Does Astrotheology Predict A New World Order?

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By TELLUS - Presider

Does Astrotheology Predict A New World Order?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The term astrotheology has emerged as a description of a religion or theology that is based on the constellations, stars, and planets. Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial bodies. Astrology suggests that the position, alignment, and movement of heavenly bodies affect our planet and our lives.

Astrotheology is any religion based on astronomy and astrology. Almost all religions are astrotheology. Those who practice astrotheology are typically unaware that their beliefs are actually based on the movements of the planets and stars. Ancient Gods were almost always personifications of, and metaphors for planets and stars. We know that our star, the Sun, does influence our planet and the inhabitants of it. We know that the Moon heavily influences Earth as well. It is not absurd to think that other heavenly bodies also influence our lives. In the Bible there are many references to these type of ideas. They are very interesting and worth having a look at.

According to the Bible, it is God that brought forth the Zodiac. Apparently, God created the twelve signs of the Zodiac. God brought forth the Mazzaroth –

Mazzaroth (Hebrew Transliteration: מַזָּרוֹת Mazzārōṯ, LXX Μαζουρωθ, Mazourōth) is a Biblical Hebrew Word found in the Book of Job and literally meaning a Garland of Crowns, but its context is that of Astronomical Constellations, and it is often interpreted as a term for the Zodiac or the Constellations thereof. –

In the Bible the twelve tribes of Israel were not actual tribes, they represented the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The twelve months of the year can be traced back to the Zodiac as well.

The Zodiac is shown all through Hebrew art and architecture. It was featured in temples, synagogues, schools, and is prevalent in all ancient systems of belief. The Zodiac has always been an important part of religious history. In ancient times they knew this was something God had done, and there was nothing evil about it.

Hundreds of Biblical reference materials say God created the constellations and the signs of the Zodiac.

All Bible reference materials say the constellations and stars rule Earth, and that there is an astrological effect on our planet. Heavenly bodies govern and have dominion over all life on Earth, according to all Biblical reference material. The Bible and all the reference materials say the same thing; there is most certainly a relationship between the inhabitants of Earth and the stars and planets. According to these reference materials, God understands the signs of the Zodiac and how they influence life on Earth. In fact, and very clearly, the Bible says that the Zodiac rules Earth.

As above so below.

It is important to know the truth of where things come from. If we want to understand something, we have to find out what it is really based on. We have to decide how important it really is to know the truth about things. This is especially true about religious beliefs. If we are going to base our whole life, and indeed eternity, on a belief, we should know the true origin of that belief. If we don’t understand the origin of our beliefs, how do we even know what our beliefs are based on? We don’t. We might have beliefs that are based on the opposite of what we thought we were believing. If we don’t know the factual foundations of our beliefs, we can be in trouble very quickly. It is extremely important to understand where our beliefs actually, and originally, come from. Sometimes, upon understanding the origin of their beliefs, some people would rather believe something else. This is important. We cannot just take what we hear and blindly believe it. We have to look for the truth, and for the facts. Facts tend to remain the same, but everyone has a different view of truth. Far too many people have spent way too much time promoting values and beliefs without ever really doing their homework. In that, we have ended up with so much information that is just being believed, but not researched or understood. Then, that wrong information is passed on as if it is accurate. Sometimes nothing could be further from the truth, but “everyone knows that” so it must be true. At one time everyone knew the Earth was flat, but that did not make it true or factual. We must decide how important it really is to know the truth, especially about something like God. Many people are not aware of what the Hebrews actually believed, or what the Bible is really based on.

People in all different parts of the world are not going to know about the Bible. Different cultures have different beliefs and are often unaware of one another.

What makes me think that my belief is better than what anyone else believes? It makes no sense at all to think this way. All of these apparently different belief systems are based on the same thing, so there is no way for one to be better or worse than any other. They are all the same thing. They are all astrotheology, which are belief systems based on stars and planets. This is the root of all religion, and the very foundation of the Holy Bible.

None of us can possibly understand that which has been called God, or the presence of what must be in order to be the Almighty Creator. What an amazing thing to consider. What must something be to have the ability to create something like the Universe? We cannot comprehend or understand this, but we can understand where the ideas, beliefs, and concepts of God come from.

The root word of God in German is Goth; this is where Goth-ic temples come from. In Scandinavia the word for God is Gut; this is why we have a “Gut feeling” about something.

God backwards is dog. In ancient Egypt, the most powerful of all beings was Osiris. According to ancient Egyptian belief, Osiris came to Earth from the star system of Sirius and set up a divine arrangement on Earth. Sirius is known as the Dog Star.

Osiris came from the Dog Star; this is why we have religious or church Dog-ma.

The Bible says that truth will make you free, so the path to freedom is knowing the truth. If something makes you more free, it must be the truth. If something makes you less free, it must be the lie. In this way, it is very easy to tell what is truth and what is not.

If we do not know the truth, and if our belief is based on the lie, freedom will be found nowhere. If we are ever going to experience freedom in our lives, we have to find out what the truth really is. Truth and knowledge produce freedom; lies and ignorance produce slavery. This is why it is so vitally important for us to know and understand the truth.

The word church is based on the Scottish word kirk. The Scottish word kirk comes from the Greek word circe.

Mother Circe was a Greek Mother Goddess. She hypnotized people and took them into her home. She then performed magic spells on them, which turned them into animals. After that, Mother Circe used them for food; she ate them. She lived off of them — this is where our word church comes from. Mother Church is hypnotizing us and feeding off of us.

The Church is not God. The government is not God. The president is not God. Science is not God. Money is not God. Technology is not God.

We are supposed to be free. The Human race is the only species on this planet that is not free. All other life, except for that which Humans have enslaved, is free, but not us. We are not free, but this is not the way things are supposed to be. We are not here to submit, conform, and be subservient to any person, church, religion, or government; we are here to be free.

All Western religious ideas, beliefs, and concepts originated in the Northern Hemisphere. Thousands of years ago, the most fundamental religious idea was the war between light and dark. Dark represented evil and light represented good. This is why today on police cars we see the black and white; it represents the war between good and evil.

People often speak of the “last days” or “end times.” We are truly in those very days. We are in the last days of the astrological Age of Pisces.

Jesus was the “great fisherman” and he fed five thousand people with only two fish. We all know that two fish cannot feed that many people. We also know that two fish are the symbol for Pisces. The only thing that makes sense is if we are talking about astrology.

The Pope sometimes wears a hat that from the side looks exactly like a fish head; it’s called a Mitre. There are depictions of fish in temples and holy buildings all over the world. The Christian symbol of Jesus is a fish; this is the fish of Pisces.

The story of Moses symbolized Humanity moving out of the Age of Taurus into the Age of Aries. Pisces is right after Aries. It makes absolutely perfect sense that the story of Jesus would deal with and be about fish. It is totally appropriate for Jesus to be represented by fish; it is plainly obvious. Pisces is the age we are currently in; Aquarius is the next astrological age. Each age lasts for about 2,150 years. There are some variations to this, but roughly 2,150 years is the length of each age. Each age represents a particular dispensation of time. These cycles of time are laid out very well in the Bible. If you understand the symbolism, and do the math, it all seems to line up very well.

If Pisces started at the year zero, and if the 2,150 year estimated length of an age is correct, this puts the next age (Aquarius) starting right about the year 2150. This means we are in the last 100 or so years of the Age of Pisces. We truly are in the last days, the last days of Pisces.

People all over the world ask for help from the Divine Creator. People pray and then claim miracles happen. They believe it was their God who did the miracle.

How can all of these different people pray to different Gods, and have answers to these prayers if only one belief or religion is correct?

The Divine Almighty Presence, if one exists, in this Universe does not care what your religion is. It does not care about your race, history, or background. God does not care about your sin — there is no such thing as sin.

The true Almighty Creator of this Universe is not concerned with your sexuality, morals, or ethics. Something such as a Preexisting Eternal Creator is not influenced or bothered by any petty concepts contrived by people who think they have some divine bloodline or God-given right. That which has been called God is much bigger than any one religion or belief system — God is for all of us.

A New Wolrd Order is coming.

Every 2,150 years there is a symbolic metaphoric war in heaven, a rearrangement of the stars. We are in the “Last Days” of Pisces, but we are nearing the dawning (the Sun’s dawning) of the Age of Aquarius.

The Bible tells us that at the end of one age, and the beginning of the next, there is great upheaval and a war in heaven. This is talking about a new arrangement, a new order. According to the Bible, whatever is going on “up there” effects us “down here.” As above so below. Compare this idea with the current conditions on our planet.

There is a new order coming to the heavens; there will also be a new order to things here on Earth. This is the New World Order. A new order is coming; the old Order of Pieces is giving way to the new Order of Aquarius.

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis spoke of a New World Order. Modern political leaders, such as George Bush as well as many others, have also spoken of a New World Order. Might these people have understood this ancient story and the astrology of the Bible? In popular culture the New World Order is on the lips of many people, but I dare say they have no idea in the world where these ideas actually came from.

The Bible is telling us that a new order is coming, but there is a war for what exactly that new order will be. Is it going to be the Order of Freedom and Liberty as God the Creator intended, or will it be the Order of Slavery and Bondage as Satan desires? Freedom or slavery? Liberty or tyranny? Enlightenment or ignorance? This is what the Bible is trying to tell us and get us to think about.

A new order is coming, but what order will that be? Gods Order or Satan’s Order? This is the foundation of the concept of the New World Order.

In the Book of Revelation, an antichrist is spoken of. In Greek, the word anti means to stand in place of or take the place of something. In the Bible, Satan wants to take the place of the Christ; Satan wants to be the Christ.

This is what we see going on in the world today; it is the war between freedom and slavery. Satan wants to create a world of total control, while God has created us to be free. This is all very much metaphor, but this is what it means. The Bible and its characters are not the nonsense we have always been told. The whole thing is a metaphor, a very complicated detailed symbolic metaphor.

There will be a New World Order, which one will it be? According to the Bible, God is going to install a New World Order and all the Kingdoms of Satan will be destroyed. Apparently, this is the real New World Order, the one God creates, not the New World Order of popular Satanic culture.

All of this is metaphor for people’s relationships to themselves, to the Universe, and to the state of the world. Being metaphor does not diminish the profound importance of the message; it emphasizes it. These ideas and concepts are more powerful than words alone; metaphors are necessary to describe these understandings.

Who will control it?

  • Matthew 28:20 (KJV)

    Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

In the ancient Greek, the word world would have been aeon; Aeon means age. Jesus is saying, “I will be with you to the end of the age.” Yes, he will be with us to the end of the age, the Age of Pisces. The Sun will be in Pisces until the Age of Aquarius begins.

When Moses came down from the mountain at the end of the Age of Taurus and the beginning of the Age of Aries, he brought with him the new law, the new order.

Then, when Jesus came, he said he came to fulfill the law. The law of Moses (the law of the Age of Aries) had been fulfilled. The story of Jesus symbolically brought us into the Age of Pisces, a new order to the arrangement of things. Then, Jesus told the apostles that at the end of the Age of Pisces there will again be a new order to things.

When the Sun does finally move out of Pisces into Aquarius, there will indeed be a new order of things on this planet. The new order will be dictated by the stars above (God). A new order to the stars, and the world, is coming. The New World Order will come, but it will not be at all what most people seem to think.

Interesting to think about who knew what, when they put thatpyramid representing Jesus on the one-dollar bill along with the words Novus Ordo Seclorum. Novus Ordo Seclorum means a new order of the ages, or a new order of the world, or New World Order.

In Hebrew numerology, the number 8 means new beginnings, and 13 means perfect government. The year 1776, the founding of our nation, breaks down to 8 and 13. Someone somewhere knew something when they put this all together, and they didn’t tell us anything about it.

If this is what the Bible is talking about, and it is, then who is going to be in charge when this new age comes upon us? Who is going to be running things? Satan or God? Ignorance or enlightenment? Slavery or freedom?

Jason Horne

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Posted for educational/informational purposes only.