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By Julia


As an astrological symbol, the Dot within a Circle represents the Sun. As an alchemy symbol, the Dot within a Circle represents gold. However, as an esoteric Symbol, The Dot within a Circle embodies much deeper lessons and principles.

The Circle represents The Infinite; Eternity. It also represents the flow of time and the ever repeating Cycles of Eternity which have no beginning and no end; cycles which, when complete, flow back into themselves and repeat anew. We find this cyclical truth also represented, symbolically, by the Ouroboros: the serpent swallowing its own tail.

Cycles can be infinitely long or infinitesimally short. There are quantum cycles, daily cycles, monthly cycles, annual cycles, generational cycles and cataclysmic cycles. Cataclysmic cycles occur when the earth, and the universe, destroy and re-cycle themselves in order to be re-born into a new cycle. But however long or short a cycle may be, a cycle consists of the following: birth, life, death (or transformation) followed by re-birth. And so it goes, on and on, throughout eternity; endless repeating cycles followed by endless repeating cycles.

And because cycles are endless and self-repeating it also means that everything that ever will be created has already been created. It re-enforces the proverb, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

Everything that is yet currently un-created in our physical realm already exists, in its entirety, in the cosmic and spiritual realm. These un-manifested creations are simply waiting for our minds
and senses to reach the proper stage of development where we can recognize them, understand them and re-manifest them in our physical dimension.

History and past cycles teach us that manifestation typically occurs
in one of three ways:

1. by way of the natural re-creative and re-generative cycles of Nature.
2. by way of an increased ability of an individual's imagination, insight or other senses.
3. by way of "an idea whose time has come": whereby a number of people throughout the world    experience the same idea at the same time.

Such is the nature of cycles, and the manifestations which occur within these cycles, as symbolized by the Circle.

The Dot represents the seed, the spark, the focused thought which gives birth to creation in the physical and mental realms.

On a much deeper level, however, The Dot symbolizes the one eternal and unmoving source from which all of creation emanates. It is the one creative principle which establishes and governs the Cycles of Eternity. At this level The Dot symbolizes deity, divinity,
and the Divine Mind; It is the Hermetic Nous; it is the center point around which the Wheel of Eternity revolves.

Without first having a Dot we could not draw a line, a circle or a picture.  We would be unable to express a mathematical formula or create our daily "to do" list which are all manifested by moving a Dot from a pen, or pencil, along a piece of paper.  Therefore, we could not physically or artistically express or create anything without first beginning with a Dot.  The written word, or idea, already exists within The Dot and simply awaits manifestation.

We see this Divine Principle in evidence throughout Nature. The tallest oak grows from a single acorn; a stalk of corn towers from a small seed; historic ideas and inventions are the result of
a single, focused thought; a human adult evolves from a lone and imperceptible sperm. Therefore, as the oak already exists within the acorn, the cornstalk within the seed, the invention within the focused thought, the adult within the sperm, so too does the un-manifested concept already exist within The Dot.

As Divinity resides within us as our Atman, our God Within, we too possess the Divine Seed: the Divine Spark of creation. All of the latent skills, talents, concepts and ideas necessary for us to
create whatever it is that we choose to create already exist within us. They are merely waiting for us to awaken them.

And as this Divine ability to create already exists within each one of us, it simply depends upon whether or not we choose to take advantage of our Divine gift.

We can become anyone we choose to become. We can accomplish anything we choose to accomplish. We can create anything we choose to create. We can experience anything we choose to experience. We are The Dot Within The Circle!

Author: Joe Panek