Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
THE English word signature is derived from the Latin “signare,” meaning to sign. A signature, therefore, is a mark of identification. The Latin “docere,” from which the word doctrine is derived, signifies to teach. In occult science “The Doctrine of Signatures” relates to that which is taught about the marks placed upon all things by stellar influences. It is of these stellar marks of identification that I shall have considerable to say.
Turning for the moment from the stars, we find that the owner of livestock places a brand upon his cattle by which his property may be recognized. The manufacturer, that its source may be recognized, stamps a trademark upon his product. The public official places his seal upon legal documents to denote their importance and character; and correspondents sign their letters with their autographs that no doubt may arise in the mind of the recipient as to whom the sender may be. These are circumstances commonly recognized. But less commonly recognized is the fact that all things external have upon them the stamp of their origin in the cause world and that this relates them as definite kin to certain other things.
It is not surprising that one may fail to recognize the seal of the Emperor of China or the signature of an Indian prince. Yet to one familiar with the language, history, and customs of China and India such signs are evidence enough upon which to establish the source of a missive and determine the prestige of its sender. Likewise, the man in the street is ignorant of the signs by which the planets and zodiacal signs mark their progeny; but those familiar with celestial language recognize these marks and, in addition to deducing their common origin, quickly perceive the relationship of anything so sealed with other objects bearing the same impress.
Now to facilitate the study of the Doctrine of Signatures let us turn to that much misunderstood tradition the Jewish Kabbalah. The Kabbalah describes creation as having been accomplished by means of ten emanations. Earlier than this all was without form and void. The Kabbalists called the state prior to creation Ain Soph Aur, meaning the limitless light. It represents a condition when nothing existed but the all pervading non-atomic spirit, potential but unmanifest. Then comes emanation, creation. The first of these emanations is Kether, or Crown. It is merely motion, vibration. Coincident with this a partnership is formed. The non-atomic, diffusive spirit is polarized into more active portions and less active portions. These are related to each other as positive and negative. Deity is no longer homogeneous, but has become male and female. Here we have the godhead of the Kabbalists, similar to the godhead of the world’s most popular religions. The Kabbalah calls it Kether, Chocmah, and Binah, rendered Crown, Wisdom, and Love, or in terms of Hermetic philosophy, Life, Light, and Love—the God Who is a trinity, yet is one.
This triune godhead, according to the ancient teaching, is the spiritual sun of the universe from which flows the so-called solar ray. The latter contains within it the potency of all that is, all that has been, and all that ever possibly can be. It is not to be confused with the rays of the physical sun, for it is spiritual and mental as well as physical. The more slowly moving portions of this ray, the negative portions, interact with one another to produce the grosser forms of substance such as the ether of space that cushions the sun and planets and those still less active forms with which we are more familiar as matter. The more active moving portions of the ray, the more active portions of this universal energy, we term spirit. This positive, finer, more subtle energy inheres in matter of every grade and order as the instigator of life and motion.
The doctrine of signatures revolves around three chief factors which are termed Character of Genius, State of Life, and Degree of Emanation.
Signature of man:
At birth the centers of energy already formed in the past through states of consciousness accompanying experiences are but intensified and given greater fixity. A person’s character, as all must admit, is the sum total of all his past and present mental states. That is, they are the sum total of the states of consciousness organized as centers of energy within his astral form. These centers of energy are the mental factors both of the objective and the unconscious mind which determine the person’s conduct. As the positions of the planets in the birth chart map these centers of energy, they constitute an accurate map of the character.
This map indicates with great accuracy, as shown by planetary positions, the general types of experience of the soul in its past. It indicates, by the prominence of the planets, the amount of the acquaintance the soul has had with experiences of each of the general types. It shows, by the aspects between the planets, the extent to which experiences of one type have been associated in the past with experiences of other types; and the extent to which these associations were harmonious or discordant. Furthermore, as the kind and amount of experiences attracted depend upon the original polarity of the soul when it started on its cyclic pilgrimage, if the map can rightly be interpreted, it should show the original signature of the soul, that is, the planetary family, the state of celestial life, and the degree of emanation, to which it belongs.
Now, within the astral body of man are centers of energy, some more prominent in some persons and some more prominent in other persons, that correspond to each of the various keys. When a person comes in contact with an object its vibrations stimulate a sympathetic response from the center of energy within the astral body that vibrates to its key. As everything we contact has a key of vibration, and radiates energy, each tends to stimulate centers of energy within the astral form. Every thing we contact gives additional activity to the center of energy mapped in the birth chart by the planet or sign ruling the object. If we know the astrological signature of things, then, we are aware of the particular center of energy in our astral forms that each stimulates into activity, and we may select such objects for our customary environment as will stimulate only those centers that we desire should become more active.
The doctrine of signatures in its practical application has a ramification as wide as the interests of man. It pervades, and has an important bearing in, the most unexpected quarters. The student of the occult will meet it at every step. Only through a knowledge of this doctrine, as here most briefly outlined, can man live to his highest, accomplish most for himself and for others, and become of utmost service to universal society.
Perhaps there is no department of life in which the doctrine of signatures plays a more important part than in our association with others. The centers of energy within the astral body of each person are radiating energy. Some of these centers radiate harmonious energy and some of them radiate discordant energy. Thus when we come in close contact with another person our astral bodies receive the impact of these vibrations, and our centers of energy are greatly stimulated. But the manner in which they are stimulated depends, in great measure, not merely upon the harmony of these centers considered separately, but upon the natural harmony or discord that obtains between the centers of energy in one person’s astral body as related to the centers of energy in the astral body of the other person. A comparison of birth charts indicates quickly just how one person will affect another if they become closely associated, and in just what department of life, and how, the harmony or discord will manifest.
Another department of life over which the doctrine of signatures has a profound influence is business and the acquisition of wealth. Each person has within his astral body a center of energy, as shown by his birth chart that vibrates more strongly to some natural source of wealth than do the other centers. In other words, things of a certain type attract to him wealth that he could not hope to attract in association with other things. Therefore, to the extent he associates with things that correspond in nature to his most harmonious center of energy will he attract wealth, and to the extent he associates with the things that correspond to the most discordant center of energy in his astral body will he meet financial misfortune.
The astrological signature of a person indicates the type of ability he has. He should capitalize on this ability by following a business, trade, or profession where it is called into play. But if he would succeed to his utmost, in the use of this ability he should find an avenue of its expression in which he is constantly brought in contact with the things corresponding to the most harmonious center in his astral body; for they are his natural sources of wealth.
C.C. Zane
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Zane was quite the alchemist and occultist. I took the link over to the source and read more.