He had his feet on the ground, but his head in the heavens.
Elvis Presley was a deeply spiritual person and was very interested in the metaphysical. He had an eclectic outlook on things. Although he never reportedly had any major alien experiences, he was certainly a believer and had a life-long interest in them.
Strange Birth
According to Michael C. Luckman, author of the recent book Alien Rock: The Rock 'N Roll Extraterrestrial Connection, people spotted “a strange unidentified blue light” that hovered in the sky over the home where Presley was born in Tupelo, MS. The light was reported by both Presley's father Vernon, and the doctor who delivered baby Elvis. The story was corroborated by the man who served as Elvis' hairstylist and mentor for twelve years. Larry Geller told AOL News that in the 1960s, Vernon Presley told him about the mysterious blue light. Evidently Vernon spotted the light when he took a break from the delivery and stepped outside for a cigarette at 2 a.m. –
Beings of Light and a White Jumpsuit
Luckman also claims the singer was "contacted telepathically by two alien beings when he was eight years old," who gave him a glimpse into his famous future, although he "had no idea what it all meant at the time".
They were beings of light that showed him what the future would be like. As a child, he
didn't realize what he was seeing, but they showed him like a motion picture, a little snippet of what his future would be like. He sees a man on stage in a white jumpsuit and he does not realize it, but figures out later that's himself. It also showed someone who was involved with karate. There was enough there that he began to understand it was him he was actually seeing. They informed him, and he believed, that he came from a blue star planet located in the Orion constellation. – Michael Luckman interview with Linda Moulton Howe
Larry Geller – who eventually became Elvis' 'spiritual mentor' – confirmed he had extraterrestrial experiences while he was with the singer, who was dubbed the King of Rock N Roll. Recounting a time they had been driving through the desert and saw unusual lights, he said, "They were moving far too quickly to be airplanes, so we just chalked it up to UFOs."
Renowned Elvis historian Cory Cooper, who's been researching the life and times of the rock 'n' roll icon for nearly 30 years, also verified the legend of the blue UFOs in Tupelo that night. He said he's personally heard that same story told multiple times by Geller and other insiders who were close to Elvis. However Cooper and Geller say the future prophecy given to Elvis according to Luckman was far-fetched. According to Geller, Elvis also amassed a personal collection of over 350 new age subject books including some about UFOs and he would bring a portable library with him on tours as he was a “practical mystic.” Geller said:
“Elvis and I read many hundreds of esoteric books together. We studied and discussed, searched and probed, always looking for answers to the unanswerable, each looking for his own purpose. Elvis and I learned many things from each other, as together we studied ancient wisdom and philosophy, religions of both East and West. Nothing was off bounds for our hungry minds. We practiced meditation and spiritual healing. We loved to play with numbers and words, creating new ways of finding mystical meaning in the ordinary. Mysticism spoke directly to Elvis’ fundamental desire to know what life was about, and thus it emerged naturally from the very marrow of his being.”
Elvis liked to gift others with books as well. As Peter Guralnick wrote in his Elvis biography Careless Love:
“…He gave Diane McBain an underlined copy of The Impersonal Life and spoke to her of the spiritual precepts of (Paramahansa) Yogananda; and he set out to save Deborah Walley, who had played the leading role in “Gidget Goes Hawaiian” and was at that time lost in a sea of spiritual doubt and confusion. He told her, “Look, we’ve only got this moment together, so let’s have it completely. No holding back. No wasting time on trivialities. I’ve got the word; I want to give it you. I’m not a man, I’m not a woman—I’m a soul, a spirit, a force. I have no interest in anything of this world; I want to live in another dimension entirely.”
The Numbers Game
According to Geller:
Another strong influence in Elvis’ life was the Book of Numbers by Cheiro, also known as Count Louis Hamon, one of the most celebrated and colorful metaphysical figures of the early twentieth century. Some of Cheiro’s clients included Mark Twain, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari, Oscar Wilde, President Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, King Edward VII of Great Britain, King Leopold l of Belgium, King Umberto I of Italy, Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra of Russia, Rasputin, Pope Leo XII, Herbert Kitchener, William Gladstone and Joseph Chamberlain.
While Elvis was as sincere about this as he was his other spiritual pursuits, this new game appealed to his boyish side as well and presented him with the opportunity for more generous gifts to his friends. Cheiro’s book explained the significance of birth dates and their related birthstones, so Elvis asked a local Las Vegas jeweler to bring in a variety of rings with precious and semiprecious stones. When the jeweler opened his huge case at Elvis’ request, not only the rings but also bracelets, necklaces, and other goodies spilled out onto the floor.
“All right, let’s see what you got, man.” Elvis was holding Cheiro’s book, according to which his own birth date of January 8 meant his birthstone was a black sapphire. He checked out my birthday, August 8. “Cheiro says you’re a black sapphire like me,” said Elvis.
The jeweler handed a beautiful sapphire ring to Elvis; he first tried it on his own finger, then gave it to me. It fit me perfectly.
“You see,” said Elvis, “it’s your ring.”
As each guy in the group came in, Elvis would verify his birth date, refer to Cheiro’s book, and ask the jeweler for the appropriate stone. The deliriously happy jeweler would quickly reach into his inventory for the ring with an opal or emerald or whatever stone was required.
Elvis found refuge in an exotic and mystical realm, as far from his world of the glittering lights of show business and the trappings of fame and fortune as you can get. Here his inner being felt at home, comfortable and safe.
Probing to uncover concealed meanings, Elvis sought to unlock hidden codes in words and phrases, unearthing new insights by rearranging letters. He came to understand that letters and numbers were keys to deeper communication.
Elvis read passages slowly and silently first, then read them aloud, as if he were trying in this way to impress their meaning on his consciousness. He would thumb through pages curiously, and then suddenly stop. When he was struck by a paragraph, sentence, or a word, he would underline it. Many of his books contain notations and reminders in their margins.
Night after night upstairs at Graceland, Elvis and I spent hours sweeping through ancient religious and wisdom texts. The science of numbers, letters, symbols, and cycles appealed to him because it explained and imposed a system on the universe. The more insights he had, the more he was able to bridge the gap between his religious upbringing and his new studies. He began to comprehend that the world truly was a conscious creation of God, complete with its own patterns and meanings. There was no such thing as coincidence; nothing happened by chance.
Elvis believed that the divine light is embodied in all of humanity, since we are all made “in the image of God,” that the image of God is hidden within everyone although most people remain unaware of Its presence.
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