Eclipses In Astrology

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By Skywriter

Astrologers have been observing the effects of eclipses for more than 3000 years. Ancient seers associated eclipses with disasters. In our more enlightened era, astrologers consider eclipses important but do not necessarily consider them dire portents. Contemporary astrologers know that the influence of an eclipse must be within an orb of 1degree of a major chart point or angle to have a strong effect.


What is an eclipse? Put simply an eclipse is the partial or total blocking of the light or occultation of one heavenly body by another. The more complete an eclipse the greater its power. Solar Eclipses are usually more powerful than the Lunar type. There are basically two kinds of eclipses – Solar Eclipses and Lunar Eclipses. A Solar Eclipse can occur only at a New Moon when the Sun and the Moon are conjunct and parallel in declination. Viewed form earth, the Moon appears to move in front of the Sun blocking either a part (Partial Eclipse) or all (Total Eclipse) of the Sun’s light. During a Total Eclipse, darkness descends upon the Earth that can last up to seven minutes. In some cases, the Sun looks like a bright ring around the black disc of the Moon, This is known as an Annular Eclipse. A Total Solar Eclipse is the most potent. A Solar Eclipse draws attention to concerns and brings external conditions into focus. They trigger effects that are more obvious than those associated with Lunar Eclipses. On a personal level a Solar Eclipse deals with expression of the ego and the ego needs.


Solar Eclipses activate two different types of influences – immediate and long term. The immediate effect may occur days before or after the actual eclipse. The long term effect is more diffuse often lasting until the next eclipse. A Solar Eclipse occurs about every six months and is accompanied by a Lunar Eclipse before OR after. Occasionally Lunar Eclipses occur BOTH before and after a Solar Eclipse.


 A Lunar Eclipse occurs only the Full Moon when the Sun and the Moon are opposite one another Eclipses of the Moon are associated with subtle changes in feelings and attitudes which may go unnoticed until long after the actual eclipse. During the opposition the Moon is moving through the umbra or shadow of the earth. In a Partial Lunar Eclipse, only part of the Moon’s face is obscured. In a Total Eclipse, the Moon’s face seems to gradually dim until it reaches totality. Then the process is reversed. The effects of the Lunar Eclipse are experienced on am emotional or instinctive level. An individual should strive for inner growth when using the energy of the Lunar Eclipse. The effects can be felt from six weeks before the eclipse to six weeks after it.


Remember, a strong eclipse effect must be within a 1 degree orb to have a strong effect.



Eclipses can be stressful. Life can move so fast that a person can feel very overwhelmed. The approach of an eclipse can promote feelings of restlessness or apprehension several days before or after the actual eclipse date.


When interpreting the meaning of an eclipse in a chart, keep in mind the effects of Freewill. Although eclipses have a mixed reputation, they do not CAUSE events. An individual can use the energy associated with an eclipse in any way – constructively or destructively.


Eclipses are especially significant if they are at the same degree or within 1 degree of a natal planet, the Ascendant, Midheaven, Nadir, Descendant or Lunar Node. People born during an eclipse or near an eclipse seem to have exceptional lives.



The astrological element in which the eclipse occurs shows how the effects of the eclipse are likely to be shown.


FIRE (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) – Ambition may increase. Personal desires may be more important than they were in the past. You may become more daring or assertive or drawn to sports, romance, gambling, entertaining, the arts/creative work, hobbies, or risky activities.


EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) – Security consciousness and conservative thinking is emphasized. Possessions or real estate can draw attention. Physical appetites become stronger. Changes in attitude towards work, spending, the environment, responsibility and career can be expected.


AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) – Renewed interest in reading, education, travel, social activities or information gathering is highlighted. Personal communication style may change as well as stance on issues, situations, or people. There can also be possible involvement or interest in science, vehicles, publishing, teaching or the travel industry. Relationships may change.


WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) – Attraction to romance, religion, mysticism, creative work or occult studies. Possible involvement with other people’s money or belongings. More or less dependence on other people. Research, homemaking, shopping, cooking or collecting may be appealing. There can also be a preference to meditate or take time out from activities. A tendency to worry about others might also be prominent.



Regardless of the sign in which an eclipse occurs, its house position can bring various possible developments. It is important to remember that whichever house an eclipse affects, its polarity is also sensitized.


First House: There may be changes in your self image or your approach to people and life. Events are taken personally. During the period between eclipses you focus mainly on issues that affect you as an individual. You may change your clothing style, hair or appearance. Relationships may be affected by the personal changes you make.


Second House:  Changes occur in your income, financial conditioning, values, and sense of security or self worth. You may gain or lose emotional support. Your attitude toward money, or possessions might change. You discover what is REALLY important to your happiness.


Third House: Changes may occur in the way you communicate, gather and process information or deal with other people including siblings and neighbors. Your mundane pace of life may change.


Fourth House: Changes may occur at home, in the family or in the way you feel about these things. You might deal with real estate, property, antiques, or food. You might also redecorate or move to a different house.


Fifth House: The sexual appetite may increase or diminish. You may produce impressive creative work or be drawn to art. Love affairs may begin, end or change direction. You may be involved with pregnancy.


Sixth House: You may experience changes in your employment, duties, or diet. The way you use your time is important. Health needs or habits may receive attention. Protect your health.


Seventh House: Alliances or relationships are emphasized. Your martial status may change. There may be changes in the way you feel about commitments or loved ones. The balance of power may shift in relationships. You might deal with legal affairs or advisors.


Eighth House: Changes of a serious nature may be on the horizon. Stabilize your finances now. Other people’s money, debts or loans may have your attention. Security issues might also arise.


Ninth House: Intellectual growth and exploration are emphasized. You might travel, take classes or find other ways to expand your mind.


Tenth House; Achievement is emphasized. There may be a change ion status or authority. You might find yourself in a high profile position.


Eleventh House: Generally a time of increased optimism. You might be able to achieve a cherished goal or set new ones. You may gain or lose friends or be drawn to people you would not have previously have found appealing. Your position in groups, clubs, or corporations may change.


Twelfth House: You might have less contact with people but be busy behind the scenes. You may experience restrictions due to work, health, obligations or lack of opportunity. This can be a beneficial period if used for introspection.



Each sign of the Zodiac has its pitfalls. When an eclipse is due try to avoid the hazards associated with the sign.


ARIES: Avoid driving too fast. Don’t rush jobs or try to hurry people. Consider other people’s feelings.


TAURUS: Don’t overeat. Avoid unnecessary purchases. Don’t be jealous or possessive. Don’t try to bulldoze your way through life.


GEMINI: Avoid monopolizing conversations. Don’t begin a new task until you have finished the one you have started.


CANCER: Avoid meddling in other people’s affairs. Don’t try to manipulate people. Don’t be clingy.


LEO: Share the spotlight with loved ones and friends. Don’t be too boastful.


VIRGO: Avoid health and exercise fads. Don’t nag. Focus on life’s good things not its bumps.


LIBRA: If you feel lonely call a friend or borrow a pet. Don’t defer to others’ wishes. Put your needs first.


SCORPIO: Lighten up! Forget about control. Avoid people who stress you. Watch a funny movie.


SAGITTARIUS: Avoid risky activities such as unprotected sex or high stakes gambling. Don’t scatter energies in too many directions.


CAPRICORN: Don’t worry excessively about money, image, or status. Play, laugh and be a little silly.


AQUARIUS: Don’t break rules just to make an impression. Don’t quit your job or file for a divorce. Wait until things have settled down after the eclipse.


PISCES: Don’t fall into love with someone who is a loser or unavailable. Don’t do anything illegal or lie. Erase feelings of self doubt.



Esoteric astrologers believe that while you were in the womb you were influenced by eclipses. There is a special implication tied to the Solar and Lunar eclipses that occurred before you birth but in particular, there is emphasis placed on the eclipse that is closest to your birth. If it was a Solar Eclipse, the house that held the eclipse according to sign and degree has special importance in you life. On a karmic level, a Solar Eclipse is thought to represent what you are supposed to “teach” to others in this lifetime. If it was a Lunar Eclipse, the area of the nativity was sensitized but on an emotional and psychic level. The house, sign and degree indicate the sector of life that needs to be cultivated for spiritual fulfillment. On a karmic level, it indicates what you are supposed to “learn” in this lifetime.