Do You Smell What I Smell? Part 2: My Experiences

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By Scorpius Aquarii

Do You Smell What I Smell? Part 2: My Experiences

This post is a codicil to .

My first experiences with Clairolfaction was when I was a small child. It seemed as though I could smell weather changes which varied accordingly. I literally knew when it was going to rain or snow because I could smell it. If you have ever smelled natural spring water, that is what the rain scent smelled like – hard to describe but you can imagine what might be crisp and clean. Impending snow would hit my nose as though someone had passed an ice cube under it – a bit more distinct than rain because it literally has a cold kick to it by additional physical sensation. Bad storms such as hurricanes always had a salty sea smell – you couldn’t miss it as it was so distinguishable. Of course I loved to play junior weatherman to the point where I often drove my family crazy but my track record was pretty impeccable and even they had to acknowledge it.

Food is another circumstance where I have always experienced Clairolfaction. Anyone can smell spoiled food but, I can smell it just before it spoils. Then odor is one of “unfresh” which for me smells like a food that is freezer burned and stale. This has helped me avoid getting sick on a few occasions.

As I grew older, more “smells” got added to the repertoire – some not so pleasant. I found that people who were seriously ill had a sweet sickening type of odor. In some cases, the smell was very pungent and brought to mind the smell of pork. There were times when I could actually discern the type of serious illness – the smell varied slightly or had something extra added to it like the smell of rancid butter for example.

Evil was in a category all by itself. I am not talking about general negativity … I am talking about evil presence. The first time I smelled this I was a 17 year old teenager. Some friends and I had gone shopping and found a New Age shop – one of those places that had lots of crystals and statues and incense and candles… all sorts of things. The shop itself was an old refurbished tire store that had concrete floors that had been painted with area rugs placed on top. I have always loved rocks, stones and crystals so I naturally gravitated in the direction of that display.

There were several enclosed all glass cases about seven feet tall that were arranged to make a small isle whereby you could walk up and down and with cases on both sides of you as you walked through. When I hit the middle point of the isle. I was about bowled over by the most horrible putrid odor. It smelled like pure rot and smelly gym socks. I thought maybe the carpets were molded from laying on top of the concrete but they looked fine and dry. Then  I thought maybe it might be some sort of rotting mold from under the concrete floor combined with some flatulence or a backed up sewer line but it wasn’t any of those thinigs. So, I went up to the store manager and told them there was an awful stench in the crystal section. There happened to be a few sensitives (my name for psychics) in the store that day and one of them got hit with the same thing I did so he proceeded to sage the area while doing some sort of recitation. The area cleared after a brief moment but then the smell sprung up in another part of the store. The practitioner proceeded to have a game of cat and mouse with whatever it was until he final was able to get rid of it out of the open door. Having been raised among psychic people was concerned that the entity that was carrying that horrible odor might hitch a ride with one of the cars in the car parking lot but, all I know is nothing attached itself to the car my friends and I were using.

Some of my favorite Clairolfactory smells are floral scents. I have smelled roses, gardenias and lavender. I am told that these scents are always associated with Divine presence such as various masters and angels, Mother Mary etc. I have often found that special messages or comfort comes to me when I smell these scents and have experienced them in times of crisis. They let me know everything will be fine soon. I can also smell people who are special to me. Sometimes I joke that this might be long distance pheromones. If you have ever seen the Movie Michael, where John Travolta plays the Archangel Michael there is a scene where the women in a bar who are around him say they smell just baked cookies. I tend to smell pleasant scents when I am around good and honorable people and the opposite when I am around people who have less than nice intentions … it smells abhorrent.

Clairolfaction is a real ability. In many ways I have come to rely on it and I certainly trust it.