Dream Or Destiny?

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By Spiritual Guru


"Three little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit, was strong willed and kept trying various ways to get out and continued to think the third was not very smart by swimming fast. The second struggled so hard and long that eventually he found a way out, (helped by the substance which the third was making).   But due to the tremendous effort and time, was physically and mentally wore out and lost out on a successful, enjoyable life.  Shortly after the second finally got out, the third mouse had churned that cream into butter and simply crawled out.  Having kept a constant, steady pace while trusting its Creator had a full, exciting and joyful life."

(The first mouse was like most people in the world; they just keep doing what every one else does – the routine life ((live in the rut)).  Not even the slightest knowledge or interest in the Duel Mind). The second like O.J. Simpson; past Pres. Nixon; Michael Jackson and thousands of others who become famous only to either commit suicide; go broke, jail, drugs; bankrupt or otherwise lose everything including their reputation.  They make it to their dream (born & driven by their ego (the carnal mind) but not to their destiny for which they were created.  The third, (lead to their destiny by the Spiritual Mind), well if you are one of the other two, you have no idea there is a third type.  But you could be a second type at the point each person eventually gets to – where the Creator knocks.  Their 'higher self" makes them aware that a third type exist and that they must choose.  Choose between continuing to let their Ego’s kept them chasing their Dream or to get in touch with their 'feelings' – not emotions.  The second type fail because, the truth is, when they try to be quiet and alone they know deep down, they do not like themselves.  They feel inadequate, insecure or any one or more word which describe a person who really is not good enough.  (Now most of them adopt a facade personality.  They 'act' like they are as good or better than others – but they know it is an act.  And the longer they but on the 'act' the more they are driven to devices to hide from those inner feelings.

They first use things like getting involved in so many activities they don't have time to listen to what is going on inside.  Now, many are helped by using music or other noise to cover the feelings.  Bars, parties, multiple jobs or activities, I-pods with constant music a great new device… along with cell phones.   They can hide from the feelings but sooner or later the feeling will win, it is just a matter of time.  The younger they are the better chance they have of stopping the running around and taking the time to get in touch with those feelings, giving them understand and appreciation and developing into the third type – they only way they can.  The trouble they have is allowing themselves to stop 'thinking' they are as smart as everyone else and accepting the fact that there is always someone 'bigger', someone "stronger", someone "smarter' – it take humility for that EGO to realize the Creator made it this way so there was always someone to help us along.  There is no one absolutely independent.  I am the most independent person I have ever known; if you knew me you would agree but I know that I NEED others.  Thank God I know some of them.  They bring me joy just knowing them.  I can discuss with them my problems and one or more of them usually help me to understand with a different perspective or because they know a different discipline they have a solution.  I too, had to get my ego humiliated to arrive at this point of understanding and helping hundreds of 'two' types cross over the line that separates the 2's and 3's.  When you become a three, you really get to know, have and understand LOVE so much better.  One big reason is – you really like yourself.  You don't have that inner voice telling you what is wrong with you or any guilt feelings or regrets anymore; YOU HEART IS CLEAR and you can now feel the Creative Force moving with and through you.  You have so much enlightenment and almost a constant state of JOY! 

Two's are understood and loved by the Third Type who prays for their success in choosing the right path.  The second type have such great talents, beautiful souls and brilliant minds (and so many of them will go to waste) because they are so afraid of dealing with those feelings and they do not realize that any three can get the job done painlessly.   It is only the 2's fear, (which is only an imagination) which causes the pain.  Creator will make their seeming wasted lives, a lesson to others.  

Understanding the Dual Mind

"I, through the law, died to the law, that I might live to God!”
 From Scripture:
From the metaphysical point of view: (Scripture: 'the dual mind; Carnal & Spiritual'

"I" (the carnal mind; ego/Satan; selfish self) "through the law" (through the ways and understandings of mankind) "died to the law" (stepped away, gave up living accordingly) "That I" (the real self; Christ Spirit; higher self) "might live" (enjoy, become successful, complete, and have the feeling of satisfaction from doing what I was created for)"to God" (which is the ONLY ONE LIFE)!

Discernment: Born into Earth with only the Spiritual Mind; from the first experience, the Carnal Mind begin by the Collection of each bit of data it experiences.  Hence we only consciously ‘know’ what we perceive from our personal experience.  The conscious mind soon begins to believe that ‘it’ is the person and the spirit is ‘hidden’.  Personality is developed from this data thus the mistaken belief that one is a person having a spiritual experience instead of a Spirit having a Human experience!

The Carnal Mind > 'Ego/Satan' "I" = Operates from "I want" concerned about Self, appearance, talents, future, career, success and other things, each form a worry. And tied to the past; people, places and things unpleasant which have happened each of which form a depression. The mind is mostly focused on self even when and how they are dealing with others. Self Protective and defensive; strong will; cunning; phony, facade personality; periods of happiness and depression. When young and energetic, always meet new people with very outgoing, pleasant personality: when older normally to attract attention meet with troubled look on face – lost!
The Spiritual Mind > 'God'/ "I AM" = Operates from "I Give" concerned about others. Ready and willing helping Spirit to others, animals or things. As this 'True Self' continues to develop; less and less concern about self, past or future. Stronger and stronger confidence that all is unfolding as it should and they are being taken cared; they and they're future is secure. They live with a peaceful mind, uncluttered with constant changing thoughts.  They are mostly focused and concentrated.  They discover they have the gift of healing, even at a distance.  This healing can be by word, action, thought. They meet others with a calmness which set most people at ease.

Others, for the most part, have an almost instant feeling of trust and peace. Very troubled Souls will often react with varied degrees of unrest to even verbal attack. Most importantly, the degree of success, peace, joy and complete satisfaction continues to grow and be involved with what most call 'miracles'.  They continue to delight in the Life they are living on a daily basis not just once in a while.