Find your Egyptian Denderah Zodiac Sign in the following chart by locating your birthday within the coordinating time span. Read your Character Essence according to your Egyptian Deity representative. The timetable for the Denderah Zodiac or the Pharaoh’s Signs of the Zodiac is courtesy of the Egyptian Government. The delineation for each sign is based upon a magical blend of Eastern/Western Zodiacal and Spiritual Philosophies. The Denderah Zodiac uses a different time frame than the Western Zodiac. Some of you will find that reading the deity sign following your “assigned” deity sign might be a better fit!
THOTH August 29-September 27 HORUS September 28-October 27 WADJET October 28-November 26 SEKHMET November 27-December 26 SPHINX December 27-January 25 SHU January 26-February 24 |
ISIS February 25-March 26 OSIRIS March 27-April 25 AMUN April 26-May 25 HATHOR May 26-June 24 PHOENIX June 25-July 24 ANUBIS July 25-August 28 |
Thoth or Tehuti (Djehuti) as he was known in ancient Egypt was the Ibis headed god of knowledge and right reasoning. He presided over time, analysis, and progress. He is considered a master teacher who initiates aspirants on the spiritual path of wisdom. Thoth is strongly associated with the Moon in ancient Egyptian lore and therefore his energy stimulates the imagination which fosters creative urges and psychic vision or foresight. Thoth individuals are versatile by nature. They are “answer people” who generally prefer to run the show from behind the scenes. Thothites are great organizers but not necessarily finishers and this is because they can be dissuaded easily by a logical argument. Others often seek Thoth out when they need sound advice and answers to problems. Pessimism and procrastination are the downfall of those born under Thoth. The memory of an elephant and the ability to handle crisis are among the gifts of this sign. The star SPICA is assigned to this energy. People born under the influence of this star are often brilliant with a scientific mind. Certainly not everyone can be born brilliant but his star suggests that there is usually a hidden talent or skill that is extraordinary.
Horus or Heru as he was known in ancient Egypt is the falcon headed god of the light/the rising sun. His energy is connected with risk taking, enterprise, and challenge. The myth of Horus surrounds a risky battle with the destroyer god Set who slew Osiris, the father of Horus. During this battle, Horus lost an eye which according to legend became a protective talisman due to the intervention of Thoth who found it and became the spiritual preceptor of it.* The battle of Horus and Set Horus is believed to represent the ongoing balancing of good and evil in the Universe. Horus individuals are good natured, considerate and highly protective of their loved ones. Horus people strive to get things done which they do with great aplomb. They are “people smart” and know how to skillfully maneuver their way around the block, the boss, and the bedroom. Optimism and a humanitarian streak are the gifts of this sign. Stubbornness, obstinacy, and lack of realism are the downfall of this sign. The star assigned to this energy is Zuben Elgenubi. It grants social skill and group involvement that tends towards reform or politics. The temptation for personal gain or power should be avoided so personal energies can flow positively.
*Note: The parts of the Eye add up to the answer 63/64 which in numerology breaks down to the number 1 representing wholeness and all knowing. (The Egyptian Book of the Dead – The Book of Coming Forth by Day by Dr. Muata Abhaya Ashby)
Wadjet or Utachat is the cobra goddess of Egypt . The legacy of her royal image is found in the Uraeus which adorns and creates the centerpiece of pharaoh’s crown. She is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Wadjet individuals are deep and intense people. They are always “thinking” and are adept at calculating the perfect time to exact plans and to “strike” with uncanny accuracy. Like the male god counterpart Thoth, Wadjet individuals are problem solvers and are often approached to apply their wisdom in finding the solutions that have escaped others. Wadjets like money and enjoy material goods and they will work long and tedious hours to supply themselves with what they desire. They are shrewd, self disciplined, and honest. They believe in a greater vision and seek the truth. The gift of Wadjet is loyalty and a good values system. The downfall of Wadjet is cynicism, arrogance and occasional lack of sympathy for others. The star assigned to Wadjet is the Royal star Antares. To the ancient Egyptians, this star represented life and death. This star also marked one of the four main points of the celestial calendar and the symbol for this star was often placed on tombs. The traits connected to ANTARES are the capability to generate success but only through a series of metaphoric “life and death” circumstances. The individual will go to extremes either positive or negative to achieve goals. Honoring “experience” rather than the thrill of drama is important.
Sekhmet is the lion headed goddess of war, protectress of the desert, and mistress of sacred fire known also as the Eye of Ra. She is a warrior and champion of the gods of Egypt . Although she is a potent and feared god she also has a loving side which is that of the healer. Esoterically, she paves the way for spiritual evolution by fighting and destroying the evil inherent in ignorance. She also heals the heart of mankind. Sekhmet individuals are loners preferring to face challenge alone. They are mentally agile and eloquent in speech and argument. It is never wise to argue too long with a Sekhmet individual… you’ll lose. Puzzles of all kinds are their forte. Energy abounds in Sekhmet people. They can run circles around others with reserve to spare. Athletes born under the energy of this deity excel physically and can out do any opponent. Physicians born under this energy are skillful and adept at understanding complex medical issues. Sekhmet people are naturally optimistic and visionary. Physically they often appear to be in forward motion – head ahead of body with piercing eyes that penetrate what lies ahead. The gift of Sekhmet is physical strength coupled with an inquiring mind. The downfall is impatience, a judgmental attitude, and impulsiveness. The star assigned to Sekhmet is RUKBAT. The influence of this star produces strength, steadiness, skill, and consistency. Stubbornness can be a problem unless it is channeled into long term goals which of course are Sekhmet’s ideal.
The mystical Sphinx whose Ancient Egyptian name is Hu (Heru in the Horizon) is a shape shifter and guardian of the treasures of Egypt . Sphinx individuals are adapters who can adjust themselves to any situation or person which can keep them out of trouble or lead them to it. The riddle of the Sphinx actually comes from Greek legend but none-the-less the mystic power of the Sphinx cannot be denied. All Sphinx people have a built in fraud detector and their perception and intuition is finely tuned. The power of discernment is one of the gifts of Sphinx as is a twinkling sense of humor. Sphinx people know how to create opportunities due to their sense of ambition, technical skills, and incredible powers of concentration. The downfall of Sphinx people is a tendency to be too old fashioned at times clinging onto to tradition when it would be better to move forward. They can also put others off when their authoritative manner is based on vanity rather than collective goal. The star assigned to Sphinx is DENED ALGEDI. The influence of this star produces orientation for justice and law giving. Wisdom and knowledge are best used in collective service in a leadership position.
Shu is the feather headressed god of air and space. Shu individuals are lovers and not fighters. They prefer harmony and peace above all else. Shu individuals are dramatic, showy, and unconventional. They make friends easily and work well on teams or in groups. Shu individuals are compassionate and will always lend an ear to a friend in need. Shu people enjoy change and movement. They will disrupt their own apple cart to bring about new jobs, and social situations. Shu people hate discord but they will take up the cause of a friend or the proverbial “underdog.” Even though Shu people are other oriented they will at times go underground and stay out of sight until they have processed their personal plight… Shu would never burden anyone else! Business acumen is a gift of this deity along with musical, dancing, and theatrical ability. The downfall of Shu energy is a tendency to be unrealistically idealistic and adversely too self conscious about failure which promotes indecision. The star assigned to Shu is SADALMELEK which means “Lucky One of the King.” The influence of this star does indeed indicate one who is lucky but more so one who knows how to win by making the right choices in life which ultimately leads to happiness and contentment.
Isis whose Ancient Egyptian name is Aset is the goddess of order. She is the mistress of Wisdom and Words of Power, Love and Cosmic Consciousness. She is also the patroness of sages and is a great healer. Isis was worshipped in Rome, Spain, Portugal, Gey, Gaul, Portugal, Switzerland and North Africa. She is without doubt the Grand Dame of Egypt . Isis individuals are imbued with practicality, intuition, and a non judgmental attitude. They patiently sift through information before choosing a course of action. Isis people are intelligent and hard working. They are also socially gracious, eloquent, and friendly. The gift of Isis is creative thinking with a philosophical leaning for truth and spiritual purpose. The downfall of Isis energy is tactlessness and wishful thinking. The star assigned to Isis is AL RESCHA. The influence of this star the ability to join different concepts together in union in order to gain greater knowledge and understanding.
Osiris whose Ancient Egyptian name is Asar is the god of the underworld. He is known as the Lord of the Perfect Black. This personifies the un-manifest regions of existence where the Higher Self is slain by ego through worldly involvement and the Soul struggles to regain a state of perfection. The energy of Osiris is the Alpha or beginning energy which manifests through the need to “be.” Osiris people are emotionally enigmatic and because of this they are often misunderstood. They are movers and shakers… energetic balls of energy with strong leadership capabilities. Osiris people are highly intelligent, quick-witted, humorous and walking/talking encyclopedias. They love to communicate, write and have a voracious reading appetite. They are also gifted speakers who can hold you enthralled with tales of their latest escapades. There is a bit of a hero in all Osiris people because they are genuinely interested in others and will take up the cause of those who are weaker by nature. The gifts of Osiris are an active intellect, self reliance, strength and leadership. The downfall of the Osiris energy is obstinacy, refusal to admit ignorance and cynicism. The star assigned to Osiris is HAMAL. The influence of this star bestows independence and strength of will and the ability to be focused and direct.
Amun is the creator god of Ancient Egypt . The concept of Amun not only became the central theme of ancient Egyptian religion and mystical philosophy but also influenced every world religion. Amun people are conscientious and resolute. They are born leaders but have some trouble in understanding those less capable than themselves. They are opinionated, practical and enterprising and can bargain better than a Wall Street trader. In business they have an uncanny knack for making money and can easily hold executive positions. The gifts of Amun are physical vitality, good health, and easy success. The downfall of the Amun energy is an overbearing and headstrong arrogant attitude which can lead to social disgrace. The star assigned to Amun is ALDEBARAN a Royal Star. The influence of this star indicates moral dilemmas which challenge integrity and honesty. The individual is often tempted to compromise their position either internally or externally. Failed integrity leads to loss. Upheld integrity leads to gain.
Hathor known as Hetheru in Ancient Egypt is the sun disc/cow horned headressed goddess of the land and sky. She is described as The Golden One and she represents the power of Ra which sustains the Universe. Hathor people are endowed with either great artistic talents or artistic leanings. In either case, art must have a practical application that can be used for recognition and achievement. Hathor people are dualistic by nature gravitating towards both the spiritual and the material. They love life and strive to live life to the fullest. When all is right in their world Hathor people are outgoing and their joy is contagious. Conversely, when things are not going well they can retreat into a world of dismay and disarray. The gifts of Hathor are a quick mind, intellectual expression, and a charming personality. The downfall of the Hathor energy is restlessness and lack of tolerance. The stars assigned to Hathor area CASTOR and POLLUX. These stars are dualistic by nature indicating that each situation of life will be seen either from a positive viewpoint with happiness and joy or a negative shadowy viewpoint with pain and
The Phoenix known in Ancient Egypt as Benu is the mystical symbol of life and rebirth. Its esoteric meaning is “glorified Soul-enlightened human being.” Phoenix individuals are resilient problem solvers concerned with the conservation of values. They have a great respect for nature. Phoenix people have excellent vitality and are very determined when engaging a task. Travel has great appeal to Phoenix people and because they are usually loners, they will gravitate towards secluded places. The emotional process of the Phoenix individual runs very deep. When they suffer it is unlikely that anyone will know because they will put up an optimistic front. No phoenix person can be dissuaded once his or her mind is set on a plan of action. They will follow through with conviction despite the worst adversity. The gift of Phoenix is the ability to transform the self through adaptability. The downfall of the Phoenix energy is wanting to do things one’s own way regardless of whether it is wrong or an inappropriate choice. The star assigned to Phoenix is ACUBENS. The nature of this star is esoteric and deals with concepts surrounding resurrection either spiritual or religious. It can also simply signify an optimistic attitude towards life or a love of life and the capability to “rise” above obstacles and be the ultimate survivor.
Anubis is the jackal-headed god known in Ancient Egypt as Anpu. Anubis is the Angel of Death and guardian of the underworld where he is the “judge of Souls.” He is the teacher of discriminative knowledge and what is real and what is not real. Anubis people are disciplined and discriminating. They are often entrepreneurial and display a self assured air of authority and control. Anubis people do their homework and are always prepared. It is not likely they would engage an enterprise without having thoroughly discerned it. Sometimes they will stick with a project or a person until long after the purpose has been served in an attempt to save what has been started. Anubis people also understand the importance of recreation and make sure to fit some “time out” into their schedules. The gifts of Anubis are creativity, a hospitable and sympathetic nature and family orientation. The downfall of the Anubis energy is obstinacy and disregard for the opinions and value systems of others. The star assigned to Anubis is the Royal Star REGULUS. The influence of Regulus is strong and it promises success and power in life if the individual can avoid stooping to revenge while aspiring to the heights.
Fixed Star information from Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady.
Ancient Egyptian historical information from The Egyptian Book of the Dead – The Book of Coming Fourth by Day by Dr. Muata Abhaya Ashby and Egyptian Birth Signs by Storm Constantine.