Dec 3nd am
I I am building a wooden bridge across a stream which is easily 40 yrds wide it is rickety and would only allow one person. I am using 2x4s and plyboard and ive only made it about half way when i ask myself, what if it rains very hard and floods the stream.. I realize my foundation isnt near as strong so i scrap the bridge to assumingly start over.
Dec 4rd. am
I am running across a run down train bridge running very fast to escape something when the boards start to give way i grasp on and nearly fall into the water below but survive by hanging onto a board that is just strong enough not to rip out. I make it across and proceed to a storm where I buy an ax. i test the edge on my finger,.. yes its sharp and perfect for what needs to be done. i then start towards a person ona 4wheeler and head off.
Dec 5th am
I am at a house party, where a black guy/teen starts a fight with me. I keep punching but he keeps coming back so I knock his drink out of his hand and onto his shirt at which point he leaves. I then go around the party a person asks me what that was all about,.. I say I don't know but it's always the young ones.. I make my way out of the party and run into my exgf she is carrying our child in a dirty baby carrier. I ask why is the baby being treated like that may i hold? im handed the carrier with the baby and try to give it more cushion and support its neck. Next thing i know my ex is putting on tons of blush almost like paint she says dont worry, i have my foot in between her legs.. I turn and my other leg is in between her sisters legs. i turn further to the right there is a guy with blush on his hands i say.. its ugly anyways.
Very important …
… that you are journaling your dreams and even better that you share them with the rest of us. You are very busy in your dreams and some dreams tend to impact us, often more than we think. I like to ponder how my dream messages ended up being useful to me.
possible interpretations
Dec.3 – the bridge indicates you making your way to a new situation, or a change, however the foundation that you are building on to reach that change you find to be weak and unstable, thus the starting over…it might be good to look deeper and determine what you were heading towards and deciding if that change is a thing that is important/beneficial enough to continue trying for, or not.
Dec.4th – a bridge again, but this time not one of your own making, also heading to a change of some sort, but based onsomething that does not come from you, which can also be seen as a thing not necessarily worth heading over or to but for the running from a thing you fear, which might be an unpleasant situation or a thing you have done that you would rather not face or accept responsibility for….determining what that is and why you want to avoid it might be a good course to take so as to be better informed yourself on the matter…you use your own skills so accomplish the crossing despite various challenges along the way…you head into a storm, which generally is a loud and possibly violent situation, also of change of some sort, but you get through it and by doing so acquire, or "by" a tool, in this case an axe that you see will be useful for a task ahead of you, and you are assisted by someone at reaching it in a more expedient manner, or a "ride" to move forward more quickly. it is noteable that a bridge presented itself 2 mights in a row. that might also be worth discerning why that happened to you.
Dec. 5th – confrontation from another, but i cannot say if the race is important for any reason, or if that has some particular meaning, it might or might not…but then you mention age indicating that age difference might be of greater import as the situation relates to things within your own consciousness and/or experiences…then the ex g/f not taking care of the baby and using too much makeup, that might indicate a specific ex and the child, or it might also be a thing with another meaning, indicating something from the past that you seperated from for whatever reason, and that person from the past deceiving you and making excuses about the situation the two of you created, the child you wanted to care for better than she was….you would want to determine whether or not this is literal, or symbolic ( i have no idea if you have any kids as of yet or not, but if you do, that would indicate literal interpretation, if not, then go with symbolic and look into it to determine the specific meaning) your foot between the ex's legs and the other between her sister's legs might indicate a constriction, or trap in a sense, that both are holding on to you, or have an attachment to you that you dont share, or it could mean the opposite, that you have an attachment to two females that are, or are like sisters to one another, which it might be only you can know. the fellow with blush on his hands seems to indicate that he got his hands dirty in the deception that the ex perpetrated upon you….then you decide it is "ugly" which it certainly would be regardless of which particular interpretations you find to be the correct ones, which also indicates your being smart enough to recognize that fact about it and having the desire to stay out of it, or possibly to avoid revisiting it again.
Those are a few things that seem readily apparent just from reading it, but of course only you know the specifics of details in your life that these things might be applied to…i hope something i said can help you to find the interpretation you need to find with those dreams!
Awesome Interp …
Good stuff Shabda!
thanks you
that is very insightful i will dig in further