. The emotions that are caused by this dark energy do very easily lead people to find relief in the use of drugs and alcohol. I know these things not only because I communicate with the light within, which knows all. But I have been through drug addiction, alcoholism and very serious depression. As well as many others, I have suffered. Fortunately for me, God has truly blessed me. At the age of eight, without any prior education I had a natural understanding of communication.
At the age of eight I was tested and found to have a 16.0 reading and comprehension level. That is the same as someone who has been to college for four years. Life has never made any sense to me; it has come close to driving me absolutely insane. But I broke through, I found the answer. I hope what I have found may benefit others. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Sometimes truth is hard to swallow. But facts are facts, and these are all facts, some people don't want to believe that I have found several brand-new codes in the English language. And they are compelled to think that I am crazy. I have prayed about this long and hard. Remember in the Bible when numerous individuals were condemning Christ to the cross, and he stated, "forgive them father they know not what they do"? It all adds up. Christ understood that is dark entity that I am talking about was compelling those individuals to do that horrendous and insane deed. I can see it so clearly. I have researched everything that I am talking about.
The message that I am communicating to you is in the acronym code called the, "Truth", which is the acronym for, "The Real Untold Temporal History". I have been trying to get this information out to the public for better than five years, and this dark entity of which I speak has been very successful at keeping it from reaching the public eye. I have been awarded an, "Honorary Doctorate of Metaphysical Science", for having found this information. I have a friend who is the head of the church through which I am ordained. He is a 73-year-old man, has been a pastor for 37 years, and he says I am like a modern day Moses. What a beautiful thing to say.
The point I am getting at is this, I am not concerned with any of the honors or anything of that nature. I just believe that everybody should have this information. I have been validated by two people with Ph.D.’s; I was on Blog Talk Radio several times, and much more. If you find this information to be relevant and profound as myself and others have, please share it. I have a book in the works, and am trying to obtain funding to develop a movie. I am also trying to find funding to do some experiments using spectral photographic equipment. My inner light has shown me many things, but I need to do the footwork and show results, and format the information for the general public. I am in desperate need, if you or anyone you know can give me a hand up, please do. I will put this information out there and pray to God that these veils of illusion be shattered. God bless you. If the Holy Spirit of discernment allows you to see the light in what I have written, please share it.
you appear to have completely avoided the Sound, the Light is quite secondary, the Sound is the vital aspect, and is that thing that causes all things to vibrate….all things make and are made of Sound….this concept by far predates the Bible, but even there it says the Word of God, before there was any light, there was the Word of God, the Word was with God and the Word WAS God, and THEN God said "let there be Light…"