The Devil And Reiki

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By LI - Executor

Image by kalhh from

From an interview with ReligionenLibertad, Eduardo, an ex-Reiki master.

“ Reiki? … What is that?”

“Reiki! Hey, man, it’s the best therapy for everything … It cures and improves all kinds of physical and psychological sicknesses. It can even help you die if your time has come. It’s like a therapy or palliative treatment …”

Conversations like this, says Eduardo, bring many people to Reiki.

No formation about evil –

“You look like an experienced poker player, and it turns out that you are (as I was) a total illiterate in religious matters,” explains Eduardo. “When you were little you were baptized, but you don’t remember it. You made your First Communion in white because your friends did. But you really didn’t understand very well what you were doing. And no priest in 12 years of Catholic school and catechism ever spoke to you about evil, Satan, the Devil …

"They never warned you that you should not open the door to the Devil. To close it can cost months or years of prayer and things you never imagined.”

And, thus, the person picks up a phone, calls and goes to his first Reiki session.

The first hook –

“Reiki involves a Japanese technique of channeling energy for healing. They explain to you that you have chakras – energy points in the body – and they always tell you that the aura of your skin color is a little pale, which denotes disease. But you shouldn’t worry, you are assured, because they will lay their hands on your body and everything will get better…

“The problem is that at first this seems to be the case. You notice a false sense of well-being, a superficial healing of symptoms … This is the bait for you to think that everything is wonderful. You also think: Here I am, taking medication and destroying my liver when all this can be solved with an imposition of hands.”

“The second step,” continues Eduardo, “is to get curious about how Reiki works and ask the master, ‘Excuse me, how do you do this? Is there something I can study?’ The answer is, ‘Nothing special, this can be done by everyone. You just have to take a simple course and past the first level and you will begin to channel energy. You start to notice it in your hands. From there you no longer have to come to us to do it here, because you can self-treat yourself.’

“The third step, if you are a little curious like I was, is to join the next course they offer,” says Eduardo. ”And don’t think you are going to find in these courses weird people, with social problems or with lives different from everyone else. No, the courses are filled with people of all ages and from all social classes – especially young people like me, eager to be able to heal others. Young people who don’t know that they are opening the door to the Devil.”

“The Devil, who already knows that you realize he is behind Reiki, won’t let you go around cheerfully telling this. You will realize it. Some small thing you do can start ruining your life in every sphere, especially in work and economics. Don’t be surprised if you have a streak of bad luck that goes on and on and never seems to end. Don’t be surprised if arguments start in your home without you realizing it and never seem to end. Then, you will begin to get sick to a greater or lesser degree. Everything is gradual, not usually from one day to another,“ says Eduardo.

“People who practice Reiki are not generally aware that they are calling the Reiki spirits when they practice Reiki or are initiating others into it. They invite the Reiki spirits by drawing the Japanese symbol of a specific devil, and invite them by calling their names three times; after this they can send Reiki energy to others.

"Also, using the same symbols, they initiate someone spiritually into Reiki, opening access to these spirits through the rituals – or attunements – so that the Reiki energy will flow. The Reikians are deceived by the manifestations of energy and a short-term sense of well-being."

Eduardo identifies five classic symbols of initiation into Reiki:

1. Dai-ko-myo, master demon, the Reiki sovereign;

2. Hon-cha-se-shonen, the contact spirit of Reiki. This is the symbol or spirit for the second level of Reiki, which allows one to make contact with a distant person or situation. It means “The divinity in me contacts the divinity in you,” and is used in all initiations and is even written by hand in the second level Reiki attunement.

3. Sei-heki, spirit guide of Reiki. This is the symbol or spirit for the second level of Reiki to influence the subconscious levels. It can be used to manipulate people. This spirit reveals a lot about people and their situations and sends this information to the “third eye.” This symbol is also used in all Reiki initiations or attunements. It means “God and man become one.”

4. Tjoko-rei, a main spirit of Reiki. This is the symbol or spirit for the second level that activates or increases the Reiki energy that is sent to someone. It means: “Place the power of the universe here,” ordering the divinity of Reiki to act and increase the power of Reiki.

5. Ling, main spirit of Harbori-reiki. This is the symbol or spirit to send or increase energy; it is popular in Spain.

There are many different forms of Reiki that use other symbols, giving names to spirits (ling, raku, fire dragon, etc. and devils of Satanism). Each Reiki master is free to make his own mix. Eduardo points to different Eastern gurus and sect leaders who have created their own variants: Osho Reiki, Saibaba Reiki, Yoga Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Harbori Reiki, Rainbow-Reiki, etc.

When materialists engage in Spiritism –

Eduardo points out that many Reiki users are somewhat materialistic persons, attracted by the idea of an energy that is not religious. It is difficult to explain to them what they discover at more advanced levels: that is an edifice built on dealing with spirits.

“When I have tried to explain to people that this comes from the Devil, they laugh and think that I am the one who is in a sect,” he laments. However, the pastoral experience of Catholic exorcist priests around the world confirms what Eduardo experienced.

“I have more than 50 friends in this, and I’m praying they will not get sick as I did, but I think it’s inevitable. In the massage schools on the ground floor of the building where I live they announce 2nd level courses of Reiki for 200 euros (US $212). What am I supposed to do? Pray Rosaries, sprinkle the place with holy water? That’s about it. It’s difficult to make them understand that they are invoking Japanese devils in the building where I live.”

Therefore, he asks that people “instruct the young people in the schools and in the parishes about the dangers of Reiki.”

For atheists, he has a very concrete message. ”If you are an atheist and don’t believe in anything, at least don’t do anything. Better that than do something that you can regret the rest of your life.”

Five counsels to stop Reiki –

Eduardo adds five recommendations for those who are already into Reiki and want to leave it.

“If you have already entered and started to realize your big mistake, this is my advice:

1. Make a complete general Confession of your life. Find a priest and confess everything. Begin by telling him that you sinned against the First Commandment and engaged in a spiritual practice that is a great offense to God. Be contrite of heart and receive absolution. Learn what it means to keep the Commandments because in Spain almost no one is fulfilling them.

2. From that moment on, make your life 100% Catholic. Go to Mass and daily Communion. Pray at least one Rosary per day.

3. Search the Internet for Catholic prayers for healing, liberation and the renunciation of evil and pray them.

4. Make a novena asking for complete healing and release. This is not magic – getting out of Reiki takes time and is proportional to the time you have been practicing it.

5. In very serious cases, look for a priest who is an experienced exorcist.