Does Darkness Have A Divine Purpose?

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By Unself

Image by Christine Sponchia from Pixabay

If we take “Darkness has a divine purpose” at face value, we might think it’s therefore wrong to fight darkness, wrong to overcome it, wrong to awaken and struggle for freedom.

But, in fact, that is its very purpose. The weights in a gym are not there to keep you from moving, but be moved against so that you become stronger. Darkness has a purpose, which is to be overcome.

I don’t believe the divine actually creates and puppeteers dark forces’ every move. Rather, it allows their existence and movement as a byproduct of this multiverse having individuality, freewill, and physics in it. Freewill allows for personal choice to go with, or against, divine harmony and balance.

Those who choose to go against it, who seek to harm and exploit others and increase imbalance, join the dark side. They do so out of a deep seated ignorance and spiritual weakness.

The Yugas affect many of the factors that go into the well-being of civilizations. It’s probably a combination of the thinness between here and other realms, the ‘vibrational’ quality of the subtle energy fields in our environment, and their strength or intensity.

You can imagine, therefore, that if the veil is thinner between here and the dark astral realms, and vibrationally the environment is further removed from the higher spiritual realms, that therefore dark forces have an easier time accessing this place and messing things up, plus we feel dimmer. In turn, we get more oppressed. Our minds aren’t as bright. It takes more effort and fight to stay bright. And physical, political, social conditions begin to suffer more, just as plants wilt when lacking sunlight and water.

But it’s in precisely these conditions that the positive soul experiences a tougher test. Dark forces, likewise, face opposition and trials in being unable to defeat the spirit in others. In fact, through hardship and loss and seeing spirit triumph again and again, they might have an epiphany that undoes their deep-seated ignorance and converts them back to the right path.

So both light and dark stand to gain from each other. Just that if it were dark 100% of the time, or light 100% of the time, or if each existed solely in its own realm, then there would be slower progress and less novelty. The interaction, and especially the rise and decline between one and the other, acts as an engine that drives forward the evolution of individuals and collectives.

That said, because of the freewill factor, I don’t believe everything goes according to plan all the time. Darkness can overstep its place. That’s why there are angels or other divine entities that intervene on an individual personal level, according to the rules of this place, which factors in karma, lessons, choices and contracts.

And that’s also why I think more positive souls have been born during this time, to help turn things back around to the light, because it may have gotten a little out of control here.

Lastly, a very important concept to consider is that this is not just a cosmic game, but a gamble. Not everything positive is guaranteed. A gamble is where you agree to the risk of losing, but not to losing per se, in order to produce the potential reward. This means that we agree to risk oppression by negative entities here, but we don’t agree to succumb to the oppression necessarily. We only agree by being weak and passive and ignorant and giving away our power once here.

And so if you personally, or if we collectively, face a negative force that’s very challenging, yes that may have been fated or allowed or agreed to as a potential risk or learning lesson, but now it’s up to us to face that challenge and do what is cosmically asked of us, which is to overcome it and stand strong in our spirit and grow thereby. What’s really happening is that the infinite within our finite selves is experiencing a new aspect of its own infinite potential, and growing closer to manifesting that infinite potential.