Discover the Source of All Truth – Harold Klemp

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

                      Discover the Source of All Truth – Harold Klemp                   
                          Discover the Source of All Truth
   Learn to go inside yourself, because this is the source of all truth. There are a lot of holy temples out here, but the most sacred of all is the temple inside you, because this is where you meet with the Holy Spirit.
   How do you meet with the Holy Spirit?
   If you're in Christianity, you pray. You come to the holy temple, the holy of holies, through prayer. You meet on holy ground with your God. If you're a member of any other religion, you have a means of going to that holy of holies, whether it's meditation, contemplation, or prayer.
   Go to the holy of holies. It's the temple inside you. This is the place where all truth comes from. Before there were words, before there was a written  Bible, or a printed Gutenberg Bible, before there was Luther's translation, there was the Word in the heart of mankind.
   This is the temple. Go there.
                                                      Thy Will Be Done
   There is a true way to pray, and that way is simply to say," Thy will be done." Because it will be done anyway. Even better, be silent and let God perhaps speak to you.
   The Spindrift Organization has done a lot of experiments in a lab to prove that prayer works. They set up experiments with plants, and they tried directed prayer. They'd always have a control group. Then they would try to see if there were any differences in plant growth. And there were.
   They did these experiments for awhile, and then somebody had an idea. They said,"We've proven now, that prayer changes things." In other words, saying to the little plant, "Grow!" "But now let's see if there's a difference between directed prayer and other types." They wanted to look at another kind of prayer, which is nondirected prayer.
   Nondirected prayer is more along the lines of "Thy will be done."
   So they took a plate with mold on it. And they put it through a quick rinse of alcohol to give the mold a shock, to almost kill it. Then they drew a line right down the center.
   Side A was the control side. They wouldn't pray for that side. They asked people to pray for the mold on side B, but not on the order of, "Grow you little green molds, grow!". They didn't do it like that. They just said,"Thy will be done," regarding the B side.
   By doing this truly, people are giving goodwill to life. They're passing along the love of God to other people and things.
   They found that nondirected prayer worked even better than directed prayer. Then they did other experiments and got the same results: the nondirected prayer was better than telling God what to do. They also found that some kind of attention was better than nothing at all.
   It gets very difficult when you try to direct things. For example, if you have an illness and say, "God, i need more red blood cells. Produce more red blood cells." That may be exactly the wrong thing. You might need more white blood cells.
   Directed prayer doesn't work as well because it depends on the human consciousness and all its ignorance. But nondirected prayer depends upon the Divine Power, the higher power. It depends upon the power of God. So whether you say,"Thy will, not mine be done," or "May the blessings be," this is the proper spiritual way to direct your own life. 
   You can use it in your own spiritual exercises with a word that you sing to yourself during contemplation (HU is a good one). You can sing the word, but before you begin,you can say, "May the blessings be," or "Thy will be done."
   If you have a health problem, or if you're having a problem finding work or keeping the job you have, or if you're having a problem with a loved one, or someone not so loved—instead of saying,"God, help me be stronger," maybe just try "Thy will be done."
   It's unconditional love that makes such a prayer. And this is important.
   What many people don't realize is that God's love, too, is unconditional love. Soul exists because God loves It. That means you exist because God loves you.
From the book, The Call of Soul © 2012 Eckankar – Sri Harold Klemp                               
  chapter 3 of 

4 thoughts on “Discover the Source of All Truth – Harold Klemp”

  1. Learn!

    Learn to go inside yourself, because this is the source of all truth. 

    A neon sign for this would be nice!

  2. Didn’t you notice yours???

    It is in your own heart! also, the Bible says the same, as do a majority of other paths around the globe! this is one thing that tend to have in common, but many  miss this fact and engage in wars over who's telling of it was more correct or accurate, and generally that is based on a single individual that never actually said any such thing, and certainly didnt ever recommend warring with other peoples or paths about it. the world's saints are many!

  3. This blog inspired this art …


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