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By LOGOS - Overseer


~Doubt can be a bond as powerful and sustainable as certainty~

Lament: I do not know what anything means. I do not even know what this means. I do not know how to respond to it. I cannot use my own past experience to help me now because it does not apply. I am not sure. I do not know which way to go. What do I do now? What do I tell myself? No one knows. No one knows that I am lost. No one knows that I have done something wrong. Have I really done something wrong? Why am I in doubt?


The devil is the scapegoat within which we blame for our troubles in life. The dark and doorless cave in which he resides is the realm of the unconscious. He is the image of bondage to the crudest and most instinctual aspect of human nature – fear. Only crisis can break through the wall of his secret chamber. The Devil implies the necessity of confrontation with all that is shadowy, shameful and and base within the Self. Only then can creative power which has been held by self imposed chains of panic and self disgust be broken. He who comes to the heart of The Devil's labyrinth and faces his own darkness can become free.


Present conditions seem out of control but, in psychological terms, the Runestave Nauthiz is linked to the way in which one's own neuroses generates negative experiences. External events may in fact spring in part from your internal restrictive programming. Belief systems often unconscious and based in life's disappointments, inherited biases, and one's own fears and limitations can condition negative expectations and draw them in as crisis after crisis. Nauthiz represents Karmic challenge. Recognize the pattern and do not strain against the knots, rather unpick them. ~

"Need leaves one little chance; the naked freeze in the frost." ~ Norwegian Rune Poem


None of us is isolated. Every thought, word or deed affects everything else. Even though you would like to put off the inevitable, something within your Soul gnaws at you giving you a feeling of unrest or agitation.There are times when you feel you have neither the emotional reserve or physical strength to make major changes. Sometimes doing nothing is the best decision. Non-action is an action of its own. Do not doubt the process.


To experience emotion stimulated by outside influences or people can be pleasant or unpleasant. Either way, it is not a substitute for living your own life in your own way – to do less diminishes you. No amount of vicarious experience can compensate for your own lack of fulfillment. This only comes from the exercise of power in your own life. Developing the real you is the most important thing you can do. Doubt is a dictator who will rob you of your values. You ARE your values. If they are ill defined then so are you. ~


The Five of Spades has the power to demolish every hope that once stood a good chance of succeeding. Misunderstandings and self misinterpretation have laid a false trail leading to a downward path. Aims and ambitions for the future must not be lost because this is a testing time. Those who emerge will greatly increase their strength and understanding of life. The greater gift is the understanding of the Self because doubt and lack of faith in one's own abilities is a true personal challenge. Beware of the lower plane astral entities that masquerade as innocent spirits – they are attracted to doubters.

~"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end with doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end with certainties." ~ Francis Bacon


3 thoughts on “Doubt”

  1. Divination

    In ancient Persia, those is doubt consulted the cup of Jamshid (Djemscheed or Jaam-e Jam). The cup ("Jām") was said to be filled with an elixir of immortality and was used in scrying.

    It was believed that one could observe all the seven heavens of the universe by looking into it – the whole world was said to be reflected in it, and divinations within the Cup were said to reveal deep truths.

  2. Loved it!

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