The Discourses of Agra Radhasoami, another stage of evolution of the path

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

Here find the complete English library of books written by 1st Guru Shiv Dayal Singh, through all of his 4 successors, the last of which, called Babuji, was reported to have appeared inwardly to a young Paul Twitchell and initiated him into the ways of Soul Travel. Babuji’s personal aide, says in his biography, that Babuji’s successor, would be of western dress and clean shaven, and would come to  Mastership in the 60’s, which leads the way to……Paul Twitchell and Eckankar…Sant Mat as a path, came to India via the Zoroastrians in the present age, although reference is made that the same path was originally brought to India from Lemuria or Mu. In any case it was brought to the public for the first time by Kabir, and then made a split off into Sikhism….Param Sant Tulsi Sahib first called it Sant Mat, or the way of the Saints…..Shiv Dayal Singh was born into a family that was Tulsi Sahib’s students, and so Soamiji was first intitiated by Tulsi Sahib, despite the fact he is claimed to have never had any Master.


Shiv Dayal Singh

Salig Ram
