Dream Journal 8/21/14

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By Sisomsoc Seletsyc

I am looking for a girl at a library.. i find her mother first as they both have the same auburn red hair.. she says that she must go as it has begun to thunder and she wants to get home before it rains but states that i might join her if i follow… i go out to grab my bicycle which i have some difficulty unlocking and the girl gets out of veiw.. i begin down the road to where she is going when i come upon my turn which is a bridge covered in clouds and mist.. i stop because the lightning is blocking me and im afraid to continue… i get down and seperate myself from the bike  so as not to not attract the lightning but i raise my head and feel the hairs on my head rise up… i watch as the lightning travels from cloud to mist then hits me in the center of my forehead and from across the way it clears and i see a person trapped in an yellow electric cage withe lightning connecting us at the third eye… it makes me feel uncomfortable so i say stop it the connection breaks and the dream fades out…