The Doctrine Of The Eck Marg Pt. 1 In the beginning there was only the mighty SUGMAD, the Lord of Lords, the Absolute of all Absolutes, the All Holy of Holies,the All Merciful of Mercies, and the Omnipotent Omnipresence and Omniscient of all universes and worlds. In the beginning, IT slept; stirring not in the Ocean of Love and Mercy in that sphere where man had never trodden, nor any angel dwelt. IT is not a land,nor place nor abode, but a mighty ocean of splendor and love. IT is the reality of all realities, the dwelling place of the SUGMAD, the Ancient One whom all creatures, beings, and men have worshiped through the ages. In the beginning IT was the Alpha that slept, but IT ruled in IT'S slumbers over the mighty beings, elements, and creatures of the universes. Peace and happiness were everywhere, and little was there for SUGMAD to concern ITSELF with over life and IT'S offsprings. The sacred garden of wisdom was delightful for the beings there, while the Almighty slumbered and dreamed new worlds. In the eternity of the profound Ocean of Love and Mercy, IT stirred and aroused ITSELF from this deep slumber. Wild tremors came down through the universes, shaking the heavens and those beings in the sacred gardens. They paused, then looked up in astonishment at the parting of the firmament. They were amazed at the seeming wrath of the heavenly world that split with rolling thunder and crashing echoes. The SUGMAD aroused ITSELF and looked out over the vastness of IT'S domain; saw only the creature of IT'S making in play, amusing themselves without giving to one another. IT whispered and the Word (HU) went forth into the worlds of worlds. None knew what the Voice of the Lord was saying. Yet all who heard IT'S Voice wondered. IT was to build new worlds in which each Soul would spend It's youth, to germinate and spiritually unfold; to learn It's true nature and mission throughout the universes of God. In the beginning, all below the Atma world was only Spirit, that known as the ECK, which moved throughout the void. Everything was without life—calm, silent. Void and dark was the immensity of space and time. Only the supreme power, the ECK, the self existing essence of the SUGMAD, moved within this dark gulf of nothing. The SUGMAD closed IT'S eyes again and dreamed again.The dreams that came were dreams of creation that formed the worlds below. IT created, and out of the creation came a manifestation of ITSELF, that mighty Deity that all of mankind know as Sat Nam. So mighty is He, that few who approach can believe that here is the Almighty, the Lord of Lords. Then were created the four lower planes, and a spiritual hierarchy to rule and oversee them. Sohang, Omkar, Ramchar, Jot Niranjan, and Elam, the rulers and "gods" of the etheric, mental, causal, astral, and physical worlds, and above them all was placed Kal Niranjan, the negative pole within these dualistic worlds, Sat Nam being the positive. It was Kal Niranjan's job to be the tempter of soul, the Prince of Darkness, and the ruler of these lower worlds of time, space, matter and energy. Again the SUGMAD spoke to IT'S creations. "Lo, all those who have played in heaven, shall descend to the Pinda (Physical) and take body form. Each will be given an Adi-karma by the Lords of karma, to carry during It's earthly lives, and shall go through body upon body, reincarnation after reincarnation, until It comes to that day when It shall meet me in my bodily form, in which i shall be known as the Mahanta. Only when It is ready and has reached perfection, when all dross has been burned away and It has gained spiritual maturity, will It return to the Heavenly fields and become a worker in the spiritual realms. Until that time each Soul shall spend It's lives being educated by experience to It's true purpose in It's Heavenly home." The imperishable spirits called Souls, fell upon their knees and wailed their anguish to the heavens, but no heed was taken, after spending their time playing in a world of happiness that no mortal could conceive of, they had been sentenced to drop into the worlds of fire and mud, to learn the law of Love in the most harsh of ways. Lives of karma and hardship were more than each Soul could bear. The floor of Heaven opened, and all souls went tumbling downwards through the worlds, and as they fell through each of the lower worlds they acquired a body as a form of expression upon each, until finally reaching the lowest, the Physical world where they came to rest on planets throughout the cosmos, some on the newly formed planets of Venus, Saturn and Jupiter, and those named by man from his little world of Earth. Many came to the Earth planet and formed the consciousness of man, in the flesh temple of the human body, to wear the cloth of misery,and unhappiness, and take up the burdens of karma until at last,one day, each would be ready to return to the Heavenly home. Some accepted a human body, while others came into consciousness as stone, rocks, minerals,birds, animals and fish. But all manifestations of the SUGMAD received the consciousness of the lower worlds. Here they had to deal with the temptations of the Kal Niranjan, the negative forces that makes Soul believe that happiness lies in material life. All who are tempted by, and succumb to, it's whispers of joy and riches shall remain in the fires of torture on the wheel of Awagawan, or coming and going. This is the age-long cycle of births and deaths, transmigration, the reincarnation of Soul. Niranjan is the power of mind. It is the psychic power, and those who live in ignorance listen to it's sweet whispers of hope. It appeals to the vanity of human consciousness, but it can never ultimately succeed, for the Souls who have been pitched into the darkness of the universes will one day tire, and seek to return to their Heavenly home to be with SUGMAD. Those Souls who follow the beckoning finger of Niranjan to organized religion shall take the wrong turn of the road. None but the Living Master, who has descended to the worlds of matter to give all Souls an opportunity to return to the True Heaven, is capable of offering this opportunity. All others are false prophets and shall not be heeded.
Those who listen to Niranjan are listening to the false prophet. The sweet whispers of this negative genius are heard in the voices of those who make claims to be the prophets of the times and the preachers, clergy, and priests who represent the old orthodox religions.
Beware lest they sway you to listen and change toward the Kal Niranjan, who rules the planets of the lower universes. Never talk of achievements in ECK, for this brings only disaster to the chela. Speak not of any achievement nor any loss, for it only brings about the retardation of spiritual attainment.
This is the way of the Kal. Its duty is to arrest the spiritual unfoldment of Soul, and the duty of Soul is to ward off these attempts of Kal.
The human consciousness is prey to autointoxication, for the Kal floods the consciousness of man with various poisons bred by various states of mind and emotion. The most poisonous of these states are fear, anger, worry, sentimental emotionalism, and envy. The destructive emanations set up by these mental emotional states clog the virility and sensitivity of the human race like a heavy pall. The emanations from terrified, slaughtered creatures add to the general aggravation of Kal's works with the human consciousness.
Truth can be understood only by one who is in a state of vigilance; therefore, none who are in a slack condition of mind will find it available. Truth is not in the lofty heights, but at the bottom of all things. It must be struggled for and sought after and come upon through earnest effort, through the stimulation brought about by suffering or striving, whereby consciousness is prepared to recognize it .Truth always appears to be veiled, guarded, and hidden from the eyes of the profane.