So unless you have been living under a rock, it’s hard to deny that the election rhetoric has been heating up lately. In a nutshell, the news cycle has been relentless. Let’s face it: there is a lot at stake here for both camps as much is invested by members of both parties. A loss for one party could potentially lead to feelings of fear and loss of control, as well as a sense of threatened core values. - Robert Glatter, MD
The expression "sick and tired" may have more meaning than ever before.
Take a deep breath, release – do it again. If necessary turn off the dang TV set! It's doubtful that anyone would disagree that the current election has more Americans engrossed in politcal shennanigans than ever before in fact some statistics suggest 80% have this election heavily on their minds. It has all become more than just an amusing reality tv show, it has become a fear platform with divided camps spewing disgust and hatred for those whose choices and opinions differ. From a different viewpoint, metaphysicians know it is not only an evolutionary shift for the good ole USA, it is also a collective karmic kick in the derierre. Will we get what we deserve? You betcha!
Some folks believe we are in a civil war but actually it's an uncivil war which many ways is worse because now more than ever before the emotional investment is extremely high on both sides … not very likely the losing side supporters are going to just shrug it off. Why is that? Consider the fact that each individual sees him/herself in a different way – a self definition, that infamous sense of self, that is not likely changed. We all have our doubts and regrets, which of course is nornal, but this election does one thing if nothing else – it challenges our long held ideas of who we are.
We define democrats one way and ponder republicans another way. And the nature of the arguments in today’s politics makes it increasingly difficult to listen to those we don’t agree with. The reality is it takes a great deal of energy, compassion, patience, and even courage to listen to others. – southwesthealth.org
Here are some helpful hints for dealing with Electionitis from http://southwest.org
- Learn the triggers that put you in fight or flight mode. Maybe it’s one of the candidates or a hot button issue. Maybe it’s the daily onslaught of media coverage, your Facebook feed, or turning on the radio as you drive into work.
- Recognize when you’re stressed. Your pulse may rise. You may feel literally hot under the collar. Your mind may race with all the fiery arguments against a terrible idea you’re hearing.
- If you can do the first two things above, the next step is to slow your mind by taking some deep breaths.
- Gently acknowledge the other point of view. Remind yourself to take a more kind approach. Stop thinking about the many reasons you believe differently and consider the opposing view more carefully. Consider those who hold the opposing view more compassionately, as people with families and struggles of their own. Ask yourself what might be a personal history of someone who is compelled to hold this different view?
- Challenge yourself to seek out different opinions. As you do, think about how defining yourself as you do constricts your own thinking and limits your access to world views different from your own.
Whichever way it goes, in the end and as events unfold with a new administration, we all will be questioning the truth more than ever before … and Karma will serve it up on a golden platter based upon our collective rap sheet. Just remember, karmic situations are always about personal growth. On the collective level, it always has a purpose and often offers an opportunity for a better cutural way.