Do You Believe In Angels?

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By eddie1313

Image by Karin Henseler from Pixabay

I do. I believe they are all around us. We may not be able to see them, but sometimes we can feel their presence. Angels seem to know when we need comfort, when we might need a push. They look after our loved ones. But, have you ever seen an Angel in the flesh? If you haven’t I hope someday you will as it is the most incredible experience one can have.

Many years ago I was going through a very difficult time in my life. I sought out counseling to help me deal with my feelings. I was struggling with whether should I end my marriage. I wanted to make sure I made a rational decision and not one based purely on emotions.

My counselor and I met every Thursday afternoon at a coffee shop that was convenient and on the way home from work for both of us. This casual setting made it easy to talk openly and honestly with my counselor. This went on for several months. I was struggling for an answer.

Then on one fateful Thursday I got my answer. On this particular afternoon it was raining like a monsoon was coming. I didn’t have a rain jacket or an umbrella, so I just made a run for it. Then suddenly a man appeared and opened the door for me. I didn’t see him in the parking lot or at the door. It was like he was just there out of nowhere.

I thanked him for opening the door and said it was a good thing I wasn’t made of sugar or I would just be a puddle in the middle of the floor. I then went to the counter to order my coffee. The man was not in line with me so I had no idea where he went.

I paid for my coffee and went to the coffee station for cream and sugar. When I turned to go the table where my counselor was waiting the man appeared gain. He asked if he could ask me a question. I told him of course, I’m an open book so shoot.

He looked at me with kindest eyes I have ever seen. He said, “what is the key to your happiness?” I was stunned. All I could say was I was trying to figure it out and that the man at the corner table was my counselor and he was trying to help me.

He looked at me and said, “I’m asking again, what is the key to your happiness?’ I looked the man in the eye and said “I’m going to answer that question.” I told him I was going to take back my life for me.

The man asked me to hold out my hand. I did and he placed two gold coins into my hand and closed my fingers around them. He told me one was for me and one was for my counselor and the answer I gave him would come to pass.

The man asked if he could ask me one more question. I said sure. He wanted to know my name. I told him it was Eddie (short for Edwina – I’m a female) and he looked me in the eye and said, “So is mine.”  I gave him one of my business cards to show him it really was Eddie.

Then the man was gone, just like that. I didn’t see him leave. I looked all around the coffee shop. He was nowhere to be found.

I then went to the table where my counselor was waiting. I told him what had just taken place. I gave him the coin the man have given to me to give to him. I ask him if he saw the man. He had not. All my counselor said was,  “Did you answer the question?” I told him I had and he asked, “What was your answer?” I told him I was taking my life back for me. My counselor looked at me and said, ” I guess now you know what you have to do.”

Fast forward one year. I’m sitting as my desk at work, the phone rings and I answer. A voice said, “You might not remember me, but I talked to you at a coffee shop a year ago. I’m just checking to see how you are doing and if life worked out the way you it wanted to.”

I told him life was good, I made the right decision for me and my well being. I thanked him for checking.

That call was almost 20 years ago and I have not seen or heard from the man again. However, I know in my heart of hearts, it was not a man, it was an Angel sent in the flesh to help me take my life back for me.

Later I realized I knew who the Angel really was and also that it had come to me many times since I was a young girl but, that is a story for another time.

So pay attention when you are struggling and just maybe you too will have an Angel appear in the flesh to help you or maybe you have had an experience and didn’t realize it. Angels are all around us, so be on the look-out for yours.

I’m the Midnight Fairy and this really happened to me.




2 thoughts on “Do You Believe In Angels?”

  1. Me too!

    What a blessing! I have had two similar experiences myself. Hope your life path continues in a good direction.

  2. Clever and true-

    Wonderful retell of your experience. These things really happen and people should talk mor about them.

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