One of the most common things I see many so called "spiritual people" do in their process is make an unconscious separation between the material and spiritual realms, but let me tell you right now they are not two, but one.
Even all matter in the universe is made from atomic energy and those atoms are 99.9% non-physical. Matter is spirit condensed into form, so with this being said, there is nothing non-spiritual about physical reality.
Don't be fanatic. Watch cartoons if it excites you, read manga if it excites you, play sports, paint, play video games, do all the things that are still fun to you and nourish your inner child with them, Because ultimately it not depends on what you are doing but the level of consciousness in which you are doing it.
As long as you are not defining the core of your being through the ever changing scenes of the external world you can do what you want, there is no need to give up doing anything that you honestly find fun, exciting and is in alignment with your truth. Pamper yourself, wear nice make up if you want, go out and hit the town, do all the things you want to do, simply be non-attached as you do them..which again is to not allow the external world to define who you are as a soul, as a consciousness.
Making a separation between the spiritual and material realms creates a split within oneself and you even begin to hate your own body and see yourself as just a soul, but let me say unto thee that the body is the visible soul and the soul is the invisible body. Stay balanced and be in the world and not off it, don't run away from Maya, conquer it while being in the thick of it all!!!
-Craig Krishna