Divided by Words We Fall – Aligned We Stand

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By Drea

Divided by Words We Fall – Aligned We Stand

Words contains less alignment between than physical actions:
When we speak and pronounce words, we should always pay attention if they are going in the direction we want. Fortunately they are part of decision-making and not decision as it can be a concrete action. It's a bit like the story of the three little birds on the power cord: two of them say they want to fly away; winter is coming and how many birds remain on the wire? All three, as they say “fly away” and they didn’t take action to fly away. If you take an action, the will that creates it is usually aware that it is not reversible, it is more difficult to go back over than the words spoken that may be lost in the wind. For this, action is more aligned and responsive to what the subconscious "recommends" to develop to the conscious mind and apply to the physical part. The words, precisely because of their random nature, are not aligned … but we must not underestimate this. The constant repetition of certain words and emotions / feelings they evoke, can create states of certainty in the mind logic: if repeated enough times and with enough energy, we can take for granted everything we say; having with the repetition created the foundations that we believe true, we will act accordingly in that direction for the simple fact of considering it a normal decision. The advice of Napoleon Hill to repeat positive commands to the subconscious is this: haven’t you put it  into practice?

We don’t have to blame who’s misaligned, we have to listen to all the 3 communications:
We'll continually relate to people who are not at all aligned. They say one thing and then do the opposite and complain that their life does not go straight. If these people are "disturbing" our quiet life, not make it their fault as they could simply be unconscious of symbols they communicate with their divergence. What is useful to do, if we want to maintain that relationship and take it to a higher level, is to operate in a classical way: listen, think and finally act. The first step is to listen to, receive and understand the symbols that this person sends us, on each of the three levels: what it says, what it does and what really is feeling. If the first two are easy listenings, is listening to the emotional sphere that is difficult: to do that, we have to compare our first person experiences or stories that we have been told and identify the emotions and sensations that were linked to those experiences.

We have to be aware of a misalignment:
Once we finish the listening, we should relate the words (mentally), actions (physical layer) and emotions (subconscious) to identify which of them are more aligned and what not. Let's keep in mind that usually, hierarchically, the will of a person originates from the state of mind at the subconscious level; so we will realize if the words are more responsive to what this person is feeling or if it is actions. Notoriously are the actions that have a greater importance, because of their lesser degree of reversibility: pay more attention to what makes a person in relation to the emotions than to what he says.

We can help people to align the 3 levels:
When we have finished drawing up a conclusion or a plan, it's time to take action itself. One of the simpler strategic choices, but less satisfactory and efficient, is to leave and let the person find his alignment alone, hoping for some kind of inspiration; this is true even turning to ourselves: if we become aware of our misalignment we can always wait until we get from the subconscious some kind of sudden inspiration, however unlikely if not actively stimulated. A different strategy, much more satisfying and profitable than the last, is to use the repetition of words to our advantage; the concept is to strengthen the will that originates from the subconscious through repetition of “positive commands”; it’s like stimulating a body to produce antibodies and heal itself from any infection and this applies both implementing this strategy on otherBusiness Management Articles, or on ourselves.

Author: Alessio V. Magri

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

1 thought on “Divided by Words We Fall – Aligned We Stand”

  1. This…

       Very much is the same idea given by Neville Goddard, how the way we speak to ourselves in thought actually determines what shall come harden into outer reality! Thanks for posting!

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