Oh my mind! Be in love with God! You will not get a second chance like this, once it has gone. Do not be fooled by seeing this beautiful body; it is like a castle made of sand. Happiness and wealth of this world are transient, just as dewdr
ops on the grass. Earnestly do that by which you can obtain the Eternal goal. It is the guru's tradition that whoever comes to his refuge is liberated. Kabir says, "O brother sadhu, listen to me! You will be victorious over the cycle of births." (Kabir Bhajan Amritam, Devotional Bhajans of Satguru Kabir, translated by Dr. Jagessar Das, Kabir Association of Canada)
Sat means True Guru means
Sat means True
Guru means Teacher
Satguru is a title given specifically only to an enlightened sant whose life's purpose is to guide others …