The Universe was Created by sound. It was sacred tones, sometimes referred to as the “music of the spheres”, which were the basis of the creation of the inter-dimensional spiritual and physical world, that is based on sacred geometry. “In the beginning was the Word…” the scripture tells us in John 1:1, where it also tells us that the world was created by this literal Word of God spoken forth into form. Take a step back for a moment and let that sit with you. Word is thought spoken forth. Vibration and frequency of that Word of Creation took form as the spoken Word was giving shape in the physical realm, to the ideas and thoughts from the universal consciousness of the Spirit of God. This is the basis of the simple awareness in our own experience, how that ‘thoughts become the platform from which our perception is launched. So it is important that we allow ourselves to be lead to see things from the point of view that God shows to us. It is from this higher point of view that we need to perceptively see our journey through this lifetime.
If you look into the field of cymatics, you will discover that the basis of all matter is sound and frequency. To take it a step higher in perception, the basis of all frequencies of Creation, is the Prime Resonance of God. To be in attunement with that Prime Resonance is to be growing spiritually so that your spirit is in a literal vibrational alignment with the Holy Spirit, which is in you if you are born of the Spirit of God. There are some things that assist us in our spiritual ascent and growth process, while other things we’ve encountered in this dense fallen world, hinder our growth. Discerning these things is something we will take a look at as we explore the question, in what ways does music influence our spirit and affect our spiritual growth?
How Music Affects Our Energy Field
There is, around all living things, including you, an energetic field of energy. It is a bio-electric field which resonates out a particular frequency that is a reflection of the state of your soul at any given time. Energy is comprised of waves of vibration, and therefore, they do affect our soul’s energy field. Music produces waves of vibration, which carry with it a certain energetic essence, which is also its spiritual essence. The spirit behind any particular thing is evident by the energy pattern it resonates. So, how does music affect our spirit, our sense of connection to the Lord through the Spirit of God, and our spiritual growth in character?
Ascending or Descending
Within the frame of our physical body, we house our spirit. Our spiritual bodies generate phonon energetic emissions. The energy system of our bodies is basically a network of neural energy vortices, through which spirit flows through the system and upward out of the head, which energy vortex funnels, and directs that spiritual essence within us, toward our connection to God. This is the harmonic flow of life force of the Spirit as it was originally intended. Nature, and all of the original creation, has an energetic harmony. However, when that harmony is thrown off, death in one form or another is the result, as we will see shortly. Harmonious tones and frequencies uplift the spirit and raise the vibration around us and through us, with the energy going in an upward ascending manner, and if you are particularly sensitive, this can be sensed like a spiraling or tunneling flow upwards in your spiritual body. This energy is then directed towards God. In exchange, there’s an in-flowing of peace, and joy, that accompany this connection in spirit. This is the flow of love in reciprocation. Music that is in alignment with that harmony assists in that Divine connection because they are in sync (syncopation) with the creation energies.
By contrast, the dark musical tones, such as those found in a lot of black heavy metal or rap music today, bring the energy of your light body down into the lower energy centers of our bodies, and what this does is it anchors your consciousness awareness into this three dimensional realm of dense matter. This dense, lower vibrational realm is presided over by imprisoned and dark entities, mostly dwelling in the lower fourth astral regions. (Spoken of as the ‘spirits held in chains of darkness’ in 2 Peter2:4). The discordant music directs your energy downward in energetic expression, causing a dissonance within (I can feel this in my spirit). It’s also often designed to make your emotional body resonate with painful thoughts and manifestations (which keep you in that negative thought-manifestation cycle). That is why you will hear the constant themes of murder, rape, torture, hate, and despair and so on, in the tones, the lyrics and the images associated with certain types of heavy metal music and some rap. You will also often see the reversed pentagram, a satanic symbol, in many dark metal bands, which also represents pulling those spiritual energies downward toward the physical realm.
The redirection of your light energy from within towards the lower realms and lower energy centers, is done to shift your focus and attention on manifesting the super energized thoughts presented as the ideas and philosophies presented in the music (which we will look at in Part 2). Your focus and attention directs where this light energy of spirit in you, goes. As I came to learn, highly energized thoughts are the ones which will more likely manifest. So, if you can get a collective consciousness shifted towards what you want them to all take into their belief systems, both consciously and subconsciously, then you have a greater chance of influencing the thoughts, perception, beliefs, and actions of a large target group of people over towards your side of things. Those who control things in the corporate music industry know this all too well and use it to influence our values and desires. Just be careful as you seek the ascending path of walking in the Spirit of God, regarding which things you are energizing with your thoughts and your heart. Use wisdom and discernment.
Discordance Kills
Discordant hard rock music actually caused death to plants when they were exposed to it, as shown in repeated studies, starting with the 1973 studies conducted by biologist Dorothy Retallak, in a controlled scientific environment. In short, the studies involved placing three sets of the same plants in the environment of having a steady energy “diet” of certain types of music. The first group was exposed to hard rock music. The second group was exposed to classical music. And the third group was a control group that received no musical stimulation. The repeated syncopated beat, which breaks the harmony of the natural creation energy, made it such that the water and nutrients were unable to be absorbed by the plants since the vibration forced the water out of the plants quickly, leading to the death of the plant. The plants exposed to classical harmonious music, by contrast, thrived wonderfully! The plants with no exposure grew moderately and normally. The basic reality is that the plants were affected by the music they were exposed to. Foliage is very sensitive to the subtle energies and as such, they respond to changes that the discordant music produces.
In studies done on animals, like mice, shows similar results. As with the plants, three sets of mice were exposed in the same way to the same kinds of music. The mice exposed to heavy metal music in particular became disoriented neurologically and they couldn’t even find their food. The music shifted their neuro-dendrites (the connectors of the nervous system). It was re-wiring their brains, literally! They became malnourished, and became violent with one another. The mice exposed to the classical music, thrived and were content.
Feeling “Groovy”
So even though we are affected negatively by discordance and dissonance as found in the dissonant music, some will say that they feel it is good anyway because it makes them feel good. The question then becomes, if something feels good, does that mean it is good? And just because something feels bad does that mean it is bad? When we use subjectivity and our own opinions, direct our higher understanding, it limits our comprehension. Instead of using subjective emotional or even just preferential opinion to guide us, instead we need to seek the direction of the Spirit of God.
We were designed to give forth love and spirit and so we are made in this way where the phonon light energy that I had mentioned before, is released when we are giving forth our energy to something or someone (such as lavishing love on someone, or praise, pouring our creativity out, etc), and so when we release this light energy, it does indeed feel good, but what is the real question to determine whether that good feeling is of our higher path or not, is: where does the energy flow to? It’s not wise to judge whether or not something is intrinsically good or good for our spiritual growth, just on the basis of the reason that “it feels good” or “it brings me joy”, because as we can see if we look with discernment, not everything that “feels good” is good. As I just mentioned, the indoctrination of an idea or philosophy, is best done when the people you are trying to influence are placed in a hypnotic-type state (which the dark tones do—opens them up to being influenced), and then you use words (lyrics) repeated over and over as this is a classic brainwashing technique. Then, get everyone to “sing along” as often as possible, for this gives birth to the ideas and philosophies in the three-dimensional realm. In fact one of the philosophies which has worked its way into the collective consciousness of mankind, is the hedonistic “if it feels good, do it” mindset. This is taken to mean that if something gives you pleasure, then it is to be judged as “good”. Well anytime we are expressing spirit and light through us, it can feel good. But one must gauge by the fruit of such things.
An addict to anything will tell you he (she) continues to engage in their addiction because it ‘feels good’, even though it is something harmful to them (in some cases, even killing them). That’s how the ‘darkside’ works, my friends. It leads you down a path where you are dulled in your senses so much that you are willing to enslave your mind, body and spirit for a false sense of pleasure while it is eating away at the very inner light within you. The wise will become aware that when something is harming you, but you still want it and can’t seem to give it up, that is what is called an addiction. Addiction does give you something that you like, and maybe it does indeed bring you some type of pleasure (that’s why addictions can be hard to stop), but you pay a high price for it. Instead, find ways to get what you need (the good feeling) in a way that is in alignment with your highest good.
I want to share a quote from the ancient wisdom of the Greek philosopher, Plato, who is quoted as saying:
“Through foolishness they deceived themselves into thinking there was no right or wrong way in music. That it was to be judged good or bad by the pleasure it gave.”
Indeed! The hedonism of the culture of his time had grown very selfish and carnal in it’s practices and values, which he’d seen reflected in the music of the time.
Discordant Music’s Effect Your Inner Spiritual Light
To take a real life glimpse at how your whole being is affected by sound and music, let’s take a look, for instance, at how a heavy metal band, such as Black Sabbath, or Venom, to name but a couple, who conduct their on-stage rituals in order to affect the morphic and energetic field, just like the Satanists do. In fact, the Book of Satan is where the band Black Sabbath (and those who would follow in their footsteps) got the idea for how to evoke those dark energies during their shows. So, is there any connection? Some would say no and that it’s all just for “show” or “for fun”, and believe it to be harmless. Others may have a different view, depending on what level of awareness they are at.
Let’s see where a closer look will take us. First, you have the syncopated beat of discordant music. What this does is it breaks the harmonic flow of energy, creating distortions in the morphic field. Second, you have the energy being directed out of the souls in attendance, and sent to the source of this dark energy field, which I’ll explain more about in shortly. Third, the energetic field of the people in the audience is now more open and their vibration lowered in the etheric/spiritual (while artificially stimulated in the physical). This gives the exact ground that is needed for a dark spirit of lower fourth astral realm, to come into and attach themselves to that person’s energetic field. Shadows in their field can be sensed by a sensitive person, as I’ve seen this in times in my own past dealings with these things.
Directing and re-directing
Generally speaking, various types of mechanical energy is defined as the ‘ability to do work’ or function. That which gives our bodies energy is that which animates them. This kind of energy is of the spirit, as it is the very “life force” of God, the Spirit which gives life. This is bioelectric-energy and it, just like electromagnetic energy, produces various frequencies. “The flesh profits nothing. It is the Spirit which gives life.” (John 6:63).
The Spirit of God gives us “Life” which is anima (to ‘make alive’ as in spiritually alive). Animate. So what makes us alive and functioning is this energy essence of our spirit—we are mostly spirit in form. In fact, 97 percent of our very ‘code of life’ DNA is involved in the transmission and the reception of electromagnetic energy (sending and receiving spiritually, as it were…hmmm…like prayer and communion with God in spirit huh?). J The other three percent of our DNA life code is involved in the protein synthesis and other bodily functions of your physical body that you are in.
Since the energy system of our bodies was designed by God to flow in harmony with the earth’s harmonics, which is that the energy runs in cycles clockwise. The tones which produce dense vibrations are they which run counter-clockwise, and therefore the energy flows downward and out of your body. And this is why it feels “draining’. It is! Now, the music which has the ability to re-programming the mind, there is often used the dominant frequency to descend the energy that is generated. When used with the discordance, this can create an opening in the energy field of the person and they become easier for spirit influences to connect with them in their mind and spirit. If this occurs, they may feel something ‘spiritual’ or even supernatural at times, and maybe even believe it to be “God”, and if they have not really known God through the holy Spirit, they won’t be able to tell one supernatural visitation from another unless that spirit is tested. The only spirit that can discern what is the source of these supernatural experiences is the holy Spirit. This is why so much confusion over this issue exists because of the lack of testing the spirit of a particular manifestation, which begins with the battle for our minds.
Let me expand on those points a little further.
A Closer Look
If we zoom in a little more and take a closer look, maybe we can see another level of what is going on. As mentioned, the syncopated beat and the sometimes extremely fast chord progressions, break the natural harmony rhythms of creation and of our energy fields. These distortions in the morphic field created by the discordant music, contain pockets of powerfully concentrated energy, and so can be experienced as pleasurable to the lower nature of humans. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean it is good, because the effect that has on your inner spiritual light from God, is that you get drained, and go into a kind of crash and burn phase, in which case, you seek relief by engaging in the same music, films or activities which gave you that original rush of light-energy release experience. But, do you really know what this is doing?
Stealing the Light
What is happening is that you are releasing your energy but it is not giving you anything back but physical sensation. So it is creating a split between your spiritual light and your body. It is taking your light from you, but not giving it back! That’s just like the nature of an energy vampire—they can’t return the love to you. They take, but don’t give because they are using your spiritual light to ‘live off of’ since they don’t maintain their own. Not only that, but it is keeping you hooked to it, because you’d be seeking that feeling of power it gives you. Eventually, the soul who follows that path will have very little light left in them, because they have been trained to misdirect their spiritual energy toward the spirit behind the discordant music, and are thus brought to death in ways both spiritual and physical. Use your spiritual eyes to see the destructiveness of this path! It would be wiser, instead, to increase your spiritual light and power from God who sustains us and is our Sustainer.
If we look at the second point, about the transference of your spiritual light energy that some bands’ concerts and rituals are created to help facilitate, if you open your eyes you will come to see and understand, that by energizing these things with your own essence, you are harming your own spiritual growth and happiness in life, and maybe even helping to keep in place the dark spirits and its control and suppression of humanity if you can see the ‘cause and effect’ of mass influence. These dark satanic rituals that different music bands do, most notably heavy metal artists, are really like disguised worship services. See if you can shift your awareness to understand that one as you spiritually grow! Otherwise, an awareness like that may sound crazy to the mind which has been blinded to that possibility. Yet isn’t that what a worship service is? It is devotion, by way of sharing one’s energetic essence, soul and spirit, with a higher power? It is giving oneself over to union with that ‘higher power’. Now just which ‘higher power’ it is that you are connecting to, is one that requires spiritual discernment, and daily mediation and prayer time, learning to know the ‘Voice of the Spirit”. When you pour your soul energy (spirit) into those lower energies, and away from the higher ones, you are thwarting your own spiritual growth and development, because energy goes where attention flows. It is a basic principle that shows us how to manifest in our lives what God is trying to get us to open up to. Where do you put most of your heart and soul energy?
Listening to discordant music can and does cause a depletion of your inner light and life force, which then allows your spirit to resonate at a low enough vibration, thinning the energy shield and field, so that a hole in the energy shield around you is created. What this does is it allows for an easier access for darker entities to penetrate the lowered, thin energy shield. The dark entities (evil spirits) resonate at a lower, dense vibration, and so when you allow your own field to be lowered like this, through the exposure to this dissonance of energy through the music and the other influencing elements we just looked at, this allows for you to match in frequency and resonance, with that dark entity.
Programming Your Mind
The dominant frequencies that are used in certain corporately-produced music, are also used to evoke also an opening of the subconscious mind for the purposes of subconscious programming. Even the daughter of the founder of the famous Church of Satan (founded in 1966), Anton LaVey’s daughter admitted that the Satanists use this as well in order to influence people’s thinking and such. It’s not like they are doing on by accident. Why is that do you suppose? Lower vibration entities (evil spirits) can make a connection with you via your mind as well as body and that’s why Scripture declares we are to be transformed by renewing our minds under the power of the holy Spirit (Romans 12:2), and to come away from being conformed to this world and it’s judgments.
So, we find this is element of mind influencing through music in the shows and rituals at some metal and rap concerts. In this channel of the mind that is being influenced, thoughts can come as seemingly from within you, yet they are more like a flash that feels like it pierces your mind. It is usually a thought that will counteract truth when higher truth is being offered, or when the person feels a great emotional discomfort at confronting an uncomfortable reality about their choices in life with regard to this. The mind then can go into denial, depending upon how ready to ascend to the next level that that soul is. Once again, recall that I said the idea of the dark entitles that seek to influence through discordant music, is first of all, to blind your spiritual eyes from insight and clear vision. They don’t want you to have clear vision and cognition, because then if you really knew what you were courting in your soul, before they have a chance to completely take you over, then they may lose their place (foothold) within your soul. This begins by re-directing your heart and mind and implanting it with certain ideals and beliefs. (In Part 2 we will look more at how subconscious re-programming is used in this way in the entertainment industry, to influence the population). We need to be wise in this age and not act ignorantly or foolishly with regard to such things. The reason evil has flourished in this age, is because we are giving it its place to flourish in the fertile soil of our hearts and souls, whether we do it knowingly or unknowingly. When we give our energy to something, it grows, so if we are giving our soul energy to the dark forces, even if we are unaware of it, then that is what will ultimately grow in our lives and in our world. And through our own ignorance and lack of discernment, the darker realities manifest (and find much support) in this world at this time.
Once again let’s turn back to the concert example. When the right elements are present, such as the ones just mentioned, the attendees are unknowingly subjecting themselves to be subconsciously programmed by the implanted beliefs, ideas and images, and such, using, among other things, repetition and unquestioning devotion. Many fans of hardcore music seem like devoted followers of a religion or religious cult at times. This is a sad reality, but many are affected by it. Some will even see the evidence and choose to stay ignorant of it because they love pleasures of the darkness, rather than the light of their soul which is trying to direct them back to the unity with God in Christ Jesus, and that is the connection that puts us in touch with a clearer vision into the things of this world, and the things of realms unseen to the physical eye. It is the Spirit of God which reveals those things trapped behind the veil of darkness of the world and the spirits that manipulate the perception of it, at this time.
How Discordant Music
Closes Down Our Spirit and Light
This wisdom of Plato quoted earlier about not judging whether or not something is good or right solely just based on how it feels, should be used today to aid us in discernment in the times we live, since it just as applicable, or even more applicable now as it was back then. When our consciousness has been dulled, we cannot discern what is from God and what is not. The heart can’t tell the difference because disharmony closes down the heart as well as blinds the spiritual eyes.
Since the heart is actually the ‘seat of consciousness’ or simply put ‘awareness’, it also follows that whatever you give the most heart energy to, in other words, what you most love, is what will get the majority of your spiritual energy, and focus. It is that which you most love is what you will bond yourself to spiritually speaking. So, for instance, if you love something harmful to yourself, you will be trapped in a destructive addiction. However, if you love something that is nurturing to your soul, then you will grow spiritually strong, enabling yourself to be free within.
Music which is harmonious and has sacred tones like those of the Sacred Solfeggio musical scale, open the heart, (as they were designed as ‘Divine Harmonies’), and allows it to grow spiritually closer to God our Father and Creator, and to those beloved in their lives. They will be free to express this love, spreading its light into their lives, nurturing themselves and others with this Divine love light from within that the holy Spirit imparts. It will then manifest the higher path into their lives. By contrast, dark and discordant music closes down the heart, desensitizing it and causing the person to become insensitive and cold emotionally. The discordant music often evokes feelings of anger, hatred, fear, all couched in a sort of power that seems attractive and seductive to those souls who are themselves dark, having often times given themselves over to be the energetic servant of dark entities, or to those who are too naive to understand what they are hooking themselves up with spiritually. Just like an addictive drug, this dark energy and power does indeed feel good, like I said before–like an adrenaline rush—at least in the beginning.
However, after a while (maybe even years), the adrenaline rush from just the music alone is no longer as satisfying. So, many times what happens is that those who are involved in such things often will add other dangerous or dark thrill seeking activities or behavior to their repertoire. Many times fans of such music who take it to be like an identity of their own, take the suggestions in the songs all the way, and they seek to carry out the dark and sinister things sung about, and given glory to, in the songs (such as rape, theft, ritual abuse and making sacrifices to demons or other dark entities, and such like things). It is because these people have, at this point, become a slave to the dark energies of their soul which has been opened up to the darkside, if I shall put it gently. This can be very serious actually! Remember that the dark spirit will blind the spiritual eyes, so that the person is often unaware of just how much influence he’s actually under. The longer the denial of the evidence and involvement in this kind of behavior, the less heart energy, and the less sensitivity to anything from the holy Spirit gets through to that soul. This is why the kind of cruel and abusive behavior that is often glorified in the imagery of the spiritually dark music, and then carried out by its adherents, is often times, shockingly, followed by no remorse and no empathy for the victims who had to pay the price for the crimes committed by these people. These are the fruits of a heart that has been shut down and desensitized, having little or no empathy left.
Is This All Just For Show?
Now, as some may think, it is all somehow just ‘for show’ and they are really just good ol’ guys who want to have a good time”?. Well, how about we ask Brian Warner (known to his fans as Marilyn Manson), when he says his intention of how he wants to direct the energy that he’s helping to transmute. “A rock concert is in fact a rite (a rite is a ritual or an oath) involving the evocation of energy. Rock stars may be compared to a priest. For such magic to succeed it must tap the sources of magical energy and this can be dangerous.” –Marilyn Manson, Rock Music magazine, June, 1975. Manson offered his own first born child in a satanic ritual sacrifice to Satan. He helped stab his own child to death for his lord. Yeah I am sure it was all just for fun, right. Open your eyes! How about Frank Zappa, who admits that “The ways in which sound affects the human organism are myriad and subtle. The loud sounds and bright lights today are tremendous indoctrination tools”, Life magazine, June 28, 1968. These are mild compared to some of the other shocking admissions from artists who in their own words, have admitted that they literally give themselves over to dark entities, even Lucifer in some cases. They do this for the wealth, fame, and power that they get in return. And they are serving the purposes of changing the way you think so that your thoughts and your very life force support a very dark system which is seeking to literally destroy us all. So, are they just doing it for fun, as some have told me they believe? This is a lie to keep you trapped into giving away more of your essence’s energy to those whom you have blindly been lead to see as harmless”.
Children of God, please hear this: these souls serve the darkside. Some may have done it willingly, as by their own admission; many have ‘sold their souls’ to a dark evil power or devil. Others may have just been innocently duped because their level of conscious awareness was low, coupled oftentimes by a massive need for ego needs to be met. This is part of the awakening to see this. Don’t you see that by getting you to believe these things to be harmless, or just for fun, you let your guard of discernment down? And when that happens, it is like leaving the door to your personal home wide open all the time. You have no control then, over who or what comes through that door. It is not harmless. You just may not have seen it from that perspective, or may not have understood what is going on in the spiritual realm in these rituals and shows, and in the attuning your soul to the dark energies behind the discordant music.
So, as the bible records that spiritual principle, a “tree is known by it’s fruit” (Luke 6:43), or in other words, observe the effects of something to see if what it promises, is really what it delivers. The fruits of discordant music is that it closes us down in energy, robs us of our inner light, closes down our heart and soul, closes down our clear vision by shutting down the spiritual eye, has mislead many into ideas and thoughts that have caused them much suffering, has caused many, many people to struggle with addictions and poor life choices leading to painful consequences, and sometimes, the end result is even death. Make sure you’re not allowing others to program your mind with this type of mindset that will not lead to a good place.
Blessings of Love,
“Phoenix Raine”