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“People hate you because you proved that dignity is meaningless.” “No one needs to prove it. Everyone knows already. They just pretend not to.” – Dr. Hannibal Lecter

From the mouth of a sophisticated and esteemed psychiatrist, such a ludicrous and misleading sentiment may upon first sight carry some weight. For the naive it can become a core belief by which their world becomes transfixed. Whereas a fully formed monster may be entirely bereft of what it takes to corrupt an individual from the inside out.

You may have noticed that the second quote works to reinforce the argument; namely, that dignity is meaningless. This procedure of informal logic snaps together into a coherent whole, yet it comes apart at the seams because none of the premises stand up under the light of reason.

Nevertheless the words come together ever so eloquently. Its cunning intrigue can be used to lead others in a nonchalant sort of way. After all the road to hell is paved with good intentions; a trite and over used saying, yes, but nonetheless effective should the author wish to guide your attention in a direction that serves his ends.

So what are my ends you might ask; why take the time to reveal the vicious nature of vice? Because it negatively affects the way we orient ourselves in the world; in particular, it possesses a harmful influence on the quality of our mental, emotional, social and physical health.

Like an actual clamp that can be used to permanently fix things in place, vice has a way of entrapping us by pinching off or twisting the truth out of context. Just as the arteries of a gluttonous man gradually becomes blocked through poor nutritional habits, so does vice undermine our wellbeing without the individual being all that aware of its grip.

Such grasping can take many forms when it comes to vice. Lust, gluttony, pride, sloth, wrath, greed and envy can be counted among them. Yet craving, aversion and delusion seem to be at its very root. Kid yourself not; the cunning, baffling and powerful nature of vice can derail the best of us.

Vice erodes the common threads of human decency by which dignity remains steadfast, so does this mean people will consequently embrace the law of liberty in light of my ability to reason? In other words, just because the writer can argue for the advantages of removing the rotting effect of neglectfulness, does that mean others will accept the truth of his stance?

The bitter sweetness of a candy dissolves ever so slowly in the mouth. Its lure resides in its immense pleasure but it’s not until later on that the teeth become brittle. That which lacks immediate recognition and effect, but requires a thorough and considerate understanding, will be lost on those who are fixated on the present, which doesn’t lead to enlightenment but to additional and unnecessary suffering through a web of urgency that remains fatten through the masses of mindless wannabe zombies.
