The Doctrine of the ECK Marg Part 2 – Sri Paul Twitchell

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

The Doctrine of the ECK Marg Part 2 – Sri Paul Twitchell


        The Doctrine of the ECK Marg Pt.2 – Paul Twitchell
   At first, Souls found little within the worlds of space. There are no boundaries where all is infinite, nor age where time is the only measure of change within the changeless, nor death where life is the indestructible pulse of energy in the heat and the cold. There is no morning, noon, nor evening, for what has always been and will always be, is just what IT is.
   As there was no beginning for every Soul who came into Its own recognition, there could be no end. But each found living within the worlds of matter, energy, space, and time, that there is, and has been and always will be, continuous change in the appearance of things which, in the small chronology of finite perceptions, is the life of the human body known as birth and growth, evolution and progress, age and death.
   Within the physical universe there occurred in countless eons a stupendous explosion that rearranged the destinies of the suns. One of the smaller suns, a white-hot incandescent splinter of the main sun, fell into the darkness, leaving behind vast streamers. Now shot too far out to return to its parent light, it formed a scattered field of light which cametogether in irregular orbits around the star it had left. Thus, the world of planets and its neighboring stars were born.
   Smaller fires also, thrown far beyond the sun and close to the worlds, held in suspension by the pull of the two, moved over paths of their own. These millions of smaller fires were  the scattered fragments of a new solar system, most of them useless. After cooling, after becoming small wandering nuggets of iron and stone, most of these fragments would in time go back to the sun or back to the world of solid matter, the earth. 
   The universe was not born in a moment nor a million years. It evolved through the ages from the white-hot sparks of the sun to the cold stone enveloping the furnace within its core. Then came the immutable laws to govern the worlds of the universe and bring harmony to the course of those planets that revolved around the hot sun.
   Elements became precious within the soils of the Earth and other planets. Out of the heart of the world poured the energies and rhythms and harmonies which were the only substance of God, and the only substance of all things that are.
   Like its brother planets, the Earth became a world of its own — a living world, but a simple one of elements where the energies and rhythms were greater than those which were to come in the form of bodies of animals and men. The world made numerous journeys around the sun, a hundred million times or more. Its gaseous body became a liquid and the surface roughly divided into hemispheres and poles. There was no haste, for within the laws of SUGMAD  it was only preparing for the coming of a more complex shape of life.
   Thus it became a new world where birth, youth, middle age, old age, and death denoted changes in the appearance of things. The energy of the living God shaped the forms   which made the world a cradle of life, the home of civilization, and the graveyard of all embodiments. But never once did IT keep the Souls of ITS embodiments within this sphere of the universes.
   The SUGMAD destroyed nothing and lost nothing in the process of change. IT only used the world to refine each Soul that entered into IT. IT made the earth a place for greater destiny, through the energies of the ECK flowing down from the Ocean of Love and Mercy.
   The long pilgramage out of darkness and into the light began in the mud and slime, working upward into the apex of human consciousness. Something was gained through the cycles of sensate things through birth, age, and sleep,and into life again: They were born higher on the ladder of spiritual consciousness.
   The sea was the cradle of life. The magic of the ECK energies formed the complex union of molecules and built a cell of life. The tenacious hold on life of the molecule for existence caused it to wed with others and make a complex entity with tendencies of reaction and response to its environment, the power to move in the water and seek food and protection.
   The masses of molecules formed into protozoa and finally into the vegetation of the sea, and, after millions of years, into plants, sponges, and flowers of the watery depths. Minerals developed in the same form on the land surfaces, but the first form that started evolving toward human embodiments was the fish. The Law of ECK moved again in Its very mysterious way and saw the need of organs and faculties in these creatures . Some became aggressive, feeding upon those which had only the vegetation and plants of the sea for survival.
   Intelligence came to the creatures of the sea. Simple as it was, it gave those without protection the only means of escape from the devouring jaws of the beasts that swallowed unwary fish. The size and speed of these scourges of the sea grew, developing appetites without parallel. They became sires of the shark, whale, and other mammoth monsters of the deep.
   Some of these straneg creatures came out of the sea to find easier prey. For a million years this saga went on, with the sea-born and the sea-living moving from the water to the land. Creatures with gills and paddles developed lungs and legs in time. Many walked on hind feet, rearing in the air with crocodile heads and gleaming teeth. Into the dark, dank jungles they went, searching for food. They became stupendous bone-plated machines controlled only by a few lower reflexes , finding beetles as large as sparrows, and flying insects with a wingspread of thirty inches , for their hunger. Anything that walked, crawled, and flew was food for their greed.
   These were the ancestors of the reptiles. They grew twenty feet in height and fifty feet around. The tail was massive and the skull as large as a grown ox, with broad powerful teeth six inches long. The claws on the feet were curved a little longer than the teeth.
   The other species of brutes were just as fearful and frightening of aspect. They seldom attacked one another because of the thick armored skin. Some were vegetarian and others flesh eaters. They were moved by voracious hunger and fear. They were torpid mountains of bone and meat with the sluggish and cold-blooded nervous system of the reptile.
   For millions of years these monsters ruled the earth. A few of these became what were thought to be dragon species that lived on the ground. But snaller ones too to the air, flying on wings. These were more dreadful than those that walked on ground.
   The ECK's experiment in dreadful creatures came to a sudden and dramatic ending. The dragons that had ruled for millions of years perished almost immediately due to the worldwide catastrophe of a comet striking the earth which destroyed all crops and much of the life on it. All survivors of this initial cataclysm starved thereafter.
   The ECK was now ready for another kind of creature for experiment and for the first time turned to those to whom It had given sympathy and care. These were the creatures of fear who had lived in dread from the day of birth to the day of death. The destruction of the killer beasts came about in a harsh world, so now the ECK prepared the earth for a more noble experiment for the SUGMAD, the coming of Souls into this world.
   The ECK softened and beautified the great, formidable earth, covering the mountains with forests and scattering wild flowers over the hills. The valley teemed with butterflies and singing birds. Lights and shadows were given to the morning and evening of the day. Now the mammals entered into the world and became the forerunners of this genus, including man, today.
   These were the milk-givers that housed the unborn in their bodies, not by eggs as their fierce predecessors had done. They gave their young care after birth, for now love had entered their world. The age prior to this was one of tremendous savagery, for often the dinosaurs and other beasts ate their young hatched from eggs, or one another.
   However, this was not a gentle age by any means, for still there were the savage beasts, such as the cat family, the saber-toothed tiger and all its kin, the bear, dog, and wolf. There were giant hogs and mammoths, flesh-eaters all of them.
   There were two great clans: the killers, who ate only flesh and who spent all their waking hours stalking and killing their prey, and the timid beasts that fed off the earth. Out of these clans came men, who originally were leaf eaters and lived in terror of the killer beasts that stalked and trapped them.
   Souls that came into this lower environment had to take on the embodiment of flesh in order to exist in the vibrations of this materialistic world. But man had no place to live for he was prey to the brutality of the flesh eaters. He was not a creature with fangs, claws and muscular strength. What strength he had was not enough. 
   He could not venture into the waters for there the beasts awaited ready to tear him apart. In the jungles were the huge serpents and deadly insects; on the prairies were the wolves. There was no spot on earth for him to safely lay his head. He had only one place to live and that was in the trees.
   So it was in the high treetops of the forests that he built his home to be safe from the prowling animals that killed him for food. Not the primate, but the Soul and form of man himself. He developed an amazing agility to swing through the higher branches. For ages he was a treetop tenant, rarely venturing to the ground. He drank water from the leaves and ate the foliage, and made his bed in a tree crotch. He scorned the endless spectacle of slaughter which went on beneath him. But the day came when he was to descend to the soil of the earth and leave his distant cousins still in the treetops.
   At first he walked on four feet, then learned to stand upright, and what was a creature now became a man because he could think , and by thinking he could protect himself. Thereupon, he found a persistent pattern of behavior that set him free. Never again could his supremacy be threatened nor his foe be more than his slave, for they were the beasts of the forest, the birds of the air, and the creatures of the sea.
   Then human consciousness came into being, and man became the supreme creature upon the earth.
   He developed thought and the ability to use it to protect himself against the flesh killers and the environment. He found shelter in the caves and fashioned weapons out of sticks and stones. He found that female reproduced the species and he lived in family groups. At first the female was taken by force, for man was a strange and violent creature belonging to the blood-stained and bestial past of the human race. A headman or chief was selected to supervise the family, and the tribe which gathered around him.
   Civilization formed in a primitive manner and there appeared in the world the first ECK Master, who was without name. He was important to the human race because his task was to minister to their needs and give to all succor and wisdom.
   Primitive man believed that stones and trees were homes of the spirits who served under supernatural beings who ruled everything. Soul was not yet developed in man for It to know and understand what It was seeking. But It lived in a universe where the laws of the world are different.
   Sundered from all things by gulfs and far dimensions, the ancient world of Polaria, the Garden of Eden, loomed upon the horizon. Stretching from the greater sea in the east to that in the west, his civilization was known for its great forest lands to the north, the steppe-dwelling creatures, and the fierce desert of the rich eastern lands.
   This was the beginning of the races of man upon Earth. Within the world of the past and before the dawn of recorded history, at the western extremity of the continent of Europe, Asia, and Africa, the Polarian, or the Adamic, race of pale copper-skinned people dwelled. Out of the forests came man, walking upright. His first act of worship was for the luminous power that scattered darkness and evil. It was a great golden eye, like a wheel, or halo of glory, rising majestically out of the underworld with the heat of its body spreading over the whole hungry earth.
   The first Polarian man was Adom, and he stood on the summit of a hill. And his female companion, Ede, stood back with bowed head as he addressed his Sun-god. He prayed for food, protection from pain and enemies, and well being for his woman.
   He was granted everything but freedom from pain and emotion. He knew when the danger came, for out of the forests came another creature walking upright like himself who wanted the female. The battle was bitter but Adom won and drove off his foe. He produced a man-child and another, and human history began.*
   Gradually the creatures gathered and formed a clan. Slowly they hacked out of the forests, fought the flesh eaters and won, until a civilization was born near the water in Asia. Malati, the first ECK Master of record* was sent by the SUGMAD into this world to give man his first spiritual knowledge of God.
   For men drifted apart, fought one another for domination over tilled lands, trade, women and slaves, and what little wealth they had in precious stones. Slowly the ECK was building ITS species. Then came the race of men called the Hyperboreans, and this became the age of the same name, the second root race of mankind.
   Where the Polarian man was a tiller of the soil, a shepherd and a hunter, his successor was a higher being who built cities and founded a civilization in the heart of the equatorial jungle. He developed weapons for fighting, and pots for holding his food. This dark skinned race elected a king to rule over the mighty empire of Melnibora.
   The empire lived on for a hundred centuries, ruled over by the fierce Varkas kings. They swept across the jungles and over the heat of the sands to the north, conquering the wild tribes of men and making slaves of them. They forced the conquered to work in their fields, in their weapons shops, and in the homes of their nobility. The kings ruled by the formless terror called sorcery, with powers greater than anything witnessed prior to their time and for centuries to come. 
   The Varkas used their awful powers to conquer their subjects and their foes. They cast spells upon the masses and dealt in terrible mysteries with the dead. Some of the kings conquered time and lived for centuries. They ruled through the priest-craft that were known as the Zuajirs. And these priests were more terrible than their masters.
   They were ruthless, giving quarter to no man, when captured on the field of battle. The victim was killed or saved for a fate more fearful than anything man could believe. If he was saved for the stables of the nobleman or to work in some household, the captured was indeed fortunate.
   Living in secret and teaching those whom would give ears was the great Kai-Kuas, the Living ECK Master of those times. He was discovered by the Varkas and slain.
   This was an age when man literally ate man, for he was hardly out of the jungle and felt that all life was his deadly enemy. He believed that in order to survive, he must serve his god, the sun, and when night fell, it was the destruction of their god. When it rose again in the morning, its worshipers knew the sun had won over the powers of darkness and evil.
   Along with this, it was their simple belief that the people of the north with their pale skins were evil and, therefore, must be subjected. They conquered and ruled the world as the first of the races to go out trying to subject its fellowmen by the sword.
   Soon they began to lose their hold on the known world, for the ECK experimented with ITS own species and founded a third root race known as the Lemurians. This new race, living in the land of Lemuria, was brown skinned and highly developed sense toward being civilized.
   The Lemurians had the greatest civilization known to the world. It developed on the great continent of Mu in the midst of the western ocean, and spread around the world with many sub-empires.. It was a tropical country of vast plains. The valleys and plains were covered with rich grazing grass and tilled fields. There were only low rolling hills and no mountains, for the peaks and ranges of great heights had not been forced up from the deep centers of the earth.
   The air was soft, the vegetation constantly bloomed, and life for the millions of the continent's people was very happy. Ten tribes made up the bulk of the citizens, each distinct but living under an emperor named Ra Mu. The empire was named the "Empire of the Sun."
   Ra Mu was the representative of the Supreme Deity, although he was not worshiped. The deity was worshiped through symbols, all believed in the immortality of Soul, which eventually returned to the Source from whence It came.
   The reverence of the Lemurians for their deity was so great they never spoke ITS name and even in prayer and supplication they addressed IT always through a symbol. However, Ra, the sun, was used as a collective for all that the deity possessed as a supreme entity.
   The people of Mu were highly civilized and enlightened. They were gentle, peaceful, and lived together without savagery. As citizens of the great empire which stretched from rising sun to rising sun — the empire on which the sun never set — they were under the protection of Mu, the motherland of the earth.
   The ruling race of Mu was exceedingly handsome, with brown or olive skin, large, soft, dark eyes and straight black hair. They had other races — the yellow, brown, and black people — but these did not dominate. They sailed the seas and discovered new lands, inhabited and established colonies around the globe, built great temples, stone palaces, and carved gigantic monuments.
   Within the continent of Mu there were seven major cities, where the religion, science, and education centers existed. There also were many other large cities for trading and industry, for, as the center of the world as it came to be known, Mu was the land where all came for learning, trading, and commerce. The rest of the world formed her colonies.
   Into this world came Geutan, the third great ECK Master, who served the people of Mu and warned them of the coming destruction of the world.
   When this continent was at its zenith, the center of world civilization, it received a terrible shock.
   The rumblings from the bowels of the earth, followed by earthquakes and volcanic outbursts, shook her southern parts. Gigantic cataclysmic waves from the ocean rolled over land and the cities went down to destruction. The volcanoes belched out their fire, smoke, and lava. The flat continent reared up and lava beds formed cones which became rocks.
   After this, the people of Mu gradually overcame their fright; cities were rebuilt, and trade and commerce were resumed. Generations passed after this visitation, and when the phenomenon had become history, Mu again became the victim of earthquakes. The whole continent heaved and rolled like ocean waves. The land trembled and shook like leaves on a tree in a storm. Temples and palaces came crashing to the ground and monuments and statues were overturned. The cities became heaps of ruins.
   The land quivered and shook, rose and fell. The fires of the earth underneath flamed forth and pierced the clouds. Thick black palls of smoke hung over the land and huge cataclysmic waves rolled through the cities and plains. The terrified people sought refuge in their temples and citadels only to be driven out by fire and smoke.
   During the night the land was torn apart, and down it went into the dark waters of the ocean, claiming the lives of millions of people. The waves rolled over and met in the center of the land, seethed and boiled, destroying the Earth's first great civilization.
   A few islands were left where mountain peaks had been raised in the catastrophe. Those people who survived became the race of the South Sea Islands.
   From across the world there came into existence the Atlantean race, the fourth root race, or the red race, who lived upon the continent of Atlantis in the great ocean between the eastern and western hemispheres. It grew steadily with large cities and fair lands, with tilled fields and deep valleys. The people worshiped the supreme deity called Tat, who represented the four corners of the world; East, West, North and South.
   Atlantis replaced Mu as the center of the world and became the greatest civilization of its time with learning, trade, and commerce. It had over one hundred million people living on its lands. But this world was rife with magic, and its king-priests, called Tat Tsoks, were wizards of cruelty who ruled over all with an iron hand.
   Castrog, the Living ECK Master, came into this world to teach these red skinned people that the Supreme Deity was not happy with their ways and dealings in black magic. He suffered the death of the sword for his troubles, but not before warning the king that his lands and people would soon die under the waters of the sea.
   One generation later the catastrophe which had sunk the land of Mu brought death to nearly all of the fourth root race, excepting those who had been led by the ECK Masters to both the eastern and western continents. Some went to what later became Khem, or Egypt,and others to the Americas, becoming what are now considered the Native American peoples.
   The fifth root race, the Aryans, developed a magnificent empire from the remains of a former Lemurian colony known as Uighur in central Asia in the Gobi Desert. It became a mighty land stretching from the Pacific Ocean across central Asia and Eastern Europe. The history of this empire is the history of the Aryan race. Its capital city was in the Gobi Desert, then a fertile land and large in the sense that it was the center of the world in its day, with a highly developed civilization.
   The Living ECK Master, Rama, had come out of the European forests of present day Germany heading eastward to the lands of the Aryans, at a time when there was still a worldwide civilization that present day history does not account for ever having existed. He went to the high plains of what is now Mongolia to the capital city Khara Khota and began preaching what we know as Eckankar in today's world. But he was hounded out of the empire and went up into Tibet where he founded the monastery of Katsupari in the northern mountains.
   From there he went into India to teach the great science of Eckankar to its teeming masses. 
   The sixth root race is the yellow race, coming on the heels of the gradually fading Aryan race. It is the Mongoloid race of the East, which has its life center in the world  of the North, where many do not penetrate. In this world of the future, the ECK Master who will come to this world of semi darkness and light will be Regnard. This race is yet to fulfill its destiny on the Earth planet, but it has already begun its ascendancy. It will meet destruction by fire, earthquake, and tidal waves, as did the races that came before it.
   The seventh root race will be the golden race, and they will be called the Zohar people . They will come from a distant planet to colonize this world after its destruction by another great catastrophe in the twenty-first and twenty-second centuries. The attempt to put colonies on this planet will fail and eventually, after several centuries, these peoples will withdraw.
   The ECK Master who will be responsible for the spiritual welfare of this race will be Sepher.
   The SUGMAD will then withdraw all Souls from all planets and constellations on the Physical Plane and into the inner planes where they will await the restructuring of this lowest world, when those that have to return will come again to finish their spiritual development in this world.
   *1 The story of Adom and Ede (Eve) is, as in the Bible and Torah is an archetypal story, not a literal historic truth.
   *2 The first Master "of record" means literally that, of record, not necessarily the literal first, which is considered to be Gakko in Eckankar.
   Edited by Matt Sharpe 2014