When a person does this every single day, they tend to lose all credibility they ever might have considered themselves to have had. This is because the claims such a one so often accuses others of, he himself is also guilty of, making the constant accusing a pointless venture to any who watch it happening. Often this happens due to an inability to openly self examine and be self-critical. That characteristic brings about and makes obvious the characteristic of being in denial and being self-deluded. All of these qualities while remaining utterly invisible to the one doing them, become extremely obvious to others who read the material put online by the previous category.
When one makes demands of others that he himself refuses to abide by, that creates a double standard. It also demonstrates very clearly the level of dishonesty and deceit being openly promoted. People who come upon such a thing if they are themselves honest, note the changing conditions that the writer of such words uses in their spiel. That double standard denotes a lie in any and ever case that it happens. In many cases one who looks will find that there may be many further lies beyond the opening incident. And the harder the one who tries to sell the idea tries to defend what he has said, the more he makes himself look ever more dishonest, even if that one refuses to see or admit it.
Of course in the weaving of the deception, its creator generally cares much how the public perceives what he has wrought, it being a manifestation of that one's hubris. That person may also not care in the least just how far they have to go to weave the fiction of their choice as being believable, and they will insist upon what they have claimed, without any evidences, time and time again.
One who is within the stranglehold of his ego will do whatever they must to avoid facing the truth that stands just before them, often looking elsewhere to make certain they never have to directly focus their eyes upon their creation. Pursuing such activities for a long enough time undoubtedly brings negativity into that one's life, and each attempt they make to justify, or add to their creation, becomes naught but a weight they will carry around their necks until the day where they gain the courage to face what they have created and admit to it, nullifying it completely. Such an action is not one that happens often, as generally speaking such persons haven't the inner strength to look into the mirror straightforwardly, at an unadulterated picture of the truth of themselves. This can be an individual's hardest choice to make, and it often is neglected and ignored, and the potential benefits for growth lost entirely.
Anytime a person speaks of and lives by a double standard of ANY sort, it becomes self-evident that it is dishonesty, even in a case where an individual is unaware of this. At times even the unaware living by a double standard can do damage to others and cannot be excused. it is ALWAYS an individual's responsibility to discern such things as well as to know the difference between them. That is merely one aspect of the growth of awareness, often referred to as spiritual growth. The awareness of the acceptance of a double standard as well as the ability to rightfully discern one from it's opposite relate directly to one's state of awareness or consciousness and to the manner with which they interact with, and treat others.
The easiest to identify trait of one such as this, who lives by, and reacts to others through a double standard, is a hypocrite. No one enjoys being called one, and yet some folks still insist on being one, despite the fact that they refuse to ever admit it. This makes one wonder if they're doing it on purpose or are really that lacking in intelligence. It can be difficult to discern at times and even unbelievable. When one encounters such things in life, many might be best served by not interaction with such persons and keeping all inroads closed to them, that no such person can find a way to benefit by you from your openness. Others might find it necessary to confront such people openly so as to declare the truth of what they are doing, before removing their ability to do it, as well as to warn others that have not yet encountered the negative aspects that such persons most often bring with them. It does require a steadfast character as well as great amounts of patience and perseverance to deal with people that use these techniques to vampire on others.
Generally, the best defense is to remain open and aware, so as to recognize this type of behavior before one is drawn headlong into its middle, and then to become detached from,and shielded against any individual or groups of individuals that might use such behaviors to their own ends. Refuse to allow yourself to become victimized by such persons, and always pursue adequate avenues of protection and defense so as to protect one's own personal karmic state as well as to fully accept learning potentials and to not waste those to any degree. No one can enter the space of another to perform any negative actions with a negative motivation unless that individual first ALLOWS that person to. Remember that!