The Disillusion Peddler

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By Scorpius Aquarii

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



The Disillusion Peddler coming to a neighborhood near you!!!

It may seem like a dream but it’s really a nightmare … Disillusionment is basically defined as a feeling of disappointment that something is not as good as you believed it to be. This seems to sound as though it is referring to a situation but remember it is people who cause situations. It’s not some mechanical issue that “just happens.” 

Disillusionment has a big grip on all facets of society today be it collective or personal. People seem to be handling the collective brand well now. They have put their foot down re world/political issues and are busy tearing the curtain down and taking a stand. The disillusionment peddlers are finding their sales pitches to be falling on death ears and eyes that will no longer look. Unfortunately, in one’s personal relationships be they family, friend, or love, disillusionment still has a vice grip. 

Disillusionment arises when life experiences strongly discredited positive assumptions or deeply help beliefs. Disillusionment can be a hard nut to crack because once it manifests, trust is broken. It’s like a drug that permeates your body and can change your life course. Ultimately, disillusioned individuals struggle to maintain meaning and inhabit a state of existential concern … did I misunderstand? … Why was I so blinded? … Why was I so stupid? In the worst case scenario an existential crisis evolves. An existential crisis is the feeling of unease people experience about meaning, choice, and freedom in life. This existential anxiety often causes people to feel that life is inherently pointless and that existence has no meaning. 

The minute one feels disillusioned the best thing to do is some self-search before the original issue blows up into something unnecessary. Instead of criticizing oneself – see if a pattern exists within the issue. Perhaps what you have been thinking isn’t actually what was happening. ON the other hand if it was the culmination of a repeating pattern that hasn’t changed imposed by someone or something else then you are probably justified in your disillusionment with that person or situation. Happiness and liberty are harsh prices to pay for staying in LA-LA Land. I think you should cancel your one-way ticket to that destination. Let’s face it – It is a hard fact of life that some people cannot change. They are good at giving lip service that they will “try” but there are rarely results. If that is the case, the particular person is not supporting your growth as a human being and should probably be extricated from your life. There is no law that says you are obligated to live according to the rules they demand in that fairytale they have fabricated. 

There is no half-way measure here. Either you tear the veil of disillusionment wide open and rip it to shreds or wrap yourself up in it, all cuddly and be miserable – because you will be miserable. The Disillusion Peddler simply doesn’t care – there are plenty more out there he can dupe.

Only you have the freewill and power to change your life. Why don’t you use it?