Don’t Open Doors You Can’t Close

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By Paranorman

Image by nruboc from

It is never advisable to dabble with the supernatural despite the glamor provided by movies and TV or simply because one is bored or curious. If you think trying to make contact with another realm and its spirits via a spirit board like the Ouija, pendulum or other divination tools might be fun or entertaining you are sadly mistaken. You are also sadly mistaken if your reason is the “prove nothing will happen” because eventually it will. On the flip side, there are those who after watching various ghost hunting shows think the can capture proof by recording or making videos of any manifestations that occur. Why take the risk? It is not a game. Once activity starts you will not know how to stop it and will end up having to seek professional help. In a lesser vein (pun intended) you may also inadvertently attract a fellow person who is a human psychic vampire due to your desire to dabble because those that dwell and love the Dark side of things will be attracted to your light and want to put it out. Psychic vampires are often people you know and think are OK but who leave you ling depleted, tired, fatigued or even ill after being around them. This weakened state also leaves you open for attack.

So what happens if you have engaged any of the above?

 Signs of Negative Spiritual Contact by Diana Navarro MS:


  • Being touched constantly and a touch that is unwelcomed and unwanted
  • Frightening appearances
  • Feeling someone or something is watching you
  • Sudden loss of energy and feeling fatigue, dizziness, disorientation, hard to breath, chocking feeling
  • Disturbing spiritual, religious, sacred objects my moving, throwing, knocking down, e.g. crosses, Buddha statues, religious texts, etc.
  • Frightening children, animals and any vulnerable person
  • Symbols and writing appearing unexplained that represent negative, hateful content
  • Sudden emotional change into deep anger, depression, hopelessness
  • Nightmares that are sudden, frequent, and very real
  • Negative synchronicities, where everything is going wrong in an oddly connected, continuous, obvious out-of-control way
  • Constant negative thoughts that are out of character
  • Feeling ill suddenly and no medical cause
  • Knocks and symbols in 3’s. The number 3 is traditionally considered sacred in many traditions. With negative spirits the number is used to mock its sacredness
  • Sudden confusion
  • Sudden appearance of insects with no explanation, flies, bees, mosquitoes, maggots, worms, ants as in my San Francisco experience
  • Foul and horrid unexplained odor. Examples include something that smells like rotten meat, decomposition, sulfur or other negative smell without a source
  • Any messages encouraging you to hurt yourself, someone else, animals and property
  • A strong gut/intuitive feeling something is very wrong in a place or with someone/something that is around you. Always listen to your gut and don’t worry about being polite

Quoted excerpt from  You’re Not Crazy, It’s Paranormal